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Human Growth and Development CLEP
Whew - I just finished the Human Growth and Development CLEP today...Scored a 59 - it was a REALLY Tough Test.

I highly recommend that those interested in taking the test find some additional literature on Infant development issues as this test really hit this area hard, and if I would not have already been a nurse, I think I would of had an even harder time than I did...

Thats just my two cents...Smile

I scored 72 in a week using only InstantCert's materials; HOWEVER, I had already taken classes in Psychology and Anthropology. I also took the Sociology CLEP before this one. If you have any of those under your belt you don't need to worry quite as much because the material overlaps a lot.

[QUOTE=abner]Whew - I just finished the Human Growth and Development CLEP today...Scored a 59 - it was a REALLY Tough Test.

I highly recommend that those interested in taking the test find some additional literature on Infant development issues as this test really hit this area hard, and if I would not have already been a nurse, I think I would of had an even harder time than I did...

Thats just my two cents...Smile

There is another thread called human growth and development, and the people there said that they only used instantcert and nothing else and that instantcert covered everything for this exam
hi can anyone give me any tips on how to study for the human growth developmental psychology exam. I purchased Rea clep review book. i took two exams from the back of the book and scored 58. i also order test prep online called cleptestreview. i am now trying out this incert website. i forgot to mention i also purchase the developing person through the life span book. please help me!!!!
i would say you are on the right track. i studied for this test using the REA book, a lifespan textbook, IC flashcards, and the free Peterson practice tests. You don't give much information in your post as to how much background you have going into this test?? Have you taken any psych cleps or dssts yet? Usually they overlap and that will help. Have you taken Intro to Psych? I took Human Growth Dev Clep pretty much from scratch-- I hadn't taken a psych course in 25 yrs so I really had to study to review all the topics covered. The thing I would recommend the MOST is Specific Exam Feedback on this forum--if you are a paying member you can access it. People post in there what they studied and any tips. Also the Peterson tests!! They really help you gauge how well you know the material. If you are scoring in the 70's on those tests you are probably ready for the real thing. And the best part is they are FREE. Take them you won't regret it!! They also give you the rationale for the correct answer which also helps you study.
thanks for the information. i took intro psychology and nursing psychology thats it. i dont have that much psycology background. i went on the peterson website to order the tests, but it ask me to pay for it. can u please give me the website for me to take it for free. how long did it take u to study for human growth and developmental clep.this is my first clep exam. thankyou in advance!!!!
intro to psych will definitely be a help--many of these tests overlap... so that is good that you have a little background. Go to www. At the top of the page you will see Clep Practice Tests-- click on that and it will show you how to access the free tests!! This will help you A LOT! Also, if you are a paying member of Instacert you can access 'Specific Exam Feedback' -- this will give you tips from other members that have taken the test-- they will help you what to zero in on. Also, when you go to the website I listed above, they have tons of tips what to study. I hope this helps!!! Smile
thanks you so much for your help!!!!
chromo Wrote:I scored 72 in a week using only InstantCert's materials; HOWEVER, I had already taken classes in Psychology and Anthropology. I also took the Sociology CLEP before this one. If you have any of those under your belt you don't need to worry quite as much because the material overlaps a lot.



I will be taking the Psychology CLEP next Tuesday, and have already taken the Sociology CLEP and passed it. With these two under my belt, do you feel I'll be able to pass HG&Development without extra studying?

English Composition w/Essay - 52
Humanities - 61
Spanish - 78
Biology - 50
Sociology - 51
Psychology - 61
Human Growth & Development: 52
Educational Psychology: 60
Information Systems & Computer Applications: 53


Major: Nursing (RN)

Rejoice in the Lord always, and again I say rejoice. Let your gentleness be evident to all - the Lord is near. Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything through prayer and supplication present your requests to God. And the peace of God which trespasses all understanding will guard your heart and mind in Christ Jesus. (Phillipians 4 NIV)
I am taking the Human Growth and Development CLEP on the 17th of June and have just taken the General Psych class at school this past semester, which hopefully will give me a better foundation for taking the CLEP.

I am totally new to CLEPPING. What is the passing score for Human Growth and Development? Or are do all CLEPS have the same passing score? ETA: Weell, I did use the search feature before I posted this, but I found somewhere suggesting to contact the school you want the credits at, and I did so and got some numbers from them.

I'm pretty excited about this. I will be using this site for at least two more CLEPS (there aren't many that the school allows, otherwise I'd do more!) and it will be so awesome not to have to sit through semesters of these classes.

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