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DSST Bus Law II and Bus. Ethic & Society
I'm taking these two tests on 08/21/2010. Did any one take these exams and if so how was it and what material did you use for study.

I took the Business Ethics and Society a couple weeks ago. I just used the feedback on the Forum, Wikipedia, and IC. That was more than enought for me to pass. I am taking BL II next month
rubbersoul Wrote:I took the Business Ethics and Society a couple weeks ago. I just used the feedback on the Forum, Wikipedia, and IC. That was more than enought for me to pass. I am taking BL II next month

In scale of 1 to 10 how was the test. How useful was the information in IC?. If you don't mind what was your score, and how many hours/days did you spend studying for the test.

Thank you
There were some long and wordy questions that didn't make sense to me, but overall I'd say it was about a 4 for me (If 1 is the easiest). The IC stuff helped get me in the correct mindset to apply the material that I learned from the Board and Wikipedia. Also, one of the users posted a great study guide that was very helpful.

I studied about an hour a day for 2 weeks straight. I got a 456 on the Exam. I think it helped that I had taken Principles of Management, Principles of Supervision, HR Management, and Organizational Behavior prior to this exam. Those exams touch on some of the concepts of Business Ethics.
aosmond - I am taking the ethics DSST next Monday - how did you fare? Did you use any other study materials outside of IC?
enmajors1 Wrote:aosmond - I am taking the ethics DSST next Monday - how did you fare? Did you use any other study materials outside of IC?

I took it this past Saturday and I passed with good score. I used the IC and also I took the sample test that DSST gives which cost me only $5.00 and I think both of these were very helpful, specially the IC flash cards. Let me know if you have any other questions.
enmajors1 Wrote:aosmond - I am taking the ethics DSST next Monday - how did you fare? Did you use any other study materials outside of IC?

Here is the link for the practice test.

Good luck
I am new to the forum. What does "IC" stand for?
Also, can I read somewhere in the forum on answers of the practice test?
Regenschirm Wrote:Hello,
I am new to the forum. What does "IC" stand for?
Also, can I read somewhere in the forum on answers of the practice test?

IC stands for Instant Cert and here is the link Instantcert: Dantes/Dsst Online Study Guides
They charge small fee where you can read all the answers in for each question.

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