02-24-2007, 06:33 PM
Southron Boy Wrote:I passed the Introductory Sociology CLEP this morning with a 72 after four days of study. I was homeschooled in highschool and have never taken a class on sociology, nor had I any real experience with this subject. Just a few notes (mostly reinforcing what others have already said on this forum) for those that are thinking about taking this one:
- InstantCert is enough to pass! Make sure you can apply the principles in IC and you shouldn't have a problem. IC covered probably 75-85% of what I needed to know.
- However, I would recommend further studying in Wikipedia and some other sources for reinforcement. I also studied terms in an old encyclopedia and also made flash cards (on index cards) of terms, sociologists and their works, sociologists and their theories/identifying themes, etc. I didn't use these much for drill, but there is something said for physically writing by hand versus typing on the computer to solidify material in your mind.
- Make sure you know the major players and their works!
- Gauge your self with the free Peterson's subject exams. I have found Peterson's general exams to be inaccurate, but the subject exams were very good! I took two Petersons practice tests and received a 70 and 67, respectively. I didn't feel completely prepared before I took the real test. I knew I had holes in areas.
- Remember, they are testing your knowledge of Introductory Sociology material. They don't what you to quote several pages of Weber's The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism. They are testing your familiarity with main players and your understanding and application of basic concepts.
I plan to take this test next week and I am nervous, could you tell us if it had
questions related to statistics? (demographics, etc.)
Thanks in advance.