03-24-2012, 11:04 AM
Hello, I have question I would like to ask regarding the CLEP pre-calc test. I wanted to take this exam because I feel that I can get at least a 50 or better on it. The college I plan on going to, LCC or Lansing Community College will grant credit precalc II & placement in Calc I if I score a 50 or better on the exam. My plan is to double major in Physics & Chemistry, starting at LCC then transferring to Michigan State. Currently, I am excelling in Precalc right now (I'm a senior about to graduate in two months). Is there anyone here who has taken this exam before? If so, how hard is it? From what I've heard, the test mainly examines on Functions, Trigonometry & some Analytic Geometry (Conics sections). I was going to take this test in about 3 weeks, on Friday April 13th to be exact. Am I on the right track as to how I am studying? I have been reviewing some algebra 2 material like absolute value, quadratic functions & radical equations as well as some conic sections by doing practice problems. What Else should I expect or anticipate for this exam? Wish me luck when I take the exam soon!