08-22-2012, 09:57 AM
Publius Wrote:Not sure the exact time limit, but you're right, it doesn't allow us to edit the posts after so long.
As far as the posts numbered in order from bottom to top, you can go to your settings (upper right hand corner), go to general settings (lower left), and scroll though till you find Thread Display Options and change the default.
One of the questions I've always had is why are all the "views" on each thread messed up? By messed up, I mean that they always have just one more then the # posts in the thread. It looks like it used not to be this way.
I believe the time limit is currently 24 hours to edit any post. (That was changed some time ago, and it may be different at other forums.) The only thing that can't be edited once they are started is the main thread title.
Good advice on display options.
I wondered if I was the only one who had trouble with the views count. That changed when the forum was upgraded (added Like, friends, etc.) about a year ago.
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