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Help! Pursue CLEP/DANTES independent of College goals?
So, I have a question, and I am open to any and all feedback.

I'm currently a "student" at UoPhoenix, aiming for a degree in business.

I thought it seemed like a good objective, though I am currently in the process of fulfilling the "basic" credit criteria.

Outside of these "gened" classes and that general "learn nothing" type of classes for self-starters, I have a bit of a dilemma.

In the UoPhoenix-land I filed a "PLAC" recently, to try to get my past certifications applied to some of the general credits.
(I hold a large number of Cisco, Microsoft and other technology certificates)

So, now that the situation is semi-laid.

Should I continue my educational track at UoPhoenix to fulfill some general requirements, continue to pursue attempting to transfer in PLAC (Prior Learning Assessment Credit), or attempt some other avenues in this?

The other subset of this, is should I take a whole series of CLEP/DANTES exams in order to have them fulfilled in general?

I imagine in no short-order I'd have all of the exams completed over the course of a few months (with dedication and and motivation).

All of you experienced in these tracks, who have been in these situations - I'm open and looking for your advice and guidance on this!

I'm not adverse to changing schools or anything of the sorts.

(My current UoP credit is 3 credits in Liberal Arts (GEN101) and 3 credits in Communication Arts (COM102).

So, experts and masters alike - please help! Smile
First, welcome to the group! You'll find a lot of people here who will be able to offer a lot of advice in your situation.

That being said, I'm likely not one of them because I'm having trouble understanding what your particular dilema is. Am I understanding correctly:
- you currently have 6 credits
- you filed for prior learning assessment but haven't received an evaluation yet
- you are a UoP student and it's UoP who's doing the assessment, but you are not adverse to switching schools... why? What was your reason for choosing UoP to begin with?

You've asked if you should take CLEP/DSST for the general stuff.... my opinion (and I think everyone in this group will agree) is to test out of EVERYTHING that your school will accept (everything that works into your specific degree plan). Especially if you are with UoP which is one of the more expensive schools, you will save an aweful lot of money by testing out, not to mention that each test passed saves you from 3 months of classes.

Best of luck to you!
You can't fail if you never give up
[COLOR="blue"]- Some ridiculous Zach Braff movie, but what a cool quote!!

I'm the king of procrastination. I first submitted my app to TESC in 1993. THIS will be the year of my degree completion![/COLOR]

CLEP-Information Systems & Computer Applications: Scored 62; Nov 07
CLEP-Analyzing & Interpreting Literature: Scored 57; Feb 08
DANTES-Criminal Justice: Scored 54; Jan 08
DANTES-Fundamentals of College Algebra: Scored 47 (and 47 is the req'd pass score! :eek: ); Jan 08
DANTES-Drug & Alcohol Abuse: Scored 57; Feb 08
DANTES-Ethics in America: Scored 55; Feb 08
DANTES-Organizational Behavior: Score 54; Mar 08
DANTES-Technical Writing: Score 58; Mar 08

FELL SHORT OF A PASSING SCORE (I'll never say the 'F' word):
ECE-Organizational Behavior: Score D (but passed DANTES version 2 hours later! Big Grin )
Welcome, "getting my BA"'s advice is right on. (This is just me) but I've heard from a few ex-UOP-ers that they were less than thrilled with the experience, not to mention the steep cost.

Ever consider jumping ship?

Overall I'm happy with Excelsior. Granted there were a few advisor screw-ups that set me back, but hey, what's college without some type of counselor/ advisor screw-up right?

Good luck.
I really wasn't suggesting leaving UoP as much as I was just wondering why that choice of school in the first place. My thinking is that most 'degree at a distance' students like us, are over 30 ys old, we're out in the workforce full time, we have kids and other major responsibilities. People in this situation generally want to get finished with the degree as quickly and inexpensively as humanly possible. It doesn't seem like that particular goal matches with the student experience at UoP (I might get some upset responses, but if I'm off-base, just tell me so and pls explain why). Here's why I say that:

- With their "campuses" all over the country, they don't seem to be a 'distance' program as much as they are offering 'convenience' of local classroom. That seems more like their accent is more toward being a traditional college. I don't have time to sit in a classroom.

- Expense: I calculated it out at one point, but I don't have the exact numbers (which would have changed by now anyway but...) they are like 5 times more expensive than TESC's out of state rates.

- Their Visibility: UoP did a huge thing this year, and it tells me that they are looking to gain "traditional" acceptance on a large-scale... They spent millions and millions of dollars and they sponsored the Super Bowl at Univ. of Phoeniz Stadium. Most of us here knew that - it may be news to some others - but take a second and think about that.... think about how BIG that is. My first question is "What the hell is an online school doing with their name on a football stadium?!?!?!" and my second question is "Where did they get the money to do that?!?!?!" At a minimum, likely EVERY major university bid (huge) money to get super bowl in their stadium. Anyway, all this was to say that they are trying to get 'traditional' acceptance and in doing so, they don't seem to be creating the optimal atmosphere for people with OUR goals.

Interesting thread about UoP and the possible increase in value of their degree since hosting the superbowl is here.
You can't fail if you never give up
[COLOR="blue"]- Some ridiculous Zach Braff movie, but what a cool quote!!

I'm the king of procrastination. I first submitted my app to TESC in 1993. THIS will be the year of my degree completion![/COLOR]

CLEP-Information Systems & Computer Applications: Scored 62; Nov 07
CLEP-Analyzing & Interpreting Literature: Scored 57; Feb 08
DANTES-Criminal Justice: Scored 54; Jan 08
DANTES-Fundamentals of College Algebra: Scored 47 (and 47 is the req'd pass score! :eek: ); Jan 08
DANTES-Drug & Alcohol Abuse: Scored 57; Feb 08
DANTES-Ethics in America: Scored 55; Feb 08
DANTES-Organizational Behavior: Score 54; Mar 08
DANTES-Technical Writing: Score 58; Mar 08

FELL SHORT OF A PASSING SCORE (I'll never say the 'F' word):
ECE-Organizational Behavior: Score D (but passed DANTES version 2 hours later! Big Grin )
[QUOTE=GettinMyBA]I really wasn't suggesting leaving UoP as much as I was just wondering why that choice of school in the first place. My thinking is that most 'degree at a distance' students like us, are over 30 ys old, we're out in the workforce full time, we have kids and other major responsibilities. People in this situation generally want to get finished with the degree as quickly and inexpensively as humanly possible. It doesn't seem like that particular goal matches with the student experience at UoP (I might get some upset responses, but if I'm off-base, just tell me so and pls explain why). Here's why I say that:

Why UoP in the first place? Oh, my answer is rather simple indeed.
I had visited one school interesting in taking advantage of my new employers "Tuition reimbursement plan" which is handled on a Calendar year (this was September at the time). The one school (which had an online component) said they could not help me - come back next semester (next year). I drove a mile or so away and I knew there was a UoP satellite there, so I stopped in there, and they could take care of me right there and then!

So, I'm not married to the school, or the program or anything else.
I match the criteria you specified (in 30's, family, kids, work, etc) and I don't have time to attend classes to not learn anything, which is why I have a wealth of certifications abound, it doesn't take long to learn (or respectively, not learn depending.. Smile)

So, any suggestions you guys may have (be as biased as you want, I don't mind Smile)

Say, "Hey, come to Excelsior, this is what it takes to transfer in general, your credit, and start knocking out these CLEP/DANTES", etc. I'm there.
I'll take your experiences (especially if many of them repeat the same thing) as expert experiences, and roll with that. And if I make mistakes, hey, atleast I'm moving forward.

So whatever advice and suggestions you guys have to move forward (Any particular CLEP/DANTES exam I should look at studying for at the moment, to get my mindset ready?) From my perspective - most 'technology' certifications (Microsoft, Cisco, etc) I would only study for a few hours for to pass with a high score (I'm very well read and experienced) and I imagine encountering similar in the Dantes/Clep land, it's just decided "where" to start.

(side note: I teach classes on how to take tests and improve ones ability to learn and retain knowledge) It is those first few steps in decision which really holds one back though Smile

Thanks again for all of the information you've offered and I look forward to more!
In my opinion, UoP is a complete ripoff and scam. It has a horrible return on investment. In other words, you can get the same results for SO much less money at other finer institutions.

Seriously, take a look at Excelsior. I think you'll find that it's one of the biggest college bargains out there AS WELL AS being one of the most flexible when it comes to CLEP/DSST exams and IT certs.
[COLOR="Blue"]Excelsior College
102 credits complete
20 UL Credits to go (7 tests)
BS Liberal Studies
Area of Focus:Computer Information Science

[COLOR="Red"]Next test:
Rise and Fall of the Soviet Union (August 6th)[/COLOR]

You could take 25 DSST tests or 27 CLEP tests for the price of 1 UoP class.
sailatinu Wrote:So, any suggestions you guys may have (be as biased as you want, I don't mind Smile)

Say, "Hey, come to Excelsior, this is what it takes to transfer in general, your credit, and start knocking out these CLEP/DANTES", etc. I'm there.
I'll take your experiences (especially if many of them repeat the same thing) as expert experiences, and roll with that. And if I make mistakes, hey, atleast I'm moving forward.

So whatever advice and suggestions you guys have ...
What a truly great attitude!!

I would highly recommend that you get yourself planted into either Excelsior or TESC. You may want to check out both website and programs available to make sure you can get to the specific degree that you want. Now, I'll give my opinions on both from my experience, but note that it's very subjective... someone else's experience might 100% contradict mine.

Ok, so I'm about to finish my BA from TESC. I chose them over Excelsior because as a NJ resident, my tuition falls far lower than what it would have cost me at EC because TESC is a State school. In the years that I've been associated with TESC, I've learned that not all staff members care a lick about their students... there are only a handful of helpful people who know what they are doing. Since I began strictly only dealing with those people - it's been a great ride. I assume that every school has its share of staff members who dont give a crap about their students, so this is not something that I necessarily hold TESC accountable for. For the most part, I'm ok with my entire experience with TESC. I definitely have seen admin screw ups, professors who don't get involved with their students, etc... but again, nothing that you should expect to be better elsewhere.

Now, I recently looked more into Excelsior and I like a lot of what I see, and I hate some of what I see. Their online library and access to publications is top notch. The people are helpful (staff) from my few experiences on the phone with them. I also like their phone system much better becaue it's far easier t get to the person/department that you need. TESC's system needs help! (by the way, i know it might sound ridiculous that I'm diuscussing phone systems when comparing colleges.... I'm trying to give you a day-to-day experience comparison rather than the macro view that the schools would like for you to have. reality is that neither school is "better" - you will work hard at both, you will eventually walk with a degree from both, I doubt that any employer likes to see one over the other). So, I looked into Excelsior for the General Business degree (not offered by TESC and doing it thru EC will be less total classes than if I try to get a second degree from TESC). I like the EC program but I really feel "nickel & dimed" all over the place. Example: their business degree requires a certain number of 'upper level' courses but they define upper level as 300 and above whereas TESC defines it as 200 or above. It becomes a problem in this example - The DANTES test Organizational Behavior (at a cost of $70) is a 200 level test and therefore counts as a lower level course for EC yet it counts as upper level in TESC. So if I want the upper level (which I do... this is not a made up example), I am forced to take the Excelsior College Examination at a cost of $230!! Then, since it's a test that I also need for my BA at TESC, I have to order a RUSH transcript at $42.... bottom line $272 paid to EC for what would have been $70 at TESC (and watch this..... the $70 isn't even paid to TESC; it goes to DANTES... TESC makes $0 on this type of thing).

I hope this helps a little!
You can't fail if you never give up
[COLOR="blue"]- Some ridiculous Zach Braff movie, but what a cool quote!!

I'm the king of procrastination. I first submitted my app to TESC in 1993. THIS will be the year of my degree completion![/COLOR]

CLEP-Information Systems & Computer Applications: Scored 62; Nov 07
CLEP-Analyzing & Interpreting Literature: Scored 57; Feb 08
DANTES-Criminal Justice: Scored 54; Jan 08
DANTES-Fundamentals of College Algebra: Scored 47 (and 47 is the req'd pass score! :eek: ); Jan 08
DANTES-Drug & Alcohol Abuse: Scored 57; Feb 08
DANTES-Ethics in America: Scored 55; Feb 08
DANTES-Organizational Behavior: Score 54; Mar 08
DANTES-Technical Writing: Score 58; Mar 08

FELL SHORT OF A PASSING SCORE (I'll never say the 'F' word):
ECE-Organizational Behavior: Score D (but passed DANTES version 2 hours later! Big Grin )
Well, here is an update to my situation

(And please do tell me if I have been foolish for this, and whether I should try to revert back or otherwise!) or if I've made a great decision, tell me how I can capitalize on that!

Due to past certifications (a slew of Microsoft certs and a number of others)
I'm having 30 credits transferred in (I imagine as various types of elective credits... still waiting for the system to commit it)

Which is basically saying, I'll be receiving 30 credit hours for
29 credits at $75.00
and 1 credit at $100.

If I were to transfer elsewhere, (big 3, or even brick or mortar) does this seem like I'm making a good decision to have more credits rolled in basically?

Just looking for feedback (honest, credible, even violent! Smile)

To let me know what kind of ramifications my actions may have!

Thanks! Hope to hear from you folks!
Just a small suggestion....

[SIZE="7"]~ Excelsior College ~[/SIZE]

There, I said it..... Big Grin
ShotoJuku +
A.S., B.S., M.S., MBA
IC Forums Senior Super Moderator  
Passing It On & Paying It Forward To All Just Starting or Completing Their Educational Journey!

Shoto's Passing Your Exam Advice Here --->
God Bless The USA :patriot:
In my situation, I found Excelsior College to be so much cheaper because I only pay the 495 annual student fee. I am taking all of my courses at the local community college in California for free because I qualify for pell grants. If I didn't qualify for pell grants, it would cost 20 dollars per unit. I am also taking CLEP/DSST and getting all of those credits sent to Excelsior. I think the only courses I would take at Excelsior is Business Policy and possibly Operations Management for $865 each. I was initially going to transfer to TUI University, but decided not to use my employer's tuition reimbursement because I might leave the company if I get accepted into law school on a scholarship. So many decisions to make next year.

In regards to transfer credits, Excelsior College granted 2 credits for my A+ and 11 credits for my MCSE and two other Windows NT courses, and bunch of credits for my claims adjuster programs listed on ACE and Army schools.

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