I currently live in China so I don't have the luxury of a testing center nearby. I had to study for all the DSST and CLEP exams and then take them all at once while on vacation in America. The only ones I worried about were the Money & Banking, Business law and both macro and micro economics. Here's my scores
Business Law 69
Macroeconomics 64
Microeconomics 56
Sociology 58
Analyzing and Interp Lit 72
Principles of Marketing 67
Psychology 69
Natural Sciences 62
Social Sciences & History 67
Principles of Management 65
Money & Banking 61
Intro to Business 446
Here's to your Health 456
Substance Abuse 465
Law Enforcement 67
Intro to Computing 460
Supervision 438
World Religion 475
Mgt Information Systems 454
Organizational Behavior 70
Human Resource Mgt 61
Business Ethics & Society 432
I took these all in the span of 4 days. Instantcert made it all possible for me and was well worth the money. I'm taking my final three tests this week before I go back to China. Then all I have to do is get my 6 FEMA credits and take 6 classes online and TESC will be mailing me a degree. If anyone reading this is working on Money & Banking or Business Law I posted flashcards in excel spreadsheets in the exam specific feedback for those tests. Best of luck everyone
Business Law 69
Macroeconomics 64
Microeconomics 56
Sociology 58
Analyzing and Interp Lit 72
Principles of Marketing 67
Psychology 69
Natural Sciences 62
Social Sciences & History 67
Principles of Management 65
Money & Banking 61
Intro to Business 446
Here's to your Health 456
Substance Abuse 465
Law Enforcement 67
Intro to Computing 460
Supervision 438
World Religion 475
Mgt Information Systems 454
Organizational Behavior 70
Human Resource Mgt 61
Business Ethics & Society 432
I took these all in the span of 4 days. Instantcert made it all possible for me and was well worth the money. I'm taking my final three tests this week before I go back to China. Then all I have to do is get my 6 FEMA credits and take 6 classes online and TESC will be mailing me a degree. If anyone reading this is working on Money & Banking or Business Law I posted flashcards in excel spreadsheets in the exam specific feedback for those tests. Best of luck everyone