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Obama's plans for College Tuition
creationstory Wrote:The $4000 is a tax credit nothing more. Its a refund on taxes. Meaning you have to work..

The article indicated it's a refundable tax credit. Even if the person doesn't work, they get the money.
Law-Dude Wrote:The article indicated it's a refundable tax credit. Even if the person doesn't work, they get the money.

hmm... i'll look into that...

and sir... you are right

The current amount being proposed is $4,000. If no taxes are owed, this credit will be fully-refundable, which means a family could actually receive up to $4,000 from the government, even if they owe no taxes.

American Opportunity Tax Credit - Definition and Overview
DSST Environment & Race to Save Humanity *  51/80 Clep CIS  63/80
College Math  66/80 * DSST Business Law II  -  No Pass
Principles of Mgmt  61/80 * A/I Lit  51/80 retest 61/80
Social Sciences and History -  66/80  -  A * Freshman Composition  -  60/80
Intro to Computers  426 -Current System - p/f = pass * Intro to Modern Middle East Studies -  61/80
Human Cultural Geography  -  61/80 * US History I  - A   -61/80
US History II - A  68/80 * Civil War  -  A   57/80
Intro to World Religions  - A  68/80 * Intro to Bus Law -  64/80    A
Public Speaking 55/80  A * MIS 429/500 * Statistics 459/500 * MacroEconomics  57/80
MicroEconomics   53/80 (ran out no money in meter) * Criminal Justice 418/500
English Comp with Essay 58/80 * Personal Finance 406/500 (Ran thru IC once & test once... 40 minutes/98 questions.. close call) 
Principle of Supervision -  436/500 * Clep American Government 67/80  
FEMA's Completed - 49 (sorry i'm addicted to them).

BA - Criminal Justice - Central State University
AAS - Computer Science - TESU
AAS - BOG - Info Tech - Pierpont
ΦΘΚ, Alumna Member
Farmerboy, I don't subscribe to any theory or organization. I respect your standing w/the church. I think it's hypocritical and a farce in many cases. Some of it can be founded in the fact that when my nephew passed away at 16, the priest seemed to be a decent man who helped my brother through a tough, if not impossible time. Then he was charged and found guilty of sexual abuse w/a minor. You know, when I keep seeing the phony evangelicals on TV and read about all the abuses, that's enough for me. My standing is in that I look at the number of kids being killed in the inner city and then I hear people say, "We'll, that is where they choose to live". No they don't, not all of them. How do you move when it costs $$$$ to get out of poverty. Anyone who has children, think for a moment of growing up in that environment. Then think of the risk you have, everyday. These kids has sooooo much of an uphill battle. They don't get to own a Wii, PSP3 or any of the games that the other kids have. It is hard to imagine your child going to school every day and knowing this. Wouldn't you feel a little low. Then I hear the ignorant comment that they shouldn't have kids then. There is some truth to this. It is a valid point, up to a point. But, that is almost like saying, no, it is almost like practicing peaceful genocide. Sound ridiculous. Maybe. My root belief now is that we have become a very greedy people who feel WE worked for everything w/NO HELP FROM ANYONE! No TA, no grants, no donations, nothing. I did it all MYSELF. I am going to end my post this way. It will not change until we admit some fault, all of us, especially the rich bast%#*, that the poor and minorities are getting treated like crap. I don't need to put a name to my ideals, but if I must, call it human respect party!
Gary Wrote:Farmerboy, I don't subscribe to any theory or organization. I respect your standing w/the church. I think it's hypocritical and a farce in many cases. Some of it can be founded in the fact that when my nephew passed away at 16, the priest seemed to be a decent man who helped my brother through a tough, if not impossible time. Then he was charged and found guilty of sexual abuse w/a minor. You know, when I keep seeing the phony evangelicals on TV and read about all the abuses, that's enough for me.

I'm pretty sure, if asked, you could recall a time or two when you were on the receiving end of some horrible restaurant service. And, I'm sure you could find instances where the people behind the scenes did less than sanitary things with your food. But then again, I'm sure you haven't given up on all restaurants, waiters or waitresses right? I bet you enjoy a nice meal at a nice restaurant from time to time.

Not all clergy are corrupt, not all churches are bad, not all pastors are greedy. You're throwing the baby out with the bath water and you fail to see that this behavior with respect to church/religion is probably completely incongruent with the way you live the rest of your life.

You don't write something off after one or two bad experiences. Time would fail to tell of all the wonderful churches out there doing great things for people in need. There are not enough hours or time to thank the pastors who are truly doing what they do out of a genuine love for God and his work. However, one must look for them. Great pastors and loving churches don't make sensational news headlines like corrupt ones do. Keep that in mind when making broad judgments on church leadership and religion.
B.S. Liberal Studies Excelsior College
graduated Cum Laude
321 total SH of college credit
currently finishing B.S. in Mathematics at UTRGV en route to Masters in Mathematics
occupation: Certified High School Math Teacher
current goal: Pass 4 of the actuarial science exams and become an actuary
Retired Intelligence Officer (21 years, 6 combat tours to Iraq and Afghanistan)
creationstory Wrote:The current amount being proposed is $4,000. If no taxes are owed, this credit will be fully-refundable, which means a family could actually receive up to $4,000 from the government, even if they owe no taxes.

American Opportunity Tax Credit - Definition and Overview

So essentially it's a lot like the earned income tax credit. Now that we understand it better, is anyone in favor of this proposal?
B.S. Liberal Studies Excelsior College
graduated Cum Laude
321 total SH of college credit
currently finishing B.S. in Mathematics at UTRGV en route to Masters in Mathematics
occupation: Certified High School Math Teacher
current goal: Pass 4 of the actuarial science exams and become an actuary
Retired Intelligence Officer (21 years, 6 combat tours to Iraq and Afghanistan)
Professor_Adam Wrote:So essentially it's a lot like the earned income tax credit. Now that we understand it better, is anyone in favor of this proposal?

i am not.. we need more money for vocational education. colleges should in many cases lower tuition and utilize their endowment. so much money is wasted on college campus' all in the name of beautification that could not justify the higher tuition. every single time there is a financial aid benefit for students there is an equal or higher raising of tuition rates.
DSST Environment & Race to Save Humanity *  51/80 Clep CIS  63/80
College Math  66/80 * DSST Business Law II  -  No Pass
Principles of Mgmt  61/80 * A/I Lit  51/80 retest 61/80
Social Sciences and History -  66/80  -  A * Freshman Composition  -  60/80
Intro to Computers  426 -Current System - p/f = pass * Intro to Modern Middle East Studies -  61/80
Human Cultural Geography  -  61/80 * US History I  - A   -61/80
US History II - A  68/80 * Civil War  -  A   57/80
Intro to World Religions  - A  68/80 * Intro to Bus Law -  64/80    A
Public Speaking 55/80  A * MIS 429/500 * Statistics 459/500 * MacroEconomics  57/80
MicroEconomics   53/80 (ran out no money in meter) * Criminal Justice 418/500
English Comp with Essay 58/80 * Personal Finance 406/500 (Ran thru IC once & test once... 40 minutes/98 questions.. close call) 
Principle of Supervision -  436/500 * Clep American Government 67/80  
FEMA's Completed - 49 (sorry i'm addicted to them).

BA - Criminal Justice - Central State University
AAS - Computer Science - TESU
AAS - BOG - Info Tech - Pierpont
ΦΘΚ, Alumna Member
Oh, you have to pay taxes. I thought it was optional. I was just following my future Treasury Secretary's lead. Unique idea.
Gary Wrote:Oh, you have to pay taxes. I thought it was optional. I was just following my future Treasury Secretary's lead. Unique idea.

Now that's funny. But I don't pay taxes, really. I get more back than I pay in -- large family, non-taxable income etc. Lucky me.
B.S. Liberal Studies Excelsior College
graduated Cum Laude
321 total SH of college credit
currently finishing B.S. in Mathematics at UTRGV en route to Masters in Mathematics
occupation: Certified High School Math Teacher
current goal: Pass 4 of the actuarial science exams and become an actuary
Retired Intelligence Officer (21 years, 6 combat tours to Iraq and Afghanistan)
Professor_Adam Wrote:Now that's funny. But I don't pay taxes, really. I get more back than I pay in -- large family, non-taxable income etc. Lucky me.

you lucky BAH guy! hoooyah!!!
DSST Environment & Race to Save Humanity *  51/80 Clep CIS  63/80
College Math  66/80 * DSST Business Law II  -  No Pass
Principles of Mgmt  61/80 * A/I Lit  51/80 retest 61/80
Social Sciences and History -  66/80  -  A * Freshman Composition  -  60/80
Intro to Computers  426 -Current System - p/f = pass * Intro to Modern Middle East Studies -  61/80
Human Cultural Geography  -  61/80 * US History I  - A   -61/80
US History II - A  68/80 * Civil War  -  A   57/80
Intro to World Religions  - A  68/80 * Intro to Bus Law -  64/80    A
Public Speaking 55/80  A * MIS 429/500 * Statistics 459/500 * MacroEconomics  57/80
MicroEconomics   53/80 (ran out no money in meter) * Criminal Justice 418/500
English Comp with Essay 58/80 * Personal Finance 406/500 (Ran thru IC once & test once... 40 minutes/98 questions.. close call) 
Principle of Supervision -  436/500 * Clep American Government 67/80  
FEMA's Completed - 49 (sorry i'm addicted to them).

BA - Criminal Justice - Central State University
AAS - Computer Science - TESU
AAS - BOG - Info Tech - Pierpont
ΦΘΚ, Alumna Member
[B]I am all for a check box on the tax form instead of having to fill out the FASFA.

Another thing I would like to see is aide being based on more then ones income.

I see plenty of people who are qualifying for tuition aide based on income , that due to our welfare system ( free housing, free medical, food stamps, etc.) are living better then many middle class American's who are struggling to pay their mortgage, health insurance,and groceries and going deeper into debt to pay for tuition because they do not qualify for any aid.

I am not saying the poor are not entitled to tuition aide , I would just like to see the system be based on more then income, perhaps an income minus debt system where essentials such as mortgage, health ins. costs, etc are taken into consideration.



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