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Ethics in America, I just passed!!!!
I just took and passed the Ethics in America DSST. I scheduled the test Monday and took it Thursday. I really didn’t study very much. I went through each of the 8 instacert tests once or twice. I probably spent 6 or 7 hours total preparing. The test was the new online format and I got my results instantly. I did have one hang up, my pc locked up with 3 minutes to go. When they rebooted it my time had expired, good thing I was totally finished before then. I was surprised by the number of essay based scenarios. The test was 111 questions and i think 85% was scenario based. There were about 10 different scenarios that were repeated. Every scenario based question had Yes/No answers. Maybe 15 questions were multiple choice and were based on the founding principals. My score was a 54 a 43 was required to pass. Two more classes to complete and I walk in December!


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ShotoJuku +
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Shoto's Passing Your Exam Advice Here --->
God Bless The USA :patriot:
Congratulations! I believe you are the only one who'd taken the computer test on Ethics in America. So, I've gather you had enough time to complete the test.
Were you pressure by the time at all?
I thought for sure that I would run out of time but I had plenty. I went completely through the test and had 45 minutes left. I went back through from start to finish again reviewing all my answers. Once I read the essay once or twice I only need to focus on the question when it reappeared.
I don't know about others who took this test, but I studied hard for this one (like 2 weeks) since there was a lot of memorization required. Level of difficulty for me was "medium", but I felt I still pulled off a passing score. I won't know what my score is until 2-3 weeks from now, but here's what I can say: Know and learn the philosophers and their philosophies really well. IC was on the nose on this one as it covered most if not all the material needed. There were some posts on the IC forums that were helpful, but again follow the DSST fact-sheet's outline when reviewing.

Off to Here's to your Health next....!

I've taken the "ethic in america" two weeks ago and personally I think I'd failed. I won't know for sure until the test result come in.
wannabeit Wrote:I've taken the "ethic in america" two weeks ago and personally I think I'd failed. I won't know for sure until the test result come in.
I bet you did fine. Smile Most people are unsure when they leave the testing center. Keep us posted. That's next on my list after Princ of Finance.
Taking the Road Less Traveled
The Journey of A Thousand Miles Starts with The First CLEP

BS-Psychology - Excelsior College
Enrolled in the School of Business, BS in Accounting
After MIS I'll be halfway there!
72 CLEP Credits, 21 DSST Credits, 25 ECE Credits (Including Inf Lit), 6 TESC Credits, 2 FEMA Credits = 126 Total
Withholding 6 Credits for Accounting = 120 for Psychology
12 credits completed toward my accounting degree
HUMMM are they still handing out paper tests? WAzUPWITDAT? Mine was the pc based test. I used the U of Texas testing center. They told me that all DSST test were pc based. Funny thing about this test is that not all the questions are questions. An essay may discuss war but never truly ask a ethical question, you would only see a yes no choice but never a question. At times this left me scratching my head wondering what they were looking for. I found that there was very little memorization required. Less than 10% was based on history of i.e. Aristotle believed _______. with 4 m/c answers. Most questions were based on applying different types of ethics, i.e. some essay with question at the end that might ask does this apply to the Kantian belief. The IC cards test 7-9 are a great example of what the test will be like, except all answers are yes or no.

Most of the material on this test was new to me. Again I only took about 2-3 days of light reading the flash cards before I took the test.

Maybe the pc based is an easier test.

Ethics in America is my next DSST I plan on taking. From what I'm reading, IC is all you really need. Is this accurate? Any additional info I might need to know? I think I'll be taking the paper test, is there any difference b/w that an the computer based test? Thanks everyone.
I only used Instacert to study and I did pass. My brother took the paper version about a year and a half ago. He can’t remember anything so he wasn’t much help when I was studying. When I finished the test I was discussing some of the essays with him, and he recalled a few. This tells me that there probably isn’t much difference. He took the paper version without any studying; he just signed up and took it. I think you will do just fine with instacert only, you probably will not score an 80 but you will pass.

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