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Struggling to stay focused
"The heights by great men reached and kept were not attained by sudden flight, but they while their companion slept were upward toiling throught the night". I am not sure if you are familiar with this quote, it is very popular where I am from.What it means is sometimes you have to make real sacrifices, set things in perspective and prioritize.
The hard work will pay off eventually.
Serena, Thanks for that quote, it is very popular where I'm from as well & hearing or in this case reading it again has reignite that passionate drive with-in me to complete my degree.

Mindy, I'm pulling for you! Don't be paralize by analysis, do the test in the Clep official guide and if you score well there, trust me you will pass. I have taken nine cleps and with all nine I have use that strategy.
Take one of the 3 peterson exams, then check your answers and read the explanations well, that was a big help for me. Don't stress over the brain if you know some of the most important parts you will be ok. Just remember if a question trows you mark it and skip it at some point later in the test another question may help with the answer. You can do this don't let things get you down, set a date for the test and that will help you get down to study.

Start by doing what is necessary: then do the possible; and suddenly you are doing the impossible  St Francis of Assisi

Now a retired substitute Teacher in NY, & SC

AA Liberal Studies TESC '08
BA in Natural Science/Mathematics TESC Sept '10
AAS Environmental safety and Security Technology TESC  Dec '12
You guys have all given me great ideas!!! I'm going to put all of them use!!!! I'm sitting here at my daughters soccer practice reading sparknotes 101 so I'm getting there just slowly. Smile
[SIZE="4"]Mindy Towne[/SIZE]

8/08 Intro. to Sociology 50/51
if you cant stay focused on intro to psych pick a new test, if not a new major. If this stuff is giving you a hard time at the intro level it is only going to get worse. You may just need to see something else, study for English or social science to get the gears turning.
AAT, Electromechanics, Excelsior College 2007
BS, Political Science, Excelsior College 2008
MSSL, Strategic Leadership, Mountain State (currently enrolled) 2009
Maybe even just the order in which you study is making it harder for you. I try to study something I want to study first, then the most difficult, and then the easiest. I try not to weigh myself down with the hardest or most unappealing information first.
You might try this video program from Annenberg, Discovering Psychology. It breaks down Intro-Psych into 26 video programs which are free to watch on-demand. All you have to do is register, which is also free. Units 3 and 4 are about the brain. Sometimes seeing things demonstrated makes a hard concept easier.
Master of Management, Cambridge College, 2011. 4.00 GPA.
BS in Business Administration, Charter Oak State College, 2009. 75 semester credits earned by exam, 45 in the classroom. 3.91 GPA.
AS in General Studies, City University of Seattle, 1999. 50 quarter hours earned by exam, 40 in the classroom. 3.95 GPA.

I have found that a good way to keep motivated is to make a detailed plan and follow it. Decide which tests you need/want to take, then research how much study time you will need for each. Buy the materials early, (so that you are not waiting for books/videos/CDs ect) mark the calandar with test dates (be realistic), and circle the date you will be finished. Most important, stay on schedule!

Good luck.

69 Traditional Credits

Clep's Passed
Principles of Marketing 06/08, Intro to Sociology 06/08,A & I Lit. 06/08, Intro to Psychology 06/08, Human Growth & Dev. 06/08

DSST's Passed
Principles of Finance 06/08, Money and Banking 07/08, MIS 07/08, Technical Writing 07/08, HRM, 07/08
Organizational behavior 07/08, Business Math 07/08, Principles of Supervision 07/08

Business Policy 08/08-CR, Business in Society 08/08- CR, Advertising 09/08-CR, Labor Relations 09/08-CR.

[COLOR="RoyalBlue"][SIZE="3"]Confirmed December graduation[/SIZE]- [SIZE="3"]BSBA[/SIZE][/COLOR]
jkfuss Wrote:You might try this video program from Annenberg, Discovering Psychology. It breaks down Intro-Psych into 26 video programs which are free to watch on-demand. All you have to do is register, which is also free. Units 3 and 4 are about the brain. Sometimes seeing things demonstrated makes a hard concept easier.
Excellent link. I'm taking the exam tomorrow and spending today reviewing. These videos are quite good. Thank you.

[SIZE="1"][SIZE="3"][B][SIZE="2"]How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time![/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/B]

AS and BS completed
MBA - In Progress[/SIZE]
originalbigjim Wrote:if you cant stay focused on intro to psych pick a new test, if not a new major. If this stuff is giving you a hard time at the intro level it is only going to get worse. You may just need to see something else, study for English or social science to get the gears turning.
I wouldn't say picking a new major is the answer to my delima. I think it's more working full time, mother of two, kids starting school tomorrow and mom just not having a lot of time in the last two weeks to sit down and focus. Smile
[SIZE="4"]Mindy Towne[/SIZE]

8/08 Intro. to Sociology 50/51

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