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Has anyone actually ever.....
anar579 Wrote:I have no idea. I know about as much as you do right now. I took it (the paper/pencil version) in 1997 upon entering the university, but it's all a big blur. I'll look into it though. I have a feeling that the computer-based exam is scored instantly, but that's a guess.
Ok, I found this quote from the testing center in another campus:
[INDENT]An unofficial score report will appear on the computer screen upon completion of the exam. An official score report will be mailed from the state to the test-taker's home address, approximately 4 weeks following the test. There are no exceptions to this procedure.[/INDENT]
[COLOR="DarkRed"]96 credits completed (93 by exam)
BS in General Business, Excelsior College (33 credits remaining)
Next exams: DSST Statistics, DSST Business Law 2
Recently taken: DSST Drug/Alcohol (61), CLEP French (63), ECE Gerontology (B Sad), DSST MIS (65), DSST Counseling (54), DSST Ethics (63)[/SIZE][/COLOR]

I am so sorry to hear about the CLEP. You've discussed this for quite awhile so I know you have worked your butt off to get credit.

Can you take DSST Fundamentals of College Algebra? It's the same as Math-115. I've been told by several people that it is MUCH easier than the CLEP version.

Don't give up....
[SIZE="2"][COLOR="DeepSkyBlue"][COLOR="DarkOrchid"]Hi...I'm Angie!! Smile [/COLOR][/SIZE]
[SIZE="1"]I currently have 47 credits from actual classes + 15 credits from testing = 62 credits total
I'm taking 15 more CLEP/Dantes examination this summer. I hope to graduate this year from TESC with a BA in Psychology. [/COLOR]
[COLOR="Blue"]Upcoming Tests: Ethics and MicroEconomics
Recent Tests: Principles of Supervision (58), Drug & Alcohol Abuse (61)
Other Tests Passed Long Ago: Personal Finance, College Algebra, Principles of Management[/COLOR][/SIZE]
I am really sorry to hear about your issue...and I can fully understand it. I am a Math phobic in every sense of the word. I took statistics yesterday and passed...however, I almost gave up taking the test after the first 6 questions. I knew NONE of the first 6 answers and they handed me a book of calculations when I entered the test. I know it was meant to be helpful and I did use it for 2 or 3 questions...however...when I opened that booklet and saw all those formulas that I had NO CLUE what to do was just like my brain went into panic mode. I passed, but as I have said in the past...I think it is more due to test taking skills than knowing all that much. If you have these same feelings I am sure this contributed to your temporary set back. No one could pass as many tests as you have and NOT deserve your degree. I know you will push on!

Your buddy on the other side of the bay.
Lynda (Tampalizard)
Name: Lynda
Completed hours:126/ Hours completed by test:100
School:Excelsior Degree:BGB
All tests completed!
Classes in Progress-
Business Strategy
Operations Management
FINITO! on August 15th- if I can pass Algebra that is...Big Grin )
Hi Brian...I'm sorry to hear about your test. I wanted to let you know that St. Pete College has an online course that just started (you could still get in I'm sure) called Mathematics for Liberal Arts I (MGF 1106). It ends on July 21st and has 10 seats open. I know its not the same as testing out...but at least it gives you more than an hour to earn the credits. I don't even know if this course would work for you but I figured the least I could do was try to add another option for you. You've been so helpful to me!

Good luck!!!Smile
[COLOR="DarkOliveGreen"]Hi, I'm Robert
58.33 Traditional classroom credits
6 CLEP credits so far...Scores:
Info Sys & Comp. Applications-63
Intro to Sociology-70
Going for either BA in History or BS in General Business (or both) from Excelsior[/COLOR]

I have used a site called ALEKS for math study supplementation. My son uses it also to help tutor him through math concepts. Check it out. From the ALEKS site (

[SIZE=3][SIZE=3][SIZE=2]ALEKS is a revolutionary Internet technology, developed at the University of California by a team of gifted software engineers and cognitive scientists, with the support of a multi-million dollar grant from the National Science Foundation. ALEKS is a Web-based, individualized learning assistant. Utilizing a sophisticated artificial intelligence engine, ALEKS currently helps people learn a number of subjects in mathematics and business. ALEKS uses its unique, state-of-the-art assessment technology to identify precisely what each individual already knows, and what is now ready to be learned.[/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE]

ALEKS always offers a selection of material for which the individual learner is well-prepared. The highly targeted instruction provided by ALEKS enables immediate success -- in learning new subjects -- and in refreshing and increasing knowledge in subjects that have been studied before.

ALEKS is the new way to learn math on the World-Wide-Web. By knowing exactly which math concepts the student has mastered, which are shaky, and which are new but within reach, ALEKS enables the student to work on those concepts the student is most ready to learn. ALEKS is a full-time automated tutor, including explanations, practice and feedback. ALEKS closely interacts with the student, continuously updating its precise map of the student's knowledge state. ALEKS combines the advantages of one-on-one instruction and evaluation with the convenience of being on-call, on your computer, 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

ALEKS is fundamentally different from previous educational software. At the heart of ALEKS is an artificial intelligence engine -- an adaptive form of computerized intelligence -- which contains a detailed structural model of the multiplicity of the feasible knowledge states in a particular subject. Taking advantage of state of the art software technology, ALEKS is capable of searching an enormous knowledge structure efficiently, and ascertaining the exact knowledge state of the individual student. Like "Deep Blue," the IBM computer system that defeated international Chess Grand master Garry Kasparov, ALEKS interacts with its environment and adapts its output to complex and changing circumstances. ALEKS is based upon path breaking theoretical work in Cognitive Psychology and Applied Mathematics in a field of study called "Knowledge Space Theory." Work in Knowledge Space Theory was begun in the early 1980's by an internationally renowned Professor of Cognitive Sciences who is the Chairman and founder of ALEKS Corporation.

Students use ALEKS to learn math in more than two hundred US colleges and school districts. More than 3,000 students log on to ALEKS every day, and more than 10,000 assessments take place each month.

It is a great site that will help you shore up your weak areas in math.
Gradual Student
Hi, my name is Michael and I ICERTaholic.Cool

Enrolled: Excelsior BS MIS - Credits to date: 121
[Traditional Classes: 75, CLEP: 15, DSST 06, CERTS (IT): 25]
Cumulative GPA 3.8 - Concentration GPA 4.0
View my Exam Results at, "Post Your Test Results" Thread
Page 48/#303

Remaining tests:
09.06 Org Behav
10.06 Ethics
11.06 Finance

MBA is next educational goal.Smile

You ARE a CHAMPION...not a CHUMP...You are a HERO to all of us here on this board...and you know that ALLLL truly successful people sooner or later have setbacks and/or failures. It is a fact of human nature. Perserverance and determination no matter what will take you places where a high IQ will not. You are at the threshold of achieving this goal and DO NOT LET YOURSELF BE DENIED OR DETERRED FROM TAKING IT. Remember that a degree is to most of the outside world a confirmation of your ability to plan and complete a long, at times complex, process, a marathon not a sprint. You will have success in this as you have had (I am sure) in other endeavors of your life. And finally, don't forget that you have an excellent support group in those of us here on this forum. Now get busy and secure the final answer to this puzzle.
Gradual Student
Hi, my name is Michael and I ICERTaholic.Cool

Enrolled: Excelsior BS MIS - Credits to date: 121
[Traditional Classes: 75, CLEP: 15, DSST 06, CERTS (IT): 25]
Cumulative GPA 3.8 - Concentration GPA 4.0
View my Exam Results at, "Post Your Test Results" Thread
Page 48/#303

Remaining tests:
09.06 Org Behav
10.06 Ethics
11.06 Finance

MBA is next educational goal.Smile
[SIZE="2"][COLOR="black"]Hello one and all - let me express to you my heartfelt thanks and appreciation for your many words of encouragement, advice and honest and sincere caring thoughts. Even though I have not met a single person here in the IC group, I feel a strong sense of camaraderie coming from you all.

Although it has been less than 24 hours since taking the exam, what seemed to be an eternity of pain and perhaps self-pity seems to be fading. Math has always been my Achilles heel and it seems to have tripped me up once again.

I had deeply wished to attend commencement slated for July 14th and was advised that ALL grades and transcripts MUST be received at the school NO LATER THAN May 26th. Taking the exam yesterday would have ensured the timely receipt of the transcript and of course completed my degree requirements. I am currently holding at 116 credits needing 4 to complete 120 and of those four I need 2 math credits. The exam would have given me 6 math credits and eclipsed the 120 to 122.

Alas that did not occur and as a consequence I cannot attend commencement and will need to take 2 additional exams. I am going to tackle CLEP Principles of Management and then try CLEP College Algebra. This time I will not feel compelled to rush to the finish line and will give myself whatever time it takes to make it through. Any thoughts on these two exams will of course be embraced

Once again, I cannot thank you all enough for your sincere and uplifting words of support for this truly has been a learning experience that I shall not soon forget. It’s too bad you cannot get credit for the lessons learned from “CLEP Bruised Ego 101” but I shall not fail (fingers crossed) ever again.

Respectfully Yours - Brian[/COLOR][/SIZE]
ShotoJuku +
A.S., B.S., M.S., MBA
IC Forums Senior Super Moderator  
Passing It On & Paying It Forward To All Just Starting or Completing Their Educational Journey!

Shoto's Passing Your Exam Advice Here --->
God Bless The USA :patriot:
Great! Let me suggest that you DO go to ALEKS to study for the Algebra. I feel MUCH more confident after using it to study. Good luck!
Name: Lynda
Completed hours:126/ Hours completed by test:100
School:Excelsior Degree:BGB
All tests completed!
Classes in Progress-
Business Strategy
Operations Management
FINITO! on August 15th- if I can pass Algebra that is...Big Grin )
tampalizard Wrote:Great! Let me suggest that you DO go to ALEKS to study for the Algebra. I feel MUCH more confident after using it to study. Good luck!

[SIZE="4"]I can use all the help I can get and ALEKS sounds great!![/SIZE]
ShotoJuku +
A.S., B.S., M.S., MBA
IC Forums Senior Super Moderator  
Passing It On & Paying It Forward To All Just Starting or Completing Their Educational Journey!

Shoto's Passing Your Exam Advice Here --->
God Bless The USA :patriot:
ShotoJuku Wrote:[SIZE="4"]I can use all the help I can get and ALEKS sounds great!![/SIZE]
there is an upside to your dilemma for this ic board. Smile it's that you will still be here to help us and encourage us. selfishly, i'm glad you're still with us.
Taking the Road Less Traveled
The Journey of A Thousand Miles Starts with The First CLEP

BS-Psychology - Excelsior College
Enrolled in the School of Business, BS in Accounting
After MIS I'll be halfway there!
72 CLEP Credits, 21 DSST Credits, 25 ECE Credits (Including Inf Lit), 6 TESC Credits, 2 FEMA Credits = 126 Total
Withholding 6 Credits for Accounting = 120 for Psychology
12 credits completed toward my accounting degree

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