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Questions about TESC
I am sure it is in here somewhere but is there a minimum number of classes you have to take at TESC? The best I can tell from the degree plan I am looking at, I will need 10 classes at most. Hopefully I can test out of half of those so would I still be able to get a degree from TESC or would I have to take additional classes I do not need?

Thanks for all of the help.
It's true that TESC has no residency requirements (unles you are in the military). I personally have had a different experience than PatsGirl1. They seem that they always update my degree plan everytime I either sign up for courses or pass a CLEP/DSST (takes about 3 weeks but not really need for my degree). Advisors, I would say, are different. You can get at least 10 different answers to the same question asked from each and every advisor, so I would try to use the e-mail route instead. It seems that everytime I call, I get the inexperienced, arguementive guy so I try to stay away from using the phone. Overall, not really that bad.
[COLOR="DimGray"]Intro to World Religions 68
Social Science and History 60
Principles of Statistics 60
Western Civilization I 58
Intro to Sociology 55
Astronomy 54
Technical Writing 54
Humanities 50
College Composition 50[/COLOR]

[COLOR="Blue"]C Programming - C
Electronic Instrumentation and Control - A
War and American Society - A
International Economics - A
Calculus II - B[/COLOR]
larry7crys Wrote:I personally have had a different experience than PatsGirl1. They seem that they always update my degree plan everytime I either sign up for courses or pass a CLEP/DSST (takes about 3 weeks but not really need for my degree). Advisors, I would say, are different. You can get at least 10 different answers to the same question asked from each and every advisor, so I would try to use the e-mail route instead. It seems that everytime I call, I get the inexperienced, arguementive guy so I try to stay away from using the phone. Overall, not really that bad.

Yeah I've had him too Wink I know exactly which one you're referring to.

See, that's what irritates me. I KNOW for a fact they received my DSST and CLEP scores and they literally are just sitting on them and not updating my Eval. Other people can get their evaluations updated right away, but I am STILL waiting for my American Lit CLEP to show up.
I'm done!
B.A. English, TESC, completed December 2008

Tests passed: A/I Lit-73, Mgmt-71, Amer Lit-73, Tech Writing-64, Criminal Justice-56, Here's to Your Health-65, Law Enforcement-60
I just noticed that they say if credits are older than 10 years old you have to show that you still no the material(or something like that). How strict are they with that? I started school over 20 years ago.
Oh, and also it will take them FOREVER to update your evaulation- seriously. I still have 4 DSST tests and a CLEP from 5 weeks ago that they have and haven't put on my evaluation yet. >>

hilarious hilarious [SIZE="4"]5 Weeks?[/SIZE] hilarious hilarious That's a good one. I can't understand exactly what's up with that- but they are slow.

I finished an on-campus class locally in December. My eval has shown the transcript posted since 1/02/08, but still no update- no grade- no anything. I also have either 5 or 6 emails "in the queue" to advising that I have not gotten a reply from. Changing your degree plan is terrible.
Back to the topic- you can and should officially apply so you can get your evaluation in the system- but you'll need quite a bit of self-direction to get through that school.
dc67 Wrote:I am sure it is in here somewhere but is there a minimum number of classes you have to take at TESC? The best I can tell from the degree plan I am looking at, I will need 10 classes at most. Hopefully I can test out of half of those so would I still be able to get a degree from TESC or would I have to take additional classes I do not need?

Thanks for all of the help.
Doug, remember, if you're from out of state (TESC is in beautiful downtown Trenton, NJ), the tuition gets expensive. The comprehensive program lets you take I believe up to 36 credits, but remember, their classes are 12 weeks in length and their TESC's (at least they told me this on the phone) are tough in grading. They said you need to answer most of the questions to get an A and about 85 out of a 100 for a B. That's what they told me, everytime you deal w/them you get different answers. Their customer service is LAST to none. Jennifer knows more about the tests, she's probably taken some. The tough decision about dealing w/them is if you wait until you're close to being done and then register, you're probably going to be disappointed because of how they treat your credits. If you join too early, they will eat you up on fees. You need to look at the website and read everything closely, otherwise you will probably end up being surprised. I live 30 miles from them and I know their service is total BULLSHI#. Their programs look very good, I'll give them that. I've been tempted to jump but that crap service turns me off. Maybe once they get a grand from you it gets better. I joke around a bit on this site just to goof, but for people who are looking for the "Dream" and get wrapped up in schooling, it becomes all encompassing. Some educators could give a RATS ASS about students. Look into this closely, don't let these unscrupulous schools lure you and then not provide. There's probably a reason why Excelsior is more popular than TESC.
Has anyone ever had any sucess negotiating TESC down on their tuition? I was hoping for maybe getting the military deal being a veteran. If nothing else get the in state rate.
You could possible ask for the eArmyU rate or Navy College rate of $199/credit hour with no tuition or enrollment fees. Could be hard tough, but could be done. Keep calling them until you have a "yes" answer. The only you could lose is a few words and win big!
[COLOR="DimGray"]Intro to World Religions 68
Social Science and History 60
Principles of Statistics 60
Western Civilization I 58
Intro to Sociology 55
Astronomy 54
Technical Writing 54
Humanities 50
College Composition 50[/COLOR]

[COLOR="Blue"]C Programming - C
Electronic Instrumentation and Control - A
War and American Society - A
International Economics - A
Calculus II - B[/COLOR]
I have been on the phone with 3 different people this morning and just emailed another. No one will budge on the military tuition since I am no longer on active duty. They gave me an email address of a lady that can help brake down the tuition into each class for me to help get reimbursed from my employer. I think what I need to do is take a few more CLEP's and get it down to where I can finish in 1 year and then enroll. The first guy in admissions told me even if you transfer in enough credits to graduate without a class , you still have to pay the $2397 plus $275 graduation fee. It sounds like a good program and degree for me but very expensive.
True. It seems like very expensive but try using your GI bill benefits to cover the tuition.
[COLOR="DimGray"]Intro to World Religions 68
Social Science and History 60
Principles of Statistics 60
Western Civilization I 58
Intro to Sociology 55
Astronomy 54
Technical Writing 54
Humanities 50
College Composition 50[/COLOR]

[COLOR="Blue"]C Programming - C
Electronic Instrumentation and Control - A
War and American Society - A
International Economics - A
Calculus II - B[/COLOR]

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