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Schools that accepts ALEKS and FEMA-Oklahoma
Out of curiosity, I decided to email several Oklahoma colleges to see which ones will accept ALEKS and FEMA. The replies started coming in today and most of them are positive.

From Southern Nazarene University:


We do accept these, but let me add a little clarification. We would have to have official documentation or ACE transcripts.

On the Aleks courses, we would actually need to look at the syllabus. For example, we do not accepting Beginning Algebra for math credit. It must be Intermediate Algebra. So there is a possibility that some Aleks courses don't transfer.

With the FEMA courses, there may be a limit to the amount we would accept. Any upper division credit would have to be approved by the department chair of the area you are interested in studying. Let me give you an example. Let's say you had a FEMA course in Emergency Management Response and you wanted to major in business here. The Chair person of the Business Department would make the decision if that course would substitute for Principles of Management.

That is a long explanation to say that we will accept the credit, but all of the credits may not apply to your degree.

Let me know if you have any further questions.

Charles S. Chitwood, D.Min.
Registrar & Associate Professor
Southern Nazarene University
6729 NW 39th Expressway
Bethany, OK 73008
Ph: 405.491.6386
Fx: 405.717.6270

From Southwestern Oklahoma State University

Dear Delania:

SWOSU awards credit for any ACE recommendations if they are courses that we teach on this campus.

Bob Klaassen
Southwestern Oklahoma State University
100 Campus Drive
Weatherford, OK 73096
Office: 580-774-3001
FAX: 580-774-3795

From the University of Central Oklahoma:


After checking the ACE guide, UCO will award credit for the following ALEKS courses:

Business Statistics

College Algebra

College Algebra with Trigonometry

Intro To Statistics


Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences


Beginning Algebra and Intermediate Algebra could be used to meet a math deficiency, but you would not earn any credit hours.

I could not find where FEMA is listed in the ACE guide, if you found them, please let me know.

Jill Langston
Coordinator of Academic Records

From Western Oklahoma State College:


Yes, we do accept ACE recommended hours for lower division education, but not for VO-Tech level. They also have to be equatable to a course we offer before we would accept them. I would have to see the actual transcript to let you know exactly what we would accept.

I have not seen any of the FEMA hours you referred to. I would have to see an official transcript or document to be able to assess that for possible credit.

Hope this helps,
Lana K. Scott
Director of Admissions & Registrar
Western Oklahoma State College

From Oklahoma City University.
What are you perusing? I know our PLUS department accepts some ACE recommendations but we would need to check with them. If you are not with the PLUS department, I think we would have to petition to have it accepted.
I know that doesn’t answer your question but let me know what you are perusing and I’ll take that from there.

Charles L Monnot/Registrar
Oklahoma City University
2501 N. Blackwelder
Oklahoma City, OK 73106
(405) 208-5295
(405) 208-6047 - Fax
1-800-633-7242 Ext:5295

I'm still waiting for several replies so I'll post those as they come in.

My youngest son, who hates math, graduates this year and was dreading college Algebra so this is good news for us.

If colleges here are willing to accepts ALEKS, I'm sure there are many in other other states who will also.

I'll follow up with the colleges that need more information on FEMA and keep everyone updated on that also.
University of Science and Arts of Oklahoma - 32 credits
Oklahoma City Community College - 9 credits
Charter Oak State College - 3 credits
Penn Foster - 4 credits
BYU Public Speaking (IS) - 3 credits
UP- 21 credits
FEMA - 14 credits
ALEKS - Beginning Algebra, Intermediate Algebra, College Algebra/Trig, Intro to Statistics, Behavioral Science Statistics, and Business Statistics
CLEPS - Analyzing Lit (55), Human Growth and Development (65), Educational Psychology (63), American Lit (64)
DSSTS - Here's to Your Health (435), Environmental Science (58), Business Ethics (442)

Completed my COSC BS with a concentration in Psychology in Jan. 2012.
Completed Penn Foster Animal Care: Dogs Certificate in April 2012
Completed Penn Foster Natural Health Care for Pets Certificate in May 2012

Hi Delania,

We do accept ACE recommended coursework, but I don’t believe we have ever evaluated Aleks or FEMA courses. If you would like to submit official ACE transcripts, then we would be happy to review them. More than likely this might take a little longer than normal because we will have to send them to our faculty for review.

Alan Stringfellow, M.ED.

Oklahoma City Community College
7777 S. May Avenue
Oklahoma City, OK 73159
FAX 405-682-7521
University of Science and Arts of Oklahoma - 32 credits
Oklahoma City Community College - 9 credits
Charter Oak State College - 3 credits
Penn Foster - 4 credits
BYU Public Speaking (IS) - 3 credits
UP- 21 credits
FEMA - 14 credits
ALEKS - Beginning Algebra, Intermediate Algebra, College Algebra/Trig, Intro to Statistics, Behavioral Science Statistics, and Business Statistics
CLEPS - Analyzing Lit (55), Human Growth and Development (65), Educational Psychology (63), American Lit (64)
DSSTS - Here's to Your Health (435), Environmental Science (58), Business Ethics (442)

Completed my COSC BS with a concentration in Psychology in Jan. 2012.
Completed Penn Foster Animal Care: Dogs Certificate in April 2012
Completed Penn Foster Natural Health Care for Pets Certificate in May 2012
Whoops!! That should say accept, no accepts
University of Science and Arts of Oklahoma - 32 credits
Oklahoma City Community College - 9 credits
Charter Oak State College - 3 credits
Penn Foster - 4 credits
BYU Public Speaking (IS) - 3 credits
UP- 21 credits
FEMA - 14 credits
ALEKS - Beginning Algebra, Intermediate Algebra, College Algebra/Trig, Intro to Statistics, Behavioral Science Statistics, and Business Statistics
CLEPS - Analyzing Lit (55), Human Growth and Development (65), Educational Psychology (63), American Lit (64)
DSSTS - Here's to Your Health (435), Environmental Science (58), Business Ethics (442)

Completed my COSC BS with a concentration in Psychology in Jan. 2012.
Completed Penn Foster Animal Care: Dogs Certificate in April 2012
Completed Penn Foster Natural Health Care for Pets Certificate in May 2012
It looks like OSU will only take them as electives.

Oklahoma State University does accept ACE recommendations if they are baccalaureate level recommendations. They will transfer as electives with a neutral grade of “P” for pass. A student must submit an official ACE transcript to have the credit posted to their record as transfer credit.

Please contact me if you have additional questions.

Thank you,

Ruth L. Davis
Undergraduate Admissions Evaluator
219 Student Union
Stillwater , OK 74078
Oklahoma State University - Stillwater - Home
University of Science and Arts of Oklahoma - 32 credits
Oklahoma City Community College - 9 credits
Charter Oak State College - 3 credits
Penn Foster - 4 credits
BYU Public Speaking (IS) - 3 credits
UP- 21 credits
FEMA - 14 credits
ALEKS - Beginning Algebra, Intermediate Algebra, College Algebra/Trig, Intro to Statistics, Behavioral Science Statistics, and Business Statistics
CLEPS - Analyzing Lit (55), Human Growth and Development (65), Educational Psychology (63), American Lit (64)
DSSTS - Here's to Your Health (435), Environmental Science (58), Business Ethics (442)

Completed my COSC BS with a concentration in Psychology in Jan. 2012.
Completed Penn Foster Animal Care: Dogs Certificate in April 2012
Completed Penn Foster Natural Health Care for Pets Certificate in May 2012
From the University of Science and Arts of Oklahoma

USAO offers only remedial courses (basic math and basic algebra, which are non-credit courses) using ALEKS. We tried college algebra using ALEKS several years ago, but our math department found that students were more successful when the instruction was provided by professor, so we discontinued this course.

We have not offered or accepted credit for ACE recommended FEMA courses. Frederick Community College in Frederick, Maryland, has a long list of FEMA courses for which the student can request college credit.

USAO does accept CLEP subject examinations and DSST exam credit. The total of advanced standing credit from examinations will not exceed 31 semester hours at the lower division (freshman & sophomore) level and 31 semester hours at the upper division (junior & senior) level.

USAO has not accepted credit from Educational Credential Evaluators or Excelsior College Examinations (ECE) nor the Thomas Edison State College Examination Program (TECEP).

USAO is an open testing center.

USAO does not offer any online courses. All instruction is face-to-face interaction between the student and the professor.

If you have any other questions, please contact me by email or call 405-574-1205.

Joseph W. Evans, Jr.
Registrar/ Director of Enrollment and Records
University of Science and Arts of Oklahoma
1727 W. Alabama Ave.
Chickasha, OK 73018-5322
Phone 405-574-1205
Fax 405-574-1220

I don't think he understood what I was asking. I responded with an email explaining more about ALEKS. I also asked if they would accepts FEMA credits that were on a FCC transcript. I have yet to hear back by email but he called and left a message on my voice mail for me to call him. That might have something to do with me telling him I planned on sharing his responses in the homeschool newsletter, the local paper and a couple of online distance learning and CLEP groups.

USAO is about the same size it was 30 years ago. I can see why.

No online classes
No adult completion program
No alternate means of earning credit other than CLEP and DSST ( I am surprised at the 62 hours)
No independent study
No eight week classes spring or fall classes., only full term
No real changes in the degrees offered since I attended school these in the early 80's.
University of Science and Arts of Oklahoma - 32 credits
Oklahoma City Community College - 9 credits
Charter Oak State College - 3 credits
Penn Foster - 4 credits
BYU Public Speaking (IS) - 3 credits
UP- 21 credits
FEMA - 14 credits
ALEKS - Beginning Algebra, Intermediate Algebra, College Algebra/Trig, Intro to Statistics, Behavioral Science Statistics, and Business Statistics
CLEPS - Analyzing Lit (55), Human Growth and Development (65), Educational Psychology (63), American Lit (64)
DSSTS - Here's to Your Health (435), Environmental Science (58), Business Ethics (442)

Completed my COSC BS with a concentration in Psychology in Jan. 2012.
Completed Penn Foster Animal Care: Dogs Certificate in April 2012
Completed Penn Foster Natural Health Care for Pets Certificate in May 2012
okiemom Wrote:From the University of Science and Arts of Oklahoma

USAO offers only remedial courses (basic math and basic algebra, which are non-credit courses) using ALEKS. We tried college algebra using ALEKS several years ago, but our math department found that students were more successful when the instruction was provided by professor, so we discontinued this course.

We have not offered or accepted credit for ACE recommended FEMA courses. Frederick Community College in Frederick, Maryland, has a long list of FEMA courses for which the student can request college credit.

USAO does accept CLEP subject examinations and DSST exam credit. The total of advanced standing credit from examinations will not exceed 31 semester hours at the lower division (freshman & sophomore) level and 31 semester hours at the upper division (junior & senior) level.

USAO has not accepted credit from Educational Credential Evaluators or Excelsior College Examinations (ECE) nor the Thomas Edison State College Examination Program (TECEP).

USAO is an open testing center.

USAO does not offer any online courses. All instruction is face-to-face interaction between the student and the professor.

If you have any other questions, please contact me by email or call 405-574-1205.

Joseph W. Evans, Jr.
Registrar/ Director of Enrollment and Records
University of Science and Arts of Oklahoma
1727 W. Alabama Ave.
Chickasha, OK 73018-5322
Phone 405-574-1205
Fax 405-574-1220

I don't think he understood what I was asking. I responded with an email explaining more about ALEKS. I also asked if they would accepts FEMA credits that were on a FCC transcript. I have yet to hear back by email but he called and left a message on my voice mail for me to call him. That might have something to do with me telling him I planned on sharing his responses in the homeschool newsletter, the local paper and a couple of online distance learning and CLEP groups.

USAO is about the same size it was 30 years ago. I can see why.

No online classes
No adult completion program
No alternate means of earning credit other than CLEP and DSST ( I am surprised at the 62 hours)
No independent study
No eight week classes spring or fall classes., only full term
No real changes in the degrees offered since I attended school these in the early 80's.

WOW- You have been working hard gathering all this info.
Thanks- it will come in handy for a lot of folks.
Just curious what is ALEKS ?
ALEKS is a website that has self paced courses that are ACE (American Council on Education) accredited. If you sign up, $20.00/month and take one of the accredited courses, once you have reached a tested 70% you can request that they approve your credit through ACE. You must sign up with ACE and eventually, you will have to join their transcript program which cost a one $40.00. This onetime fee includes one free transcript. After the free one, each additional one cost $15.00. So for instance, let’s say you needed College Algebra. You could go to: ALEKS -- Assessment and Learning, K-12, Higher Education, Automated Tutor, Math and sign up for that course which is ACE accredited ($20.00 per month). You would also sign up for ACE ($40.00 onetime fee). Let's just say you are good at math and you complete the minimum required 70%. You request credit through ACE and request that ALEKS approve the request through ACE. Once approved, the credit will be placed on your ACE transcript. You can have one free transcript sent to the school of your choice. So, all in all, you have $60.00 tied up in the course that could cost you $1000.00 or more depending on the tuition charged by the school of your choice. All this being said, you need to make sure that you school accepts this type of credit, ACE credit that is.

nj593 Wrote:Just curious what is ALEKS ?
thank you for the reply
[SIZE="3"][SIZE="2"][SIZE="1"][SIZE="1"][SIZE="4"][SIZE="4"][FONT="Arial Narrow"]"Oh, get a job? Just get a job? Why don't I strap on my job helmet, and squeeze down into a job cannon and fire off into job land, where jobs grow on jobbies!" Its always sunny in Philadelphia.

[SIZE="1"][FONT="Arial Narrow"]tesc credit banked
FEMA IS courses- alot

Aleks completed-many of them

Cleps:Spanish 67

Associates in psychology UOP
TESC BA in psychology[/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE]

attempting currently
Masters in counseling

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