03-13-2007, 12:31 PM
ChristaKB Wrote:SimonTam is right, the main problem with the AP exams is where and when you can take them. I tried to take them but could not find anybody to talk to about it. I left messages with every AP exam coordinator in my school districts and some outside it, and nobody would even return my calls :mad: .
The other problem I see with it is that I am 34 years old and from my experience taking the ACT test at my local high school about 2 years ago, I know sitting in with teenagers and getting the weird looks and stares is no fun whatsoever (I did end up with a 28 for my complete ACT (with a 32 in English) so I guess I probably did better than 90% of them, but I only found that out later). At the time sitting there was just really intimidating and I would not like to do that again. Just my 2cts!
some schools dont accept CLEP or DANTES exam and have their own faculty sponsered tests ....Otherwise , a majority of them accept AP exams...
If you can pass a good number of those AP exams depending on your expertise of study; you can get 45 credit hours as much as a CLEP or a DANTE....
look at the Univ of Chicago .....they only accept the AP exams ...and its an expensive university .....If you pass those exams ; you save yourself alot of money with a big name school ...