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I'm 0 for 3 on CLEPS
I've taken 3 CLEPS in 1 month and I failed every one. It's over an hour drive for me to the test site. The drive back after you fail is a lot like the feeling you have after losing money in Las Vegas. You have knots in your stomach. I know I should slow down but I'm taking 12 credits with TESC right now and I just want some extra credits without affecting my classes. Kudos to all those who have passed their CLEPS and DSST"s. Hopefully, I can get one under my belt tomorrow, Intro. to Law Enforcement DSST. I'm even getting superstitious now, I think I'll wear a light colored shirt tomorrow. Wish me luck!

Here's my shameful scores

A&I Literature 44 (no studying just reviewed literary terms)
Humanities 48 (used IC, CLEP Study guide) Ouch this one hurt the most!
Spanish Language 47 (no studying took HS and College Spanish over 15 years ago)
I know your pain. I am 0-7.

I have missed everyone by 1-2 points

I wish I could say ive gotten better.. but I took A&I today and wont find out score for 6-8weeks.

Dont give up! Study more and you will be rewarded
6 Month Planner
Princples of Marketing
Macroeconomics- Taking online Current grade 88%
Princples of management- Currently studying 1st
College Algebra- 48
Intro To fiction
Intro To Computing- 440/400
A&I- PASS! 52/50 Big Grin
Astronomy- Finish class 90%
English Comp- 54 passssss!
Freshman Comp- 56/50 =D
taylor Wrote:I know I should slow down ...

yeah...CLEPS and DSST are made to give you college credit for what you know, and I can't image that you are retaining and learning anything on the pace you're trying to knock them off on. Think of them like college summer courses - give it the same intense 1-2 hrs study a day for 5 weeks and you'll have no reason to have knots in your stomach.
Instead of studying for four exams simultaneously, maybe try one at a time.
[SIZE="1"]CLEP: Sociology - 70, A&I Literature - 64, DSST: CJ - 455
BS Psychology - Peru State College - May 2011
AA - Riverland Community College - May 2009
Computer Network Admin Diploma - Hawkeye Community College
CompTIA A+ Certified[/SIZE]
taylor Wrote:I've taken 3 CLEPS in 1 month and I failed every one. It's over an hour drive for me to the test site. The drive back after you fail is a lot like the feeling you have after losing money in Las Vegas. You have knots in your stomach. I know I should slow down but I'm taking 12 credits with TESC right now and I just want some extra credits without affecting my classes. Kudos to all those who have passed their CLEPS and DSST"s. Hopefully, I can get one under my belt tomorrow, Intro. to Law Enforcement DSST. I'm even getting superstitious now, I think I'll wear a light colored shirt tomorrow. Wish me luck!

Here's my shameful scores

A&I Literature 44 (no studying just reviewed literary terms)
Humanities 48 (used IC, CLEP Study guide) Ouch this one hurt the most!
Spanish Language 47 (no studying took HS and College Spanish over 15 years ago)

Ugh, I hate that feeling! I failed macroeconomics the day before our family reunion last June... The long drive home was depressing. It's even worse when you [i]almost[/] pass(I got a 47). I'm taking that CLEP again in a week or two, here's hoping I pass! Good luck with your TESC courses, and have fun with that test tomorrow!
Never Alone,
Isaiah Roberts
25 FEMA Credits
CLEPs- English Comp. with Essay,Analyzing and Interpreting Lit,Microeconomics,Social Sciences and History,American History 1,Computer Concepts and Applications
UEXCEL-PolySci, Psychology
Total= 67 Credits
Working toward a BA in English

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