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To anyone who has taken an online course at TESC
So, I'm in the October semester and finals week is Dec 15. I've talked to all 4 of my mentors repeatedly and two employees at the registrars' office about getting my grades in ASAP so I can mail out transcripts to graduate schools and law schools that I'm applying to before the winter break. Everyone agrees that it can be done, but there seems to be confusion on HOW it can be done. All 4 of my mentors agree I can take the final before the Dec 15th start date since I have completed all other work. The problem is the link to the final exam in all 4 classes has yet to be activated, and I've been told by one professor to contact tech support and another to "wait until TESC activates the link. It should be soon." -- I don't simply want to WAIT until TESC does something, but I want to find out when it's going to be activated. Problem is, I have no clue who to contact. When I submitted a ticket to a BA Advisor they said "it's up to your mentor if you can take the final early" - but never responded to my question of who activates the final exam link and when it will be activated. Frustration. So, my question is, does anyone know who I should call DIRECTLY to ask this question? Is it a departmental question or a tech support question?

Also, one other question. January is my last semester and since I am applying to graduate school and law school for Fall 09 admission, I MUST graduate in June -- otherwise my plans for the fall crumble. That means all of my mentors must have my final grades into the system before the April 1st deadline for June graduation. I have been assured by two different people in the registrars' office that as long as grades are submitted by April 1, I will be fine. I want to believe them, but knowing TESC something will go drastically wrong. Someone reassure me nothing will, or tell me who to contact to MAKE SURE nothing goes wrong. Also, when should I apply for graduation? Wait till the January semester start? I'm currently taking 18 credits and will also be taking 18 credits in the January semester, if that matters.

Thanks for your help!
It was about a month after the class ended, not the final, that my grades were finally on my transcript. Good luck.
Was that because the mentor didn't submit them right away? I have email documentation from at least two people from TESC stating that as long as the grades are submitted asap it shouldn't be a problem. The key word being shouldn't, I guess.

I was advised by an advisor to call testing administration, which I did and of course had to leave a message, in which I BEGGED someone to call me back because "I'M APPLYING TO LAW SCHOOL AND THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT, PLEASE CALL ME BACK"
livingproof Wrote:Was that because the mentor didn't submit them right away? I have email documentation from at least two people from TESC stating that as long as the grades are submitted asap it shouldn't be a problem. The key word being shouldn't, I guess.

I was advised by an advisor to call testing administration, which I did and of course had to leave a message, in which I BEGGED someone to call me back because "I'M APPLYING TO LAW SCHOOL AND THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT, PLEASE CALL ME BACK"

Ok- calm down.

First, accept that TESC doesn't care if you're applying to law school or clown school. Frustrating, but just accept it.

Next, I don't see that any of your exam links will open before the Sunday of exam week. While I don't know "who" opens the link, I have never heard of anyone taking it early. If the link is open for you, then all students can access it, I can't imagine that TESC would do that. BUT, I always took my exams on Saturday night (not Sunday), because TESC is on eastern time- so for me, I'm in Central- that was 11:01pm. The links always opened on the dot, so I'm guessing (I don't know) that it is a computer program that opens all the links for all the courses at the same time. (unless you have to take a paper test, that is mailed to your proctor)

You may be able to convince your mentors to calculate your grade early, but speaking as an instructor, I can tell you that grades are turned in by the group, not by the individual. So you will likely have to wait until your mentor is ready to post everyone's grades before he submits the class roster.

OK, so that said, I think you should proceed AS IF your situation will not be given priority and plan accordingly. Otherwise you may drive yourself crazy. There is no way TESC's "left hand" knows what the "right hand" is doing at any point in time.

My suggestion:
File for graduation before the deadline (in the middle of your January term) and wait patiently. AS LONG AS your remaining credits are all "in house classes" (TESC online courses) I can all but promise you that they will process you. I went around and around with TESC on this issue- I called, emailed, called again, created tickets, asked here.... I faced this issue and had wayy to much stress about it. The delay comes from students transferring in credits (PLA, CLEP, DSST, Transfer) at the last possible minute- because THOSE credits must be evaluated before posting on April 1st- yours won't need to be evaluated, they just need to be posted. (fewer steps).

I hope that helps, I think you'll be fine.
If you can get your mentors to get your final grades timely, amazing things can happen. I just completed my last requirement for my ASBA in November (I started that class in the September semester). Final week for that class ended 11/22. I emailed my mentor, told her I had submitted my application for graduation and wanted to make the 1/1 deadline, but it would hinge upon when she submitted my final grade. ( I have had it take a long time for other final grades to be submitted by other mentors)

Now, don't forget we had the Thanksgiving holiday involved, yet as of this past Monday my final grade was posted to my eval and today I got the email from TESC that my application for graduation is being processed. Just cross your fingers, hope you get agreeable mentors and someone who 'cares' at TESC working for you and you'll be good to go!

Good luck to you -

[SIZE="2"]TECEP's passed:[/SIZE]
[SIZE="1"]English Composition 102[/SIZE]
[SIZE="1"]Technical Writing[/SIZE]
[SIZE="1"]Psychology of Women[/SIZE]
[SIZE="1"]Word Processing Fundamentals[/SIZE]
[SIZE="1"]Introduction to Computer Information Systems[/SIZE]

[SIZE="2"]CLEP's passed:[/SIZE]
[SIZE="1"]Analyzing and Interpreting Literature - 60[/SIZE]
[SIZE="1"]Principles of Management - 71[/SIZE]
[SIZE="1"]Principles of Marketing - 67[/SIZE]
[SIZE="1"]Principles of Macroeconomics - 54 [/SIZE]
[SIZE="1"]Principles of Microeconomics - 57 [/SIZE]
[SIZE="1"]Introduction to Business Law- 65 [/SIZE]

[SIZE="2"]DSST's passed:[/SIZE]
[SIZE="1"]Principles of Supervision - 59[/SIZE]
[SIZE="1"]Introduction to Business - 63[/SIZE]
[SIZE="1"]Principles of Financial Accounting- 54[/SIZE]

[SIZE="2"]FEMA Credits earned: 15[/SIZE]

[SIZE="2"]ALEKS Intro to Stats completed 3/10/09 [/SIZE]

[SIZE="2"]ASBA - TESC - 3/6/09
BSBA - general management in progress

[SIZE="1"]Working on: PF Business and Technical Writing[/SIZE]
I am in a boat similar to yours. I recently turned in my Request for Graduation form and was told that as long as my teacher submits my grade to the College(not just Blackboard) by the deadline then I would be ok. I will copy and paste the email she sent me as soon as I find it.
A.A.S Aviation Operations (Community College of the Air Force) April 2008
B.A. in History (Thomas Edison State College) March 2009

"To achieve the possible we must attempt the impossible, to be as much as we can be then we must dream of being more."
Actually my exam links have been activated by the testing administration as of this morning. It seems speaking the grades coordinator definitely helped my situation and she seems nothing but pleasant.

As for my grade being turned in by the group, while that is what usually happens, each mentor said they will turn it in individually and everyone I have talked to at TESC, including the grades coordinator, is on board for my grades to be submitted individually, and early.

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