01-09-2021, 09:50 PM
(This post was last modified: 01-09-2021, 09:53 PM by Seraphgrim.)
Provider: Sophia.org
Course: College Readiness (3 Credits)
Score: 99% (pending the outcome of my Touchstone - I'll try to remember to update this)
Course content: This course is presented only in a PDF/text form. There are no other materials that are needed, just the text provided by Sophia. There are 3 units in total, each with a few challenge quizzes (5-10 questions) followed by a milestone test (15-25 questions) on the material covered in that unit. The class then has a "touchstone" writing assignment that must be submitted and a final exam (25 questions).
Final exam format: The class has a final "touchstone" (writing assignment) which must be completed, as well as a 25 question multiple choice milestone or final exam.
Final exam content vs course content/practice exams: The information provided in the course was consistent with what was on the exam. There are some instances in which I find Sophia can be a little pedantic, but overall, the challenges and milestones were fairly consistent with what was on the final exam and what was presented in the course as well.
Time taken on course: 2 hours, 52 minutes
Familiarity with subject before course: I was familiar with most of the concepts that were included in the course reading material, but there was some worthwhile information there as a returning college student who did pretty poorly his first time around, 15 years ago. I was being diligent about reading and participating fully, but I could've probably just cruised through the course without any reading and gotten a B.
Pitfalls, high points, things others should know: IMPORTANT: Keep in mind that you can have two active classes at a time on Sophia. While you're waiting for your Touchstone assignment to be graded, this class will be taking up one of your active class "slots", meaning that one of your slots will be "stuck" on this class until that Touchstone is graded and returned to you. Plan accordingly!
1-10 Difficulty level: 2
Provider: Sophia.org
Course: The Essentials of Managing Conflict (1 credit) (1st class in wiki's suggested course order toward Project Management)
Score: 99%
Course content: This course is presented either in a PDF/text form or in a video lecture. All materials needed are provided by Sophia. The course consists of 1 unit, with 3 "challenge" quizzes of 7-8 questions and a final "Milestone" exam of 22 questions.
Final exam format: The final exam is a 22 question multiple choice test.
Final exam content vs course content/practice exams: The quizzes and tests were fairly consistent with the material presented in each of the units and in the class as a whole. I didn't feel like there were any issues in this regard.
Time taken on course: 3 hours, 03 minutes
Familiarity with subject before course: While I've dealt with conflict resolution in the workplace previously, this class was largely about identifying types of conflict resolution and applying a paradigm of "phases of conflict" that I wouldn't have known without going into the class materials. Unless you have a lot of academic background in the area, you probably would need to actually read the class material in order to be familiar with the concepts and verbiage as it is going to be presented on the challenge quizzes and final exam.
Pitfalls, high points, things others should know: Read the course material. It will basically cover a large chunk of what you're going to do in the second class in this track anyways (Conflict Resolution).
1-10 Difficulty level: 3
Provider: Sophia.org
Course: Conflict Resolution (3 credits) (2nd class in wiki's suggested course order toward Project Management)
Score: 94%
Course content: This course is presented either in a PDF/text form or in a video lecture. All materials needed are provided by Sophia. The course consists of 6 units, with 2-3 "challenge" quizzes per unit of 9-10 questions, as well as a Milestone test on each unit of 20-25 questions. The class finishes with a final Milestone exam of 25 questions.
Final exam format: The final Milestone exam is 25 multiple choice questions.
Final exam content vs course content/practice exams: The tests were generally consistent with the information presented in the course and challenge quizzes, though there were a handful of examples where I felt like it was expecting me to draw a conclusion that wasn't made completely clear in the original text. Additionally, there were a handful of times where I felt like the test or challenge questions were a bit overly pedantic, but it wasn't too big of a deal.
Time taken on course: 14 hours, 36 minutes, over about 3 days
Familiarity with subject before course: There was a sizeable chunk of the class that I had just completed in the "Essentials of Managing Conflict" class previously, which let me skip through some early parts of this class. Otherwise, while there were a lot of concepts that I was familiar with, I didn't know some of the nomenclature or terminology that the class was using or testing on, so I had to go through the text and take notes on these sorts of things so that I could apply that knowledge.
Pitfalls, high points, things others should know: I didn't find this class to be particularly difficult, but I did find it to be a grind. There is some good information there, but because the challenges are not generally focused on a small portion of the unit and instead cover a large part of it, it generally forces you to read the entire 80-100 page text, and then do three challenges, a practice milestone (if you choose), and an actual milestone test. It would've been much better if it were broken up differently, but as it is, it ends up being very grindy.
1-10 Difficulty level: 6
Provider: Sophia.org
Course: Developing Effective Teams (1 credit) (3rd class in wiki's suggested course order toward Project Management)
Score: 96%
Course content: This course is presented either in a PDF/text form or in a video lecture. All materials needed are provided by Sophia. The course consists of 1 unit, with 3 "challenge" quizzes of 5-6 questions and a final "Milestone" exam of 17 questions.
Final exam format: The final Milestone exam was 17 multiple choice questions.
Final exam content vs course content/practice exams: The material covered in the challenge quizzes and Milestone exam was consistent with the information presented in the course.
Time taken on course: 2 hours, 16 minutes
Familiarity with subject before course: There were elements of the class that I was prepared for from taking the previous two classes in this track, but there was more of it that I was familiar with from leadership and supervisory classes that I've taken in my professional life. Nonetheless, I did still go through all of the course material because I find it interesting and welcomed the refresher. Had I not done so, I think I would've earned at least a B.
Pitfalls, high points, things others should know: Read the course. Not because it's difficult or because there are pitfalls but because its short and contains worthwhile information that is valuable to almost anyone in the working world.
1-10 Difficulty level: 2
Course: College Readiness (3 Credits)
Score: 99% (pending the outcome of my Touchstone - I'll try to remember to update this)
Course content: This course is presented only in a PDF/text form. There are no other materials that are needed, just the text provided by Sophia. There are 3 units in total, each with a few challenge quizzes (5-10 questions) followed by a milestone test (15-25 questions) on the material covered in that unit. The class then has a "touchstone" writing assignment that must be submitted and a final exam (25 questions).
Final exam format: The class has a final "touchstone" (writing assignment) which must be completed, as well as a 25 question multiple choice milestone or final exam.
Final exam content vs course content/practice exams: The information provided in the course was consistent with what was on the exam. There are some instances in which I find Sophia can be a little pedantic, but overall, the challenges and milestones were fairly consistent with what was on the final exam and what was presented in the course as well.
Time taken on course: 2 hours, 52 minutes
Familiarity with subject before course: I was familiar with most of the concepts that were included in the course reading material, but there was some worthwhile information there as a returning college student who did pretty poorly his first time around, 15 years ago. I was being diligent about reading and participating fully, but I could've probably just cruised through the course without any reading and gotten a B.
Pitfalls, high points, things others should know: IMPORTANT: Keep in mind that you can have two active classes at a time on Sophia. While you're waiting for your Touchstone assignment to be graded, this class will be taking up one of your active class "slots", meaning that one of your slots will be "stuck" on this class until that Touchstone is graded and returned to you. Plan accordingly!
1-10 Difficulty level: 2
Provider: Sophia.org
Course: The Essentials of Managing Conflict (1 credit) (1st class in wiki's suggested course order toward Project Management)
Score: 99%
Course content: This course is presented either in a PDF/text form or in a video lecture. All materials needed are provided by Sophia. The course consists of 1 unit, with 3 "challenge" quizzes of 7-8 questions and a final "Milestone" exam of 22 questions.
Final exam format: The final exam is a 22 question multiple choice test.
Final exam content vs course content/practice exams: The quizzes and tests were fairly consistent with the material presented in each of the units and in the class as a whole. I didn't feel like there were any issues in this regard.
Time taken on course: 3 hours, 03 minutes
Familiarity with subject before course: While I've dealt with conflict resolution in the workplace previously, this class was largely about identifying types of conflict resolution and applying a paradigm of "phases of conflict" that I wouldn't have known without going into the class materials. Unless you have a lot of academic background in the area, you probably would need to actually read the class material in order to be familiar with the concepts and verbiage as it is going to be presented on the challenge quizzes and final exam.
Pitfalls, high points, things others should know: Read the course material. It will basically cover a large chunk of what you're going to do in the second class in this track anyways (Conflict Resolution).
1-10 Difficulty level: 3
Provider: Sophia.org
Course: Conflict Resolution (3 credits) (2nd class in wiki's suggested course order toward Project Management)
Score: 94%
Course content: This course is presented either in a PDF/text form or in a video lecture. All materials needed are provided by Sophia. The course consists of 6 units, with 2-3 "challenge" quizzes per unit of 9-10 questions, as well as a Milestone test on each unit of 20-25 questions. The class finishes with a final Milestone exam of 25 questions.
Final exam format: The final Milestone exam is 25 multiple choice questions.
Final exam content vs course content/practice exams: The tests were generally consistent with the information presented in the course and challenge quizzes, though there were a handful of examples where I felt like it was expecting me to draw a conclusion that wasn't made completely clear in the original text. Additionally, there were a handful of times where I felt like the test or challenge questions were a bit overly pedantic, but it wasn't too big of a deal.
Time taken on course: 14 hours, 36 minutes, over about 3 days
Familiarity with subject before course: There was a sizeable chunk of the class that I had just completed in the "Essentials of Managing Conflict" class previously, which let me skip through some early parts of this class. Otherwise, while there were a lot of concepts that I was familiar with, I didn't know some of the nomenclature or terminology that the class was using or testing on, so I had to go through the text and take notes on these sorts of things so that I could apply that knowledge.
Pitfalls, high points, things others should know: I didn't find this class to be particularly difficult, but I did find it to be a grind. There is some good information there, but because the challenges are not generally focused on a small portion of the unit and instead cover a large part of it, it generally forces you to read the entire 80-100 page text, and then do three challenges, a practice milestone (if you choose), and an actual milestone test. It would've been much better if it were broken up differently, but as it is, it ends up being very grindy.
1-10 Difficulty level: 6
Provider: Sophia.org
Course: Developing Effective Teams (1 credit) (3rd class in wiki's suggested course order toward Project Management)
Score: 96%
Course content: This course is presented either in a PDF/text form or in a video lecture. All materials needed are provided by Sophia. The course consists of 1 unit, with 3 "challenge" quizzes of 5-6 questions and a final "Milestone" exam of 17 questions.
Final exam format: The final Milestone exam was 17 multiple choice questions.
Final exam content vs course content/practice exams: The material covered in the challenge quizzes and Milestone exam was consistent with the information presented in the course.
Time taken on course: 2 hours, 16 minutes
Familiarity with subject before course: There were elements of the class that I was prepared for from taking the previous two classes in this track, but there was more of it that I was familiar with from leadership and supervisory classes that I've taken in my professional life. Nonetheless, I did still go through all of the course material because I find it interesting and welcomed the refresher. Had I not done so, I think I would've earned at least a B.
Pitfalls, high points, things others should know: Read the course. Not because it's difficult or because there are pitfalls but because its short and contains worthwhile information that is valuable to almost anyone in the working world.
1-10 Difficulty level: 2