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Its time- finally!!! Critique please.
Good Evening Everyone.
I have been lurking around the site for way too long, w/o doing anything to better myself. I guess my mind thinks that if I read enough about “how” to do it, it will just happen w/o me ever taking the next step. Anyway – it’s time to pull the trigger.
If at all possible, can some of you take a look at my plan and critique it a little? Here is some info about my goals and plan:

- I am trying to get a BA with a Major in History, depth in Psychology from ECU.
- I am trying to do everything or as much as possible by testing.
- I am trying to take the easiest classes possible in order to fulfill the degree. In the plan, I posted the military pass rate as these are the only statistics I could find. Not trying to start anything about military pass rates, but hopefully they can steer me in the right direction. I know “easy” is subjective but…

*** Can anyone think of any classes that I can substitute for something on my plan that’s easier?????

Any suggestions or feedback would be greatly appreciated.
I also want to thank everyone who replied to my previous couple questions and to those who posted there “outlines” for me to go by.
Thank you- Brad

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Hi, Brad! I'm just starting myself (enrolled two weeks ago and got 3 exams taken) so take my advice with a grain of salt. :p

I noticed that you didn't have clep Intro to Sociology on your list. I don't know how it ranks on the military pass rate %s, but everyone in the exam specific forum says it's easily one of the easiest test around! Speaking of which, I highly recommend getting the IC membership once you start testing if you don't have it already. The exam specific feedback is invaluable.

The other one that people repeatedly say is easy is technical writing. That sounded odd to me, but I can send you more info on what I've found out if you're interested. It's an applied professional course, so it'd have to replace one of the ones you have on that list if you choose to take it. Of the ones on that list, The Vietnam war is supposed to be a killer.

If you're looking for another upper level, I hear that Cultural Diversity (ECE) isn't supposed to be too bad and dovetails well with World Population, which is already on your list.

Mind if I ask you a question? I'm shooting for a focus in History and I noticed that you had World Population on your list for a history fulfillment. Do you know for sure that it fulfills a history requirement? I didn't think it did, but I don't know for sure and would love to be wrong! I'd like to skip the Vietnam War test myself, so World Population would be a great replacement if it does count.
A couple notes -

English Comp - If you write well, I would advise looking at the Uexcel College Writing test. It's 2 essays in 2 hours. And it costs $85 compared to the $345 for the ECE. You can also access the same MyAccess! practice software for $30 for 3 months (you get it for free with the ECE, but still, the cost difference is astounding.)

Information Literacy - Definitely go with Penn Foster here. $90 for the course, you can usually start the day after you order the course, you get a free transcript sent to Excelsior when done, and you can finish it easily in a couple hours. I will say that a couple of the questions on the first of the two non-proctored tests were worded strangely for me. The Project (the second test) is cake though. Just don't make the same initial mistake I did and call the main number and try and sign up. You need to call the Business and Industrial Division at 1-800-233-0259.

College Algebra - ALEKs ALEKs ALEKs... $20/month (+$40 for the ACE transcript) but you can learn at your own pace and knock out the course (or courses) on your own time. You once you're done with the Math course(s) of your choice (EC will accept up to 3 courses below Calc level) if you're feeling brave, you can also knock out Statistics, which should get you 3 UL Arts & Sciences credits, and does not count as a math course. This leads me to the next suggestion.

College Mathematics - As much as I personally hated this test, its rated as being easier than the College Algebra, worth 6 credits, and between this and ALEKs you could get 12 Natural Science credits for 3 classes (which, as I said, is the limit for math credits below Calc level at EC.)

If you like to read, I would also suggest adding English Lit and American Lit into the mix... Those two are worth 6 credits each, and with a bit of study, are pretty moderate tests.

Good luck!
Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Wile E. Coyote, genius. I am not selling anything nor am I working my way through college, so let's get down to basics: you are a rabbit and I am going to eat you for supper. Now don't try to get away, I am more muscular, more cunning, faster and larger than you are, and I am a genius, while you could hardly pass the entrance examinations to kindergarten, so I'll give you the customary two minutes to say your prayers.

Bachelor of Science in PsychoRabbitology degree
Master of Education with a specialty in Rabbit-specific destructive munitions (or eLearning & Technology, I forget which)
Doctor of Philosophy in Wile E. Leadership with an area of specialty in Acme Mind Expansion - 2017 Hopefully
Why not the ECE American Dream instead of the ECE World Population?

Otherwise, I think your plan looks great. Good job!
[SIZE="6"]~~ Alissa~~[/SIZE]
[size="4"]"Whether you think you can or think you can’t, you’re right." - - Henry Ford[/size]
BS Liberal Studies, Excelsior College May 2009
Current website favorite:
Okay, this is from the Liberal Arts Catalog for the Major in History. For a quick reference, the information is also available in the Guidelines for the Major in History. These documents are available under Publications in the MyEC account.

"I. Core Requirements
A. Survey course in American History
B. Introductory-level course (two semesters) in Western Civilization, World History, or the equivalent...
C. At least one course that directly or indirectly addresses the nature of historical inquiry or research..."

It sounds like you've got the Core Requirements covered.

"II. Intermediate and upper-level courses (at least six) including at least one course in each of the major areas of concern in history and four courses in one of the following areas:
A. United States History...
B. European History...
C. Non-Western World History...

III. Electives"

Example courses are listed for each category. Note that ECE World Conflicts since 1900 counts as an Elective.

Here are some examples of how exams may be used to meet the requirements:

A. United States History
1. DSST Civil War & Reconstruction
2. DSST A History of The Vietnam War*
3. ECE American Dream (6 credits)

B. European History
1. DSST Rise and Fall of the Soviet Union*
2. DSST Western Europe since 1945
3. Ohio U Ancient Greece (2.67 credits)
4. Ohio U Ancient Rome (2.67 credits)

C. Non-Western History
1. DSST Introduction to the Modern Middle East
2. DSST A History of the Vietnam War*
3. Ohio U Ancient Egypt & Mesopotamia (2.67 credits)

*Note that DSST A History of the Vietnam War can reasonably be expected to qualify as a US History or as a Non-Western History, since the exam covers both American and East Asian history. One could attempt to argue that the DSST Rise & Fall of the Soviet Union covers content in both Europe and Asia, so this exam might be able to be argued as a Non-Western History as well, but definitely as a European History.

ECE World Population is a sociology exam, not a history exam, and will not count toward the history major.

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