I took- (forgot I took Business Comm so my count is actually 8)
Biology non lab
Western Civ
Intro to Criminal Justice
Anatomy and Physiology
Bus Comm
I finished Intro to Business yesterday (no book used)and am about 1/4 way through Accounting I and plan on finishing that today. Next up is Accounting II and then Managerial Accounting.
Books were bought at half dot com or used off Amazon. Biology I used a book from the library and Intro to CJ no book. I enrolled in the 99/month deal and used coupons to purchase some of the classes.
I like the SL format since it allows me to either go through the lessons if I don't know the subj or move right on to the tests if I do. Most of them take 3-7 hours of direct work to complete.
For me SL is a great resource.
Biology non lab
Western Civ
Intro to Criminal Justice
Anatomy and Physiology
Bus Comm
I finished Intro to Business yesterday (no book used)and am about 1/4 way through Accounting I and plan on finishing that today. Next up is Accounting II and then Managerial Accounting.
Books were bought at half dot com or used off Amazon. Biology I used a book from the library and Intro to CJ no book. I enrolled in the 99/month deal and used coupons to purchase some of the classes.
I like the SL format since it allows me to either go through the lessons if I don't know the subj or move right on to the tests if I do. Most of them take 3-7 hours of direct work to complete.
For me SL is a great resource.