Very interesting video, Andy. I'm thinking I want to look more into this unschooling. It really jives with a lot of things that I've thought all my life.
Or I could do the Matt Foley approach!
Jennifer, I live in New York. I looked at the homeschooling website you recommended... looks like a lot of work in this state. We might be moving south in the next year though, so....
Frankie, it's occurred to us that more serious problems might exist, but both her mom and I are very skeptical of a lot of learning disability diagnoses (or at least their frequency). We're just gonna continue to watch her and see what happens! Thanks for your post though!
Or I could do the Matt Foley approach!
Jennifer, I live in New York. I looked at the homeschooling website you recommended... looks like a lot of work in this state. We might be moving south in the next year though, so....
Frankie, it's occurred to us that more serious problems might exist, but both her mom and I are very skeptical of a lot of learning disability diagnoses (or at least their frequency). We're just gonna continue to watch her and see what happens! Thanks for your post though!
Graduated 2/17/11: BS in Business, Concentration: General Business from Excelsior College
EXAMS/COURSES TAKEN: UB - Principles of Comm - C | UB - US History II - C | AS - Freshman Comp - C | CLEP Humanities - 70 | CLEP College Math - 66 | CLEP Bio - 70 | CLEP Psych - 74 | CLEP American Gov - 68 | CLEP Social Sciences - 73 | CLEP Microeconomics - 72 | CLEP Macroeconomics - 74 | CLEP Management - 72 | DSST Supervision - 457 | DSST HRM - 70 | DSST OB - 75 | ALEKS College Algebra - 78% | ALEKS Intro to Statistics - 71% | CSU Pueblo 311 MGMT - A | SL Accounting I - A | SL Accounting II - A | DSST Finance - 458 | DSST M&B - 63 | CLEP Intro Business Law - 71 | DSST Business Law II - 79 | CLEP Info Systems - 73 | DSST MIS - 481 | DSST Business Ethics - 458 | DSST Intro to Business - 461 | DSST Environment - 70 | CLEP Marketing - 71 | CLEP A&I - 73 | SL Sociology - 98% | SL Intro to Criminal Justice - 96% | SL Western Civ I - 92% | Excelsior BUS 495 - A
Degree plan.
Graduated 2/17/11: BS in Business, Concentration: General Business from Excelsior College
EXAMS/COURSES TAKEN: UB - Principles of Comm - C | UB - US History II - C | AS - Freshman Comp - C | CLEP Humanities - 70 | CLEP College Math - 66 | CLEP Bio - 70 | CLEP Psych - 74 | CLEP American Gov - 68 | CLEP Social Sciences - 73 | CLEP Microeconomics - 72 | CLEP Macroeconomics - 74 | CLEP Management - 72 | DSST Supervision - 457 | DSST HRM - 70 | DSST OB - 75 | ALEKS College Algebra - 78% | ALEKS Intro to Statistics - 71% | CSU Pueblo 311 MGMT - A | SL Accounting I - A | SL Accounting II - A | DSST Finance - 458 | DSST M&B - 63 | CLEP Intro Business Law - 71 | DSST Business Law II - 79 | CLEP Info Systems - 73 | DSST MIS - 481 | DSST Business Ethics - 458 | DSST Intro to Business - 461 | DSST Environment - 70 | CLEP Marketing - 71 | CLEP A&I - 73 | SL Sociology - 98% | SL Intro to Criminal Justice - 96% | SL Western Civ I - 92% | Excelsior BUS 495 - A
Degree plan.