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I am going thru Park at Holloman AFB. I was VERY surprised at the credits they transferred in. All my electives are now filled. I am using CLEP and DSSTs to fill all the other courses I can. Park's website has information on which tests they convert to credit. The staff has been VERY helpful. I am taking Management Information Systems. I've just enrolled in my first online class, and the prof is VERY nice. The fees are also very reasonable.
CLEP Hound
Retired IT Manager, Working again...
It's my dime, so testing all I can.
Pursuing Park University MIS degree
CLEP - Principles of Mgmt Smile ; Freshman Comp (68)
DSST - Organizational Behavior (61); Principles of Supervision (66); Principles of Finance (71); Statistics (IP)
beckysharp Wrote:Just wanted to say thanks to all of you for serving in the military. You make the difference so that we can remain the home of the free and the brave.

I want you to know that I truly appreciate your sacrifice and risk on my behalf and those of my countrymen.

Thanks for your post! It's always great to hear that we are still appreciated, especially being stationed in California.
[COLOR="DimGray"]Intro to World Religions 68
Social Science and History 60
Principles of Statistics 60
Western Civilization I 58
Intro to Sociology 55
Astronomy 54
Technical Writing 54
Humanities 50
College Composition 50[/COLOR]

[COLOR="Blue"]C Programming - C
Electronic Instrumentation and Control - A
War and American Society - A
International Economics - A
Calculus II - B[/COLOR]
I am in the Navy, I can say that IMHO excelsior is your best bet, but then again I know noting about CCAF, well I do know I am not allowed to go there but that is it. I qualified for finical aid through embry-riddle, something like 25k, didnt use any of it... didnt have to... should have took the pell grant... passed it up... long story any ways it never hurts to apply but please do not take out unnecessary student loans, dont feel bad about dipping into your GIBill if you have to, that is what it is there for. Most people dont even use it once they get out so at least try to use it while you are in. I have a shipmate who rung up 20k in student loans for his AS and never touched his GI Bill, got of the military and cant afford to go to college because of bills so now his GI BIll (roughly 40k) is going unused and he is paying interest on his student loans.
AAT, Electromechanics, Excelsior College 2007
BS, Political Science, Excelsior College 2008
MSSL, Strategic Leadership, Mountain State (currently enrolled) 2009
I know what you mean. I can't believe that some people go through all that and never touch their GI bill. I don't think that I'm going to use my GI bill to the fullest but I'm still going to use it nonetheless. It really bugs me when people claim to join the military for educational purposes but really never take them up on it.
[COLOR="DimGray"]Intro to World Religions 68
Social Science and History 60
Principles of Statistics 60
Western Civilization I 58
Intro to Sociology 55
Astronomy 54
Technical Writing 54
Humanities 50
College Composition 50[/COLOR]

[COLOR="Blue"]C Programming - C
Electronic Instrumentation and Control - A
War and American Society - A
International Economics - A
Calculus II - B[/COLOR]
The GIBill...!

Saving mine for the graduate degree. Smile
Total Credits Earned: 162 - (with Forum Admin's permission)

I would rather use my GI bill whenever I couldn't fork over hundreds if not thousands of dollars for tuition and the such. Call me cheap, but I'm still going to use it to its fullest.
[COLOR="DimGray"]Intro to World Religions 68
Social Science and History 60
Principles of Statistics 60
Western Civilization I 58
Intro to Sociology 55
Astronomy 54
Technical Writing 54
Humanities 50
College Composition 50[/COLOR]

[COLOR="Blue"]C Programming - C
Electronic Instrumentation and Control - A
War and American Society - A
International Economics - A
Calculus II - B[/COLOR]
larry7crys Wrote:I would rather use my GI bill whenever I couldn't fork over hundreds if not thousands of dollars for tuition and the such. Call me cheap, but I'm still going to use it to its fullest.

I understand where you're coming from, and to each his (or her) own. I sat down and figured it out the other night, and I've probably spent close to $3,000 dollars on my exams in the last year. ($70+$20 for DSST's, $65+$20 for Cleps). There's a part of me that wishes I would have used the GI Bill or my Chapter 31 assistance for that $3000. Still, I want to hoard as much as I can since I enlisted back in the days of 15k'sh GI Bill, and I was in the Marine Corps which didn't jump on board with some of the higher education plans. <--- *Jealous of the Air Force*

My comment was merely a small example of the inimidation I feel when I look at some of the graduate school tuitions. I honestly can't imagine spending 90-130k on a two year EMBA program, but it helps somewhat to realize that my GI bill will pay for at least 20k of it. I"m still looking around for other alternatives (Oxford is only 60k, but a hellacious GMAT score).
Total Credits Earned: 162 - (with Forum Admin's permission)

I got my BS and MBA through the military and didn't touch a dime of my GI Bill....I still don't know what I'll do with it except watch it disappear. After I finished my CCAF degree I tested out of the BS via Excelsior (major thanks to IC and this website!) then went on to finish my MBA in 4 1/2 months through CCU...Total cost was $140 in books through Amazon used books section and a butt-load of studying.

You can do the same thing too...don't let anyone tell you different.
[SIZE="2"]Associates Degree, Aviation Maintenance Technology, Community College of the Air Force[/SIZE]
[SIZE="2"]Bachelors of Science, Liberal Studies Degree, Excelsior [/SIZE]
[SIZE="2"]MBA Human Resource Management, California Coast University[/SIZE]
Basket Weaver Wrote:All,
I got my BS and MBA through the military and didn't touch a dime of my GI Bill....I still don't know what I'll do with it except watch it disappear.

The Army currently allows GI Bill benefits to be transfered to dependents, but the eligibility is very limited.

Hopefully, in the future, all servicemembers will be able to transfer their GI Bill benefits to their dependents. While I had to dip into my GI Bill to finish my degree this year, I still have a good amount of it left. I'm saving my GI Bill for grad school, but I would give it to my daughter if I could.

And to think that I almost turned down my GI Bill. The money for college was never a selling point for me joining the Navy. I thought it was a rip off to pay $1,200 for something I never intended to use.
That would have been a big mistake.
B.S. Information Systems Management, UMUC - DONE!
Well I may have good news for you, all cost for exams are reimbursable by the VA, just submit a claim and they will right you a check. I know many people who have exited the service and done this with ease, it takes about 2 months to get you money but it is worth the wait. Also the GI Bill wont pay for exams anyways so you definitely didnt miss out by not using it because you couldn't. More good news, your GI Bill goes up every year and is not locked in at when you enlisted so you too probably have the 39K or whatever it is, unless of course you have a different GI Bill (call to service, reserves or Vietnam vet)
I hope this info helps.

Chebasaz Wrote:I understand where you're coming from, and to each his (or her) own. I sat down and figured it out the other night, and I've probably spent close to $3,000 dollars on my exams in the last year. ($70+$20 for DSST's, $65+$20 for Cleps). There's a part of me that wishes I would have used the GI Bill or my Chapter 31 assistance for that $3000. Still, I want to hoard as much as I can since I enlisted back in the days of 15k'sh GI Bill, and I was in the Marine Corps which didn't jump on board with some of the higher education plans. <--- *Jealous of the Air Force*

My comment was merely a small example of the inimidation I feel when I look at some of the graduate school tuitions. I honestly can't imagine spending 90-130k on a two year EMBA program, but it helps somewhat to realize that my GI bill will pay for at least 20k of it. I"m still looking around for other alternatives (Oxford is only 60k, but a hellacious GMAT score).
AAT, Electromechanics, Excelsior College 2007
BS, Political Science, Excelsior College 2008
MSSL, Strategic Leadership, Mountain State (currently enrolled) 2009

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