08-03-2012, 07:22 AM
I just finished all of my CLEPs. I used all kinds of books and study materials, but always the REA guide as a foundation. Next I am on to the DSST exams I need. Is there a basic summary textbook for these also that would be similar to the REA guides? I see some written by Rudman on Amazon, but they do not have very good reviews. Thank you.
Andy from Ohio, working towards BA in History from TESC in 2013 - DONE!
CCC: Criminal Law (A), Life of Christ (A), Men of the Bible (A), Women of the Bible (A), Spanish I (A)
CLEPs: Analyzing & Interpreting Lit. (74), Natural Sciences (73), College Math (73), U.S. History I (71), Natural Sciences & History (70), Introductory Psychology (69), American Government (67), Microeconomics (67), U.S. History II (66), Humanities (66), Chemistry (65), Biology (64), Composition (64), Western Civ. II (63), Western Civ. I (62), Info. Sys. (62), Macroeconomics (61)
FEMAs: 120, 130, 139, 230, 235, 240, 241, 242, 244
DSSTs: History of Vietnam War (67), Intro. to Modern Middle East (65), Western Europe Since 1945 (62), Rise and Fall of Soviet Union (60)
TESC: War and American Society (A), Capstone (A)
CCC: Criminal Law (A), Life of Christ (A), Men of the Bible (A), Women of the Bible (A), Spanish I (A)
CLEPs: Analyzing & Interpreting Lit. (74), Natural Sciences (73), College Math (73), U.S. History I (71), Natural Sciences & History (70), Introductory Psychology (69), American Government (67), Microeconomics (67), U.S. History II (66), Humanities (66), Chemistry (65), Biology (64), Composition (64), Western Civ. II (63), Western Civ. I (62), Info. Sys. (62), Macroeconomics (61)
FEMAs: 120, 130, 139, 230, 235, 240, 241, 242, 244
DSSTs: History of Vietnam War (67), Intro. to Modern Middle East (65), Western Europe Since 1945 (62), Rise and Fall of Soviet Union (60)
TESC: War and American Society (A), Capstone (A)