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Questions about TESC BA in Liberal Studies/History
Hello! I'm trying to assemble my very eclectic college experience over the past 20 years into a bachelor's through TESC. I'm a bit confused over the requirements and I was hoping someone could help. I was thinking of a BA in Liberal Studies with a focus in History. Here's what I have so far:

US Navy Aviation Electronics schools
From the SMART transcript I have it appears all 27 Free Electives will be covered. I was planning on doing FEMA courses for any that may not be.

Community College
English 101
Spanish 101, 102, 201, 202
ITE 100 Introduction to Information Systems
English 251 Survey of World Literature I
History 269 Civil Ware & Reconstruction
BLD 101 Construction Management I

American Government
American History I & II
Western Civilization I
English w/ Essay
Social Sciences & History

I'm planning on taking the following exams over the next few months:

Natural Sciences
College Mathematics
Humanities (not sure if I need this one or not)

Rise & Fall of the Soviet Union
History of the Vietnam War
Introduction to the Middle East
Western Europe Since 1945

From what I can tell, this leaves 6 credits more needed in history. Does this sound right? Can I take them at the community college (100 or 200 level) or do I have to go through TESC? Any help you can give would greatly appreciated!!! I should have finished this years ago but well...I'm trying to do it now. Thanks!
Oh I forgot: I'm planning on taking CLEP Western Civilization II also. Thanks again!
Hey John,

I think possible classes at a CC will cover it. Now have you check the requirements for a BA in History??? Do you need so many credits above 300 level? Also too TESC only takes 80 credits from a CC so plan accordingly. But please check and see if you need so many credits above the 300 level with in your degree.
"I would rather sit on a pumpkin and have it all to myself, than be crowded on a velvet cushion."~ Henry David

BA Humanities - TESC
AAS Construction and Facilities Support - TESC
AA Interior Design - MCC
Certificate Interior Design - MCC
Certificate Management - MCC
Don't forget Western Civ 1 and 2 as possible contenders.
"I would rather sit on a pumpkin and have it all to myself, than be crowded on a velvet cushion."~ Henry David

BA Humanities - TESC
AAS Construction and Facilities Support - TESC
AA Interior Design - MCC
Certificate Interior Design - MCC
Certificate Management - MCC
You can also find credit-by-exam options in History through Excelsior College or Ohio University. Depending upon the community college and your personal preferences, taking the exams through EC or OU may or may not be easier/more convenient/faster/less expensive. Both Excelsior College and Ohio University are regionally accredited, so the credits should easily transfer in to TESC.

Ohio University offers history credit-by-exam in several subjects. I would advise not to take their Western Civilization ones since CLEP will be cheaper. They also have upper-level credit-by-exam options; the three choices are Ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia, Ancient Greece, and Ancient Rome. Note that these are for 4 quarter hours per course, which usually equals 2.67 semester credits.

Ohio University Exams

Excelsior offers HSSX 420 American Dream, which is an upper-level exam that can be counted as either history or literature credit, and which awards a total of 6 semester credits. Excelsior also offers HISX 330 World Conflicts Since 1900, which awards 3 semester credits. Both American Dream and World Conflicts Since 1900 are upper-level courses.

Excelsior College Exams

Just offering other options for you to consider in case you might be interested.
alleycat Wrote:Hey John,

I think possible classes at a CC will cover it. Now have you check the requirements for a BA in History??? Do you need so many credits above 300 level? Also too TESC only takes 80 credits from a CC so plan accordingly. But please check and see if you need so many credits above the 300 level with in your degree.

Well I need some higher level courses and I'm pretty good at history, so...

Actually I re-worked my plan based upon some things I've found online. What do you think of this instead:

Thomas Edison States College BA in Liberal Studies

A. English Composition (6 credits)
• CLEP English Composition with Essay (6)
B. Humanities (12 credits)
• CLEP Humanities - General (6)
• NVCC Spanish 101 & 102 (6)
C. Social Sciences (12 credits)
• CLEP Social Sciences and History General (6)
• CLEP American Government (3)
• CLEP Sociology (3)
D. Natural Sciences and Mathematics (12 credits)
• CLEP College Mathematics General (6)
• CLEP Natural Sciences - General (6)
E. General Education Electives (18 credits)
• NVCC ITE 100 Introduction to Information Systems (3)
• NVCC SPD 110 Introduction to Communications (3)
• CLEP American History I & II (6)
• CLEP Western Civilization I & II (6) [only Western Civ 2 needed]
F. Liberal Studies (33 credits)
(Only 2 courses can be at the 100 level; 18 credits must be 300/400 level)
(Must be at least two areas)
• NVCC English 251 Survey of World Literature I (3)
• NVCC History 269 Civil War & Reconstruction (3)
• NVCC Spanish 201 & 202 (6)
• CLEP Psychology (3)
• Dantes Rise & Fall of the Soviet Union (3)
• Dantes History of the Vietnam War (3)
• Dantes Introduction to World Religions (3)
• Dantes Organizational Behavior (3)
• Dantes Substance Abuse (3)
• Dantes Introduction to the Modern Middle East (3)
G. Free Electives (27 credits)
• US Navy schools (approx. 27)
• NVCC BLD 101 Construction Management (3) – if needed

"NVCC" is the name of my local community college. If this plan is solid, it looks like I need to take 12 CLP/DSST exams and I can be finished for BA in Liberal Studies! Am I wrong? Thanks!
Hi Irish John: Did you decide on a major with TESC and did your proposed roadmap work out for you?? I was also looking at the Lib Arts major.

I have a question - under the 33 credits for Area of Study, do you know if Prin of Supv, HR Management and Prin of Management can be used?? If not, I'm not sure if I can use them for Gen Ed requirements. Just shoot me a response if you know.
Thanks a bunch
Passed so far:
A&I Lit - 6 credits
Freshman Comp-6 credits
Eng Comp w/Essay-6 credits
Sociology-3 credits
Principle of Mgmt-3 credits
French - 12 credits
Human Growth & Dev- 3 credits
Humanities-6 credits

Principle of Supervision- 3 credits
Env & Humanity - 3 credits
Intro to Computing - 3 credits

FEMA/FCC: 16 credits
UMUC-22 credits
NVCC -17
ACE - 23 credits
Aleks - Beginning Algebra
Aleks-Intermediate Algebra
ACTFL Chinese -6 credits

All done - Graduating in Oct from TESC -BA in Humanities!!

Grad School: MS Human Resource Mgmt-2012

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