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TESC Student Looking for Help!
Hi all, im new here and new to the testing for credit scene as well. I'm an enrolled student at TESC and would like to finish out my degree though testing on my own time instead of taking 12 week courses. Smile

I am looking to graduate with a BA in Communications. Here are the remaining credits/courses I need.

Free Electives (still have all 27 credits to go)

One Communications Elective course (3 credits)

One Communications Theory course (3 credits)

Two Natural Science courses (5 credits)

Would I be able to finish my degree through testing? If so, can anyone point me in the right direction of tests to take that will satisfy these requirements? I really hope I can test out like many of you are because taking the 12 week classes is taking too long! Please help, thanks!!!

*EDIT* It would probably help if I mentioned which course I have already taken...

Communication Electives:
ID2415 Group Communication...... 3.00 B+ COM-302 *TE
COM214 Communications Pract I... 3.00 A COM-299 *CC *TE
ENG129 Public Speaking.......... 3.00 B+ COM-209 *CC *TE
COM109 Intro to Film Study...... 3.00 B+ FIL-160 *CC *TE
COM100 Communications Tech...... 3.00 A COM-130 *CC *TE

Communication Theory:
COM101 Mass Communications...... 3.00 A COM-120 *CC *TE

Natural Sciences:
BIO101 Intro to Biology......... 4.00 C+ BIO-101 *CC *TE
For me , it is hard to gauge on what TESC will take on their degrees, except for the BA of GS/LS . For majors like communication and crim justice, they look at your transcripts and see what you can do with the creds, I am still waiting on my eval so I can start scamming them on credit.

I have shotgunned over 19 cleps,dssts,ECE exams and I am going to take 4 more ece exams for fun, since they are free for military in 5 days time.

But I still need to take 2 classes with lsu and amu for my degree to be complete with EC. I will see how TESC pans out though, it may be quicker.
Start taking the FEMA courses right away. That'll take a huge chunk out of the Free Electives.
[U][U]A pass is a pass![/U][/U]

CLEP Passed
Social Science & History (6)
English Comp w/Essay (6)
A & I Literature (6)
Biology (6)
Natural Science (6)
Intro to Psychology (3)
Intro to Sociology (3)
Intro to Educational Psychology (3)
Human Growth & Development (3)
American Government (3)

DSST Passed
Drug & Alcohol Abuse (3)
Organizational Behavior (3)
Intro to Computing (3)
Technical Writing (3)
Astronomy (3)
Counseling (3)

Research Methods in Psychology (3)
Cultural Diversity (3)

FEMA (25)
NFA (3)

***Admitted to Wayne State University Law School
Hello RKO and Welcome 2 InstantCert!

I too am shooting for a BA in Communications @ TESC. However, I am not currently enrolled with the institution as of yet. I won't probably enroll into TESC until September.

The first thing every student should do at TESC is print out pages 104 through 107 (in physical catalog) of the 2007-08 College Catalog (pages 107-109 online) These pages contain information for the TECEP, CLEP, & DANTES. They give lists of all the exams that TESC accepts and will give credit for. Here is the link:

Second, there is only one (1) TECEP that you can take for the Communications degree and that is Public Relations Thought & Practice (COM-210-TE). This TECEP is worth 3 credits.

Third, the only courses listed under the "Communications Electives" section that I know for a fact have exams are:

- DSST Public Speaking
- DSST Technical Writing

Since you already have college credit for Public Speaking, that leaves you with the latter remaining. The only other option I could think of would be to see if they offer any courses through PLA (Prior Learning Assessment). You will have to speak to someone more knowledgeable about PLA than myself.

Fourth, under this same section (Communications Electives), TESC has listed several courses from which you can choose from. Keep in mind that this list is not "written in stone," meaning that other Communications Electives courses may be applied to your degree requirements. You just need to check with TESC in advance to confirm that they will accept them.

However, if you decide to choose from the list shown here (Click Below),

Thomas Edison State College | BA in Communications Credit Distribution

you'll only need to pick 9 courses from the list (27) credits. In addition to the 9 are two (2) mandatory courses (6 credits) that you'll need to meet the Communications Theory requirement--giving you a total of 33 credits.

Fifth, for your "Free Electives" category you need 27 credits. I highly suggest you take FEMA courses to take care of this. Each FEMA course is a 1 credit course with the exception of a few which are 2 credits. TESC will accept all 27 FEMA courses for free. All you have to do when you complete them all is fax a transcript request form (available through FEMA online) to FEMA who will, in turn, fax a transcript to TESC which will show all the completed FEMA's you have taken. Then you're done with this category.

If you choose to do FEMA courses, let me know beforehand, either by email or private message so that I can give you a list of all the FEMA's TESC has granted me credit for. I did 25 of them and TESC accepted all of them. I have heard from others on this forum that there are some FEMA courses which TESC will not accept. I also know of 4 additional FEMA courses that TESC will accept out of which you would only need to complete two, for a total of 27.

Sixth, this all depends on you. For your natural sciences credit, you say you need five (5) credits. I would personally suggest that you take DSST Astronomy and DSST Introduction to Computing. From what I've heard on this forum, these are not that difficult to pass and are also great exams for those who aren't "mathematically inclined!"

If you are good in math or science, then you could possibly take the following:

PICK TWO from below--
- CLEP College Algebra (3)
- CLEP Pre-calculus (3)
- CLEP Calculus (3)
- DSST Principles of Physical Science I (3)
- DSST Physical Geology (3)
- DSST Environment and Humanity (3)
- DSST Principles of Statistics (3)

OR pick one from below--

- CLEP College Math (6)
- CLEP Natural Sciences (6)

***The numbers in parentheses are the number of credits the exam awards for a passing score***

That pretty much sums up everything. If there is anything else I can help you with, don't hesitate to ask...that's what we're here for.

Peace be with you always.

From a loyal degree seeker,

Thomas Edison State University (TESU)
Enrolled in BA in Liberal Studies - 105/120 Completed

Associate in Science, Excelsior College
Once again! I think you can not do better than that unless you enroll and get an official academic evaluation.

The only other suggestion I would have is if you need to take one online course take that while you are doing the test.

Remember you can only take 1-3 test per day depending on the testing site, and the days testing is available also depends on the site. Are you in NJ? If not your selection of sites could be a time factor.

Start by doing what is necessary: then do the possible; and suddenly you are doing the impossible  St Francis of Assisi

Now a retired substitute Teacher in NY, & SC

AA Liberal Studies TESC '08
BA in Natural Science/Mathematics TESC Sept '10
AAS Environmental safety and Security Technology TESC  Dec '12
Marshall said it all.

I will add one quickie.

For your natural science, TESC has a 6 credit course (something like Global Environment something or other) which would give you an extra 1 credit which you can then use into your free electives, thus leaving only 26 FEMA credits. MUCH easier than 2 courses. I have enjoyed the 6 credit course I am in this semester.

There is one other 6 credit exam not on Marshall's list- it is a TECEP called Anatomy and Physiology, but it's too expensive. (about $1000- unnecessary)

Underscore- FEMA credit is free. Free. Free. As in no money. No books. No cost. Free. That's a $5000 savings. Big Grin

Use the FEMA, pay for grad school
I agree with Jennifer and Marshall. FEMA really is the way to go.
BA, Thomas Edison State College
MS, Grand Canyon University
WOW, WOW, WOW!!! Thanks for all the replies and all the amazing help! This place is awesome! I just wish I could've found it sooner.

Marshall, I PM'ed you for the FEMA courses.

Looks like I'm going to get started with those courses straightaway and get going.

Thanks again for all the help everyone, HAPPY Degree Earning everyone!!! hilarious

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