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Obama's plans for College Tuition
Well I didn't mean for this to get political. :confused: I was really much more interested in the high cost of tuition, see this story The Secret Reasons for Tuition Hikes - Yahoo! News, and what solutions are currently on the table to address it.

Does anyone have better ideas?
B.S. Liberal Studies Excelsior College
graduated Cum Laude
321 total SH of college credit
currently finishing B.S. in Mathematics at UTRGV en route to Masters in Mathematics
occupation: Certified High School Math Teacher
current goal: Pass 4 of the actuarial science exams and become an actuary
Retired Intelligence Officer (21 years, 6 combat tours to Iraq and Afghanistan)
I understand! I just can't help myself sometimes.
Professor_Adam Wrote:Does anyone have better ideas?

I think advertising the alternative ways of getting college credits more economically would be a start. Perhaps colleges should advertise the Cleps/Dantes, etc. to their students. They could advertise programs like IC as economical ways to pass these tests.

Does anyone know if there is any type of official guide out their that lists alternative or economic ways of earning credits that are regionally accredited ?

Sadly I get the feeling most are not aware of cheaper ways to earn credits.

[SIZE="1"][SIZE="1"][SIZE="1"]Exams Passed: DSST : Civil War & Reconstruction : score 59 (A), DSST-Ethics in America (463 - pass), ECE-Ethics:Theory & Practice (A) , ECE: Literacy Instruction in the Elem. School (A), UExcel Poli Sci (B),ECE: PA&A (A) -->Exams taken after BSLS degree : [B][B]DSST : Intro to World Religions (466) DSST: Lisfespan Dev. Psych.(62) Foundations of Educ. (74) , Art of the Western World (69)[/B][/B]

[COLOR="Red"]completed[/COLOR] BS Liberal Studies w/Focus in Administrative/Management Studies & Depth in Psychology (cum. GPA 3.23/ Excelsior GPA 3.88) [FONT="Franklin Gothic Medium"][/SIZE]
[SIZE="1"][/SIZE][SIZE="1"][/SIZE] BS degree conferred 2/19/10 : Grad courses completed : 2 Educ. Grad. courses via Vesi- Morningside College 1 course 3 credits (grade A-) and a 2nd course 2 credits (B+)
peace123 Wrote:I think advertising the alternative ways of getting college credits more economically would be a start. Perhaps colleges should advertise the Cleps/Dantes, etc. to their students. They could advertise programs like IC as economical ways to pass these tests.

Does anyone know if there is any type of official guide out their that lists alternative or economic ways of earning credits that are regionally accredited ?


That's a great idea. I've been thinking there ought to be a book on this also. Something like, "Non-traditional college credit for dummies." Seriously though, it's a market that's yet to be effectively exploited. Sounds like a future thesis topic. Wink
B.S. Liberal Studies Excelsior College
graduated Cum Laude
321 total SH of college credit
currently finishing B.S. in Mathematics at UTRGV en route to Masters in Mathematics
occupation: Certified High School Math Teacher
current goal: Pass 4 of the actuarial science exams and become an actuary
Retired Intelligence Officer (21 years, 6 combat tours to Iraq and Afghanistan)
I think part of the reason college is so expensive is that everybody has been willing to pay. Once people start waiting to go to college they will be forced to look at their inefficiencies and trim some fat. One of the first things would be to eliminate tenured professors and work at lowering the price of textbooks.
I don't think the collages will be advertizing ways to give them less money!
Goal - BA in History at Thomas Edison State College

Taking War and American Society and Liberal Arts Capstone at in August semester.

Information Systems and Computer Applications - 66
English Composition with Essay - 56
Freshman College Composition - 68
Analizing and Interpreting Literature - 67
Civil War and Reconstruction DSST
Vietnam War DSST
Intro to World Religions DSST - 470
Rise and Fall of the Soviet Union DSST
Western Europe since 1954 CLEP
Sociology DSST
Social Sciences and History CLEP
Sociology CLEP
et. al.
hornj Wrote:I don't think the collages will be advertizing ways to give them less money!

It might result in less money coming in but it could also result in less money having to be spent in the long run because they may not need to have as many classes, staff etc. If things continue on the road they are most middle class families will not be able to send their young adults to college.

Of course that is just my opinion on things but I think you will see downsizing in colleges as we have been seeing them in other organizations, especially if the economy worsens. I think they may be forced to provide the same service with less staff.

Also I tend to think as the economy worsens state schools will become filled to capacity and we may even see them stricter on who is admitted. I really think hard time are coming for higher ed.

[SIZE="1"][SIZE="1"][SIZE="1"]Exams Passed: DSST : Civil War & Reconstruction : score 59 (A), DSST-Ethics in America (463 - pass), ECE-Ethics:Theory & Practice (A) , ECE: Literacy Instruction in the Elem. School (A), UExcel Poli Sci (B),ECE: PA&A (A) -->Exams taken after BSLS degree : [B][B]DSST : Intro to World Religions (466) DSST: Lisfespan Dev. Psych.(62) Foundations of Educ. (74) , Art of the Western World (69)[/B][/B]

[COLOR="Red"]completed[/COLOR] BS Liberal Studies w/Focus in Administrative/Management Studies & Depth in Psychology (cum. GPA 3.23/ Excelsior GPA 3.88) [FONT="Franklin Gothic Medium"][/SIZE]
[SIZE="1"][/SIZE][SIZE="1"][/SIZE] BS degree conferred 2/19/10 : Grad courses completed : 2 Educ. Grad. courses via Vesi- Morningside College 1 course 3 credits (grade A-) and a 2nd course 2 credits (B+)
Professor_Adam Wrote:Create the American Opportunity Tax Credit: Obama and Biden will make college affordable for all Americans by creating a new American Opportunity Tax Credit. This universal and fully refundable credit will ensure that the first $4,000 of a college education is completely free for most Americans, and will cover two-thirds the cost of tuition at the average public college or university and make community college tuition completely free for most students. Recipients of the credit will be required to conduct 100 hours of community service.

Others have expressed this sentiment more eloquently than I am about to, but here's my concern:

Human nature being what it is, it is difficult, and for most people impossible, to value something you have not earned. If you save all your nickels for a year and buy a bicycle--that bicycle has much more value than the one your parents bought for you. The bicycle that was earned is certain to be more greatly appreciated, will be better maintained and protected and, overall, will just have greater meaning. Anyone think I'm wrong?

Now, you might say that you were always appreciative of gifts and valued them--and maybe you were. I promise you that you are the exception to the rule.

You also might say that the education credits are, in fact, "earned" by successfully completing school and completing the community service. Maybe. However, currently people have to cough up big money or go into debt to obtain traditional college degrees--particularly Bachelors and up. So, since they are bearing the costs themselves (now or later) we should expect a good result. People should be motivated to work extra hard and finish, right? If the statistics are to be believed, that's not the case. Graduation rates are laughably low. Are they running out of money? Maybe some are--but I suspect most are running out of patience, desire, discipline and determination. Do you think having the government subsidize higher education to this extent will restore patience, desire, discipline and determination?

Oddly enough (or perhaps not oddly at all), for those careers that require Bachelor's degrees as nothing more than a qualification unrelated to job knowledge or skill, CLEPing and the big 3 really seem to be the the best answer. It's quick--low cost, and, best of all, people actually finish!
My Excelsior Journey
Bachelor of Science in General Business, cum laude
Excelsior College
Historically when the economy is bad, student enrollment numbers increase (I used to work at a university). However, since tuition costs have skyrocketed so much since our last serious economic downturn, I'm not sure that will be the case this time.

I posted an a forum posting on my university's discussion board for online students about clep exams and was flooded with requests for more information. I agree that the reason colleges don't mention the advantages of clep exams are because the schools lose that tuition money.

I think that if schools would increase the number of clep hours that they accept, and market that, their student enrollment numbers would increase, because students could earn their degrees in less time in a more cost efficient manner.
Smile Cleps:
Introduction Business Law 65
Principles of Management 70
Principles of Marketing 71
A&I Literature 68
American Lit 59
Educational Psychology 68
Social sciences & history 65
Western Civilization I 64

What lies before us and what lies behind us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us.

1) Every single time that the Federal Government decides to give more money for financial aid most colleges raise tuition rates. Although it looks nice on paper when it shows that colleges are becoming more affordable because of new types of aid... every few years there are complaints that college tuition has raised. Many colleges have so much money in things such as real estate investments and endowments that they don't have anything to do with it but waste money. I mean really, how can you explain tuition doubling and trippling since 1995 when incomes haven't doubled and tripled? Schools that cost 10,000 in 1995 cost 25,000 now. Colleges should not utilize the government financial aid as a hand out.. its simply another form of corporate welfare!

2) Yes this nation has primarily become the socialist institution that we fought so hard to prevent during the cold war. With handouts given everywhere it takes away peoples desires to achieve. The primary reason as to why communism didn't match up against capitalism.... people who receive things for free don't have the drive to do better.. DR's made the same amount of money as Janitors if they had the same situation.. i.e. no wife.. no children, etc.

3) You can blame the CEO's who take money...but honestly at least they had the drive to get to where they are.. lazy people simply sit down and complain about it. About how there lives suck.. This board is full of people who are actively trying to improve their situation and for this I applaud all the strivers here!

4) There are plenty of jobs in america that americans have been to spoiled to do. How is it that Immigrants can survive on these types of salaries but americans cant? The thing is that.. americans can survive but its the luxeries that we desire. Everyone wants the house and white picket fence but so many don't wants to work for it!

So do i love America.. YES! Do I think we should give more money for financial aid.. no... Do I think an education is a great thing? Yes. Do I feel that everyone should get it for free past HS? no.... If you really want it.. there is no reason why you can't work for it! Its all about earning it!
DSST Environment & Race to Save Humanity *  51/80 Clep CIS  63/80
College Math  66/80 * DSST Business Law II  -  No Pass
Principles of Mgmt  61/80 * A/I Lit  51/80 retest 61/80
Social Sciences and History -  66/80  -  A * Freshman Composition  -  60/80
Intro to Computers  426 -Current System - p/f = pass * Intro to Modern Middle East Studies -  61/80
Human Cultural Geography  -  61/80 * US History I  - A   -61/80
US History II - A  68/80 * Civil War  -  A   57/80
Intro to World Religions  - A  68/80 * Intro to Bus Law -  64/80    A
Public Speaking 55/80  A * MIS 429/500 * Statistics 459/500 * MacroEconomics  57/80
MicroEconomics   53/80 (ran out no money in meter) * Criminal Justice 418/500
English Comp with Essay 58/80 * Personal Finance 406/500 (Ran thru IC once & test once... 40 minutes/98 questions.. close call) 
Principle of Supervision -  436/500 * Clep American Government 67/80  
FEMA's Completed - 49 (sorry i'm addicted to them).

BA - Criminal Justice - Central State University
AAS - Computer Science - TESU
AAS - BOG - Info Tech - Pierpont
ΦΘΚ, Alumna Member

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