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Finally Got My First Score Back
I took ECE's Ethics: Theory and Practice on 28 June and finally got the score: a "B" It is great to get another under the belt. I'm still waiting on 3 other scores on tests I've already taken. I also took the Dantes Ethics in America 2 days before this but haven't received the score yet. I used the same IC guide to study for both of these; logic would dictate that if I passed the upper level I should have passed the other. I'll have to be patient and see how that theory works out.

I have 10 more to go, 7 UL and 3 LL. Wish me luck.........Lee
Basket Weaver Wrote:I took ECE's Ethics: Theory and Practice on 28 June and finally got the score: a "B" It is great to get another under the belt. I'm still waiting on 3 other scores on tests I've already taken. I also took the Dantes Ethics in America 2 days before this but haven't received the score yet. I used the same IC guide to study for both of these; logic would dictate that if I passed the upper level I should have passed the other. I'll have to be patient and see how that theory works out.

I have 10 more to go, 7 UL and 3 LL. Wish me luck.........Lee

[SIZE="3"][COLOR="Blue"]Congrats Lee - Great Job!!
It won't be long before you get your PASSING Dantes exam results too![/COLOR][/SIZE]
ShotoJuku +
A.S., B.S., M.S., MBA
IC Forums Senior Super Moderator  
Passing It On & Paying It Forward To All Just Starting or Completing Their Educational Journey!

Shoto's Passing Your Exam Advice Here --->
God Bless The USA :patriot:
Basket Weaver Wrote:I took ECE's Ethics: Theory and Practice on 28 June and finally got the score: a "B" It is great to get another under the belt. I'm still waiting on 3 other scores on tests I've already taken. I also took the Dantes Ethics in America 2 days before this but haven't received the score yet. I used the same IC guide to study for both of these; logic would dictate that if I passed the upper level I should have passed the other. I'll have to be patient and see how that theory works out.

I have 10 more to go, 7 UL and 3 LL. Wish me luck.........Lee

WELL DONE Lee! I have heard that the ECE Ethics test is a hard one, so scoring a "B" is excellent! I'm sure you passed the Dantes test as well...let us know! Big Grin

Good luck on the rest of your exams...which ones are you planning on taking?

Take care!
BS - General Business - June 2007
Excelsior College
World Pop (Next Monday)
Ab Sych
Adult Aging
Intro to World Religions (Next Wed)
Management Info Systems
Civil War and Reconstruction (Gag)
Rise and Fall of the Soviet Union (Double Gag)
ECE English Comp

Really not into the humanities; Art and poetry are really not me at all. Wish they had a test on destruction and racing cars; I'd be all over that one Smile
Basket Weaver Wrote:World Pop (Next Monday)
Ab Sych
Adult Aging
Intro to World Religions (Next Wed)
Management Info Systems
Civil War and Reconstruction (Gag)
Rise and Fall of the Soviet Union (Double Gag)
ECE English Comp

Really not into the humanities; Art and poetry are really not me at all. Wish they had a test on destruction and racing cars; I'd be all over that one Smile

[SIZE="3"][COLOR="Navy"]Judging by your "gag" response to both the Dantes Civil War and USSR exams, I see that to you they are akin to sticking ones own finger down their throat but don't get sick too fast - they're doable!! Those of us that also felt the same way about them did rather well scoring high enough (with Excelsior) to gain A's. There are some pretty good threads on both topics already.

For me personally, I came away with a much greater appreciation, or at least a better understanding of the war between the States and hope to pursue the topic much deeper once I get my math done in around 2-3 weeks.

Good luck!![/COLOR][/SIZE]
ShotoJuku +
A.S., B.S., M.S., MBA
IC Forums Senior Super Moderator  
Passing It On & Paying It Forward To All Just Starting or Completing Their Educational Journey!

Shoto's Passing Your Exam Advice Here --->
God Bless The USA :patriot:
[SIZE="5"]Congrats on the score! ! ! ! ECE Ethics is a Hard exam!!!!!!!!!! [/SIZE]

Intro to Sociology
US History I
Civil War & Reconstruction
American Dream
Social Science & History

121 Credits total <--- All Done! ! ! ! !

AAT Technical Studies Excelsior College
(Grad Date 6/16)
BS in Liberal Studies Excelsior College
(September 2006)
I didn't think the test was as hard as keeping my concentration up for the duration. There was a LOT of reading; about 1 - 1 1/2 pages for every 5 questions on the last half of the test (mine had 143 questions). It took me 2 1/2 hours to complete and by the time I was done, I felt as brain dead as a Jerry Springer fan (No offence meant to the Jerry crowd!)

Thanks for the words of encouragement on the "Gag" tests, it's more like a fist down the throat though...Smile . I'm sure the history tests are doable, just a matter of memorization and regurgitation, much like the rest of these tests; just not very interesting IMOHO. I think we each have out interest zone, I thoroughly enjoyed the Drug and Alcohol Abuse study, probably because it's applicable to me as a manager. I'll quit whining and make myself do it just the same. I have to get this finished and get on to more worthwhile endeavors, like raising my son and being with my wife. Lee
Basket Weaver Wrote:I took ECE's Ethics: Theory and Practice on 28 June and finally got the score: a "B" It is great to get another under the belt. I'm still waiting on 3 other scores on tests I've already taken. I also took the Dantes Ethics in America 2 days before this but haven't received the score yet. I used the same IC guide to study for both of these; logic would dictate that if I passed the upper level I should have passed the other. I'll have to be patient and see how that theory works out.

I have 10 more to go, 7 UL and 3 LL. Wish me luck.........Lee

It took you 4 weeks to get an ECE test result? I thought they were all computer-based and instantly graded...

Congrats on passing =) You should do just fine on the DANTES ethics!
[COLOR="green"]Social Sciences and History
College Math
English Composition (no essay) [/COLOR]

[COLOR="green"]World Religions
Civil War and Reconstruction
Drug & Alcohol Abuse
Management Information Systems [/COLOR]

[COLOR="Green"]Organizational Behavior
Ethics: Theory and Practice
World Conflicts since 1900
World Population [/COLOR][/SIZE]

All done! 42 credits by exam
Basket Weaver Wrote:I took ECE's Ethics: Theory and Practice on 28 June and finally got the score: a "B" It is great to get another under the belt. I'm still waiting on 3 other scores on tests I've already taken. I also took the Dantes Ethics in America 2 days before this but haven't received the score yet. I used the same IC guide to study for both of these; logic would dictate that if I passed the upper level I should have passed the other. I'll have to be patient and see how that theory works out.

I have 10 more to go, 7 UL and 3 LL. Wish me luck.........Lee

Well done Lee,

You are going to do great on your remaining exams.

You're making us proud,
My name is Rob
Exams/Courses Passed (43):
- Courses (4): 1 Excelsior, 1 CSU-Pueblo, 2 Penn Foster.
- Exams (39): 24 DSST, 15 CLEP.

Total Credits: 142 (12 not used).
[SIZE=1]GPA: 4.0
Since I'm in the military stationed in England, we have to wait for the tests to get sent back to the States, graded, then we get a notification from either the college online or a letter in the mail. The education office simply refuses to upgrade to modern times. I will be careful not to whine too much as all the CLEP/DANTES/ECE tests are free; you might say it's a fair trade off. The important thing is not to get too wrapped around the axel waiting for results, you just have to study, take the test, then prep for the next one. The scores will eventually start to stream in.

Yesterday I started researching Intro to world religions and Humanities on this forum and in IC; I balked at both once I realized there was a better way. A quick call to my councelor at Excelsior sorted out the fact I could take Intro to Sociology and A & I Lit to fulfill the requirements. Needless to say, they are both scheduled for next week.

Love this forum and the wealth of knowledge here for the reading. Thanks to all for the encouragement and good luck in your own studies as well. Lee

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