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Goal: BA or BS in CS or IT
I got IBM´s Coursera Applied Data Science Specialization (V2):

[Image: Captura-de-pantalla-2024-04-01-232047.png]

It includes the following courses:

Data Visualization with Python
Python Project for Data Science
Python for Data Science, AI & Development
Data Analysis with Python
Applied Data Science Capstone

It took some time to complete all the activities. The Applied Data Science Capstone final assignment took me many hours, as it required many different specific tasks to be performed in Python and SQL, and then put them all in a PPT. You are also required to be linking the different processes to a Github account, and you would also need to work with Jupyter notebooks.

You work with the following packages:


I used PyCharm Community Edition, as I liked the interface.

The ACE recommendation for that specialization is the following:

Course Number: IBM-0024 (v.1)
Total Credits: 12
Grade: Pass
Credit Recommendation
• 3 semester hours in data analytics in the lower-division undergraduate category
• 3 semester hours in data visualization in the lower-division undergraduate category
• 3 semester hours in data mining in the lower-division undergraduate category
• 3 semester hours in python for data science in the lower-division undergraduate category

I did it as some people have been able to transfer it as CS 4407 Data Mining and Machine Learning at UoPeople, I just sent my Credly transcript to the UoPeople to see what can I get.

In addition to that, the WIKI mentions that this specialization transfers to TESU as:

COS-205 Python Programming
DSI-200 Interpretive Data Analysis
DSI-299 Special Topics Data Sci/Analytics (9 credits total)

So, inadvertently, I completed my last pending course for TESU´s Certificate in CIS, as my COS-1110 Intro to Programming, obtained from an edX microbachelor, only works for the BSCS. Therefore, I won´t need to take Saylor´s Intro to Python.
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was it one of those where the assignments were peer reviewed and you were required to peer review at least 2 others ?
(04-02-2024, 09:09 AM)bluebooger Wrote: was it one of those where the assignments were peer reviewed and you were required to peer review at least 2 others ?

Yes, there were quizzes, final exam and peer review final assignment.

The weights of the peer reviewed assignment varies, in one of those is 17%, in another is 40%.
I sent my Credly transcript for evaluation at UoPeople, hoping to get Data Mining and Machine Learning for my Cousera´s Applied Data Science specializationho, wever they didn´t give me that.

But unexpectedly, they gave me Software Engineering 2, for my Saylor´s Software Engineering exam. Despite having read that it transfers as Software Engineering 1 (Lower Level). However, this made more sense, as SE 2 is Upper Level... as it was Saylor´s SE when I took it.

But as I have read about people getting Data Mining and Machine Learning for the Coursera´s specialization, I sent an appeal.

And after 8 days I got it.

So I was able to transfer Coursera´s Applied Data Science specialization as UoPeople´s Data Mining and Maching Learning.

Therefore, in an anticlimactic closure, I have finished UoPeople´s BSCS.

These were the courses that I transferred to UoPeople:

[Image: Screenshot-2024-04-12-at-15-51-49-Academic-History.png]

SDC´s Introduction to Operating Systems was a funny transfer, as it landed as Operating Systems 2.

SDC´s Data Structures and Algorithms, transferred as Data Structures, but I had to take Algorithms.

Saylor´s Software Engineering, transferred as SE 2, however, I would expect it to be SE 1 in the future.

SDC´s Database Management, transferred as Databases 2.

My total cost was:

US $3528.00

I started the program in 2017, so I paid USD$ 100 per course.

Every transfer is US$ 17.
[-] The following 3 users Like MrPanda's post:
  • jg_nuy, Jonathan Whatley, LevelUP
(04-12-2024, 03:53 PM)MrPanda Wrote: I sent my Credly transcript for evaluation at UoPeople, hoping to get Data Mining and Machine Learning for my Cousera´s Applied Data Science specializationho, wever they didn´t give me that.

But unexpectedly, they gave me Software Engineering 2, for my Saylor´s Software Engineering exam. Despite having read that it transfers as Software Engineering 1 (Lower Level). However, this made more sense, as SE 2 is Upper Level... as it was Saylor´s SE when I took it.

But as I have read about people getting Data Mining and Machine Learning for the Coursera´s specialization, I sent an appeal.

And after 8 days I got it.

So I was able to transfer Coursera´s Applied Data Science specialization as UoPeople´s Data Mining and Maching Learning.

Therefore, in an anticlimactic closure, I have finished UoPeople´s BSCS.

These were the courses that I transferred to UoPeople:

[Image: Screenshot-2024-04-12-at-15-51-49-Academic-History.png]

SDC´s Introduction to Operating Systems was a funny transfer, as it landed as Operating Systems 2.

SDC´s Data Structures and Algorithms, transferred as Data Structures, but I had to take Algorithms.

Saylor´s Software Engineering, transferred as SE 2, however, I would expect it to be SE 1 in the future.

SDC´s Database Management, transferred as Databases 2.

My total cost was:

US $3528.00

I started the program in 2017, so I paid USD$ 100 per course.

Every transfer is US$ 17.

Were the courses faster than going courses through UOP?  Was it more convenient? Were UOP courses better than or about the same?
Degrees: BA Computer Science, BS Business Administration with a concentration in CIS, AS Natural Science & Math, TESU. 4.0 GPA 2022.
Course Experience:  CLEP, Instantcert,,,,,,, and TEL Learning.
Certifications: W3Schools PHP, Google IT Support, Google Digital Marketing, Google Project Management
We can´t really compare the materials of the UoPeople courses with SDC, as UoPeople is mostly like Saylor, where in most courses you just follow the same free Openstax book. And most of the time there are no videos, sometimes there could be 1, 2 or 3 short (less than 10 minutes) videos, but not most of the time.

It´s not possible to do UoPeople courses faster than, as you just have to follow the 2 months term schedule, and you can complete 3 or 5 courses in one month at SDC.

If your GPA is less than 3, you can do 2 courses per term at UoPeople, if it´s higher, you can do 3 courses per term.

UoPeople could feel conveniente in the sense that you could pass before the final exam, of course, it won´t help your GPA.

You need a GPA higher than 2, in order to graduate.
Finally the UoPeople updated their Degree Audit system, that I needed to complete before asking for the graduation documents.

I send the Graduation request and got this automated email:

"We are happy to see you have submitted your request for Bachelor's degree in Computer Science!

Please note that while most universities are sending their graduation documents only once a year, we send graduation documents the term of submissions.

We are doing our best to send it as soon as we can and we appreciate your patience. We will send your documents by the end of the term of submissions at the latest.

Unless you asked and paid for registered (special) shipment upon submitting your request, we will send your graduation documents by regular mail.

Congratulations and all the best with your next step.

Best Regards,
Student Services Office"

The graduation documents (diploma + transcript) + the shipping are free. Unless you want to ask for express shipping. They offer the same for the AS documents.

Then I received a "conformation email" that among confirming personal data said this:

"Additional Information:

Should you require notarization, apostille, or federal attestation of your documents, please reach out to your program advisor with in 24 hours. "

So I wrote the program advisor asking about the chance of getting the apostille. As I need to have it in the diploma and the transcript, to be able to get it recognized in Peru (The other option is to use a public database or verification system that the government can use to verify the diploma, but the UoPeople doesn´t have that, as far as I know).
The UoPeople answered with their prices, the price is good (considering that I won´t have to receive the documents, and then send them to the USA again, and without risking to pay to a business that could just be a fraud), but the processing time is not:

[Image: Screenshot-2024-05-04-at-12-37-07-Docume...n-Form.png]
I finally applied to TESU and got access to MyEdison as a TESU student (I was there before with the edX´s ILA), so now I can register for courses.

I already sent´s and Saylor´s transcripts, if I understood the instructions correctly, I have to register to the Medical Terminology TECEP, in order to get more transcripts evaluated, right?

So I went to the planning section, and got this:

[Image: Captura-de-pantalla-2024-07-12-142712.png]

However, the section that appears available says "OL", instead of "TE". I have to select a TE, as that´s the TECEP, right?
Maybe I´m selecting the wrong period of time? I put "July".

Thanks for your help.
You need to select TE. OL is way longer and more expensive. Register for the TECEP, but don't take it. That will change your status to enrolled.
Completed: HAU MBA | BA Economics (US) | Finland Open Studies @ XAMK/Metropolia/Helsinki/Laurea
Certs Completed: Scrum CSPO/CSM | Google PM/Data Analytics/Marketing
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