01-26-2013, 12:30 AM
Join as a Dental Specialist, as a Medic you'll most likely end up in a combat arms unit (Infantry, Cav.. etc) doing exactly what they are doing. Don't get me wrong I'm in the INF, but our medics are always with us and they do all the Infantry type training... plus they do the medic stuff. I know several Army dental specialist (they run the staff) that have been serving for almost 20 years and will be retiring soon, they've deployed overseas but overall their years of service have been stress free.
I would recommend that you join as a Dental Specialist and continue your studies during your service, hell I would even tell you to consider retiring with 20 years of service... you'll still be young (46-47 years old). Good luck... hope this helps. Also, you can start as Dental and change MOS while in service.
Join as a Dental Specialist, as a Medic you'll most likely end up in a combat arms unit (Infantry, Cav.. etc) doing exactly what they are doing. Don't get me wrong I'm in the INF, but our medics are always with us and they do all the Infantry type training... plus they do the medic stuff. I know several Army dental specialist (they run the staff) that have been serving for almost 20 years and will be retiring soon, they've deployed overseas but overall their years of service have been stress free.
I would recommend that you join as a Dental Specialist and continue your studies during your service, hell I would even tell you to consider retiring with 20 years of service... you'll still be young (46-47 years old). Good luck... hope this helps. Also, you can start as Dental and change MOS while in service.