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Did I miss the memo? Jumpcourse, SL finals, and a potpourri of questions
I used to read the forums religiously a couple of years ago. As I read the more current posts and prepare for completing a degree, I'm a little confused about a few things.

1. Jumpcourse: Has gone out of business? Their website is gone. Are the credits I earned and added to ACE in 2015 transferable to TESU?

2. SL Finals: In 2015, in order to pass the SL class, you needed to have at least a 70% on the final or something like that. It seems like it changed back to having a certain number of points to pass. And if necessary, just clicking randomly on the final.

3. Does offer direct transfer of units to TESU/COSC? I know you can transfer completed SL courses to COSC (and it comes in with the grade!). I would still have the courses transcripted to ACE.

4. I also feel like I read somewhere if (for example) you transfer in Western Civ 1 to TESU it fulfills the "Civil & Global Learning - Diversity" area AND 3 units of the "Knowledge of Human Cultures" area. One would still need to have enough units for the degree but both those areas would be fulfilled. That seems like too good of a deal, especially for someone who has a lot of electives. It just doesn't seem right.

5. As a affiliate through TESU, I know the 1 unit Cornerstone class is waived, but it is not issued as a 1 unit elective on the evaluation, right?

6a. Does ALEKS "College Algebra with Trigonometry" transfer to TESU as MAT 121 (College Algebra) or MAT 129 (Precalculus)?
I feel like I read PreCalculus is also known as "College Algebra with Trigonometry." And then I have the complication of having taken Trigonometry and PreCalculus at community college. I might have 11 units of math [3 Coll. Alg (ALEKS), 3 units Trig (CC), 5 units PreCalc (CC)] or just 8 units of math if ALEKS is redundant with either course. I need all the elective units I can get. Smile

6b. Wait... do I run the risk of having my 5 unit CC PreCalc downgraded to TESU's 3-unit MAT 129? Or do they just put the extra units in electives?

Whew, I think those are my big questions! Thankyouthankyouthankyou in advance for your help!
I'll take #2. No minimum needed for the final, you need 70% for the COURSE. Check the syllabus, weight of final exams range from 50% down to 20%. For effeciency, we've only selected courses that you could pass (or super close to it) before sitting the final.
triforce828 Wrote:I used to read the forums religiously a couple of years ago. As I read the more current posts and prepare for completing a degree, I'm a little confused about a few things.

1. Jumpcourse: Has gone out of business? Their website is gone. Are the credits I earned and added to ACE in 2015 transferable to TESU?

[COLOR="#FF0000"]I removed them out of my spreadsheet once I found out they didn't renew their ACE recommendation for credit. They were "'s rival" at $149/course.
You are in luck my friend, if you have ACE credits from Jumpcourse showing in the ACE registry, it still transfers as it was recommended then!

2. SL Finals: In 2015, in order to pass the SL class, you needed to have at least a 70% on the final or something like that. It seems like it changed back to having a certain number of points to pass. And if necessary, just clicking randomly on the final.

[COLOR="#FF0000"]This hasn't changed much, you still need 70% cumulative total for a pass.
I usually tell people to go for gold (if they're going for COSC) as they get the letter grade.[/COLOR]

3. Does offer direct transfer of units to TESU/COSC? I know you can transfer completed SL courses to COSC (and it comes in with the grade!). I would still have the courses transcripted to ACE.

[COLOR="#FF0000"] transfers everything to ACE for recommendation, it'll be in your ACE registry and you can order transcripts at $15 each ($20 the first one).
It won't matter who you send it to, it still requires you to go through ACE for the transcripts as they don't have an articulation, they're partners only.

4. I also feel like I read somewhere if (for example) you transfer in Western Civ 1 to TESU it fulfills the "Civil & Global Learning - Diversity" area AND 3 units of the "Knowledge of Human Cultures" area. One would still need to have enough units for the degree but both those areas would be fulfilled. That seems like too good of a deal, especially for someone who has a lot of electives. It just doesn't seem right.

[COLOR="#FF0000"]Probably, if the course transfers over and you are provided 6 credits, then it would satisfy that. However, I don't recall it will do so.
Maybe you need to take the Western Civilizations II in order for that to work, but that's the same as taking 2 courses for 6 credits.[/COLOR]

5. As a affiliate through TESU, I know the 1 unit Cornerstone class is waived, but it is not issued as a 1 unit elective on the evaluation, right?

[COLOR="#FF0000"]On the evaluation you get, it will show up as a requirement and it will indicate that it has been waived.
Evaluations take a while now, don't take the course. Reviews indicate it's a waste of $ for not much learned.[/COLOR]

6a. Does ALEKS "College Algebra with Trigonometry" transfer to TESU as MAT 121 (College Algebra) or MAT 129 (Precalculus)?
I feel like I read PreCalculus is also known as "College Algebra with Trigonometry." And then I have the complication of having taken Trigonometry and PreCalculus at community college. I might have 11 units of math [3 Coll. Alg (ALEKS), 3 units Trig (CC), 5 units PreCalc (CC)] or just 8 units of math if ALEKS is redundant with either course. I need all the elective units I can get. Smile

6b. Wait... do I run the risk of having my 5 unit CC PreCalc downgraded to TESU's 3-unit MAT 129? Or do they just put the extra units in electives?

[COLOR="#FF0000"]LOL, your math credits seems screwed up! Send in your evaluation to TESU and see what they say. Hmm...
I think as long as they don't duplicate, you'll get credit. My assumption is, you have 3 courses that duplicate!

Whew, I think those are my big questions! Thankyouthankyouthankyou in advance for your help!

Hey, I've entered in some answers, hopefully it is what you're looking for. Offer
In Progress: UMPI BAS & MAOL | TESU BA Biology & Computer Science
Graduate Certificate: ASU Global Management & Entrepreneurship

Completed: TESU ASNSM Biology, BSBA (ACBSP Accredited 2017)
Universidad Isabel I: ENEB MBA, Big Data & BI, Digital Marketing & E-Commerce
Certs: 6Sigma/Lean/Scrum, ITIL | Cisco/CompTIA/MTA | Coursera/Edx/Udacity

The Basic Approach | Plans | DegreeForum Community Supported Wiki
~Note~ Read/Review forum posts & Wiki Links to Sample Degree Plans
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[Image: e7P9EJ4.jpeg]
Quote: 1. Jumpcourse: Has gone out of business? Their website is gone. Are the credits I earned and added to ACE in 2015 transferable to TESU?
Yeah, they are gone. However, any courses you completed in the past are still ACE recommended, so TESU will probably accept them for credit

Quote:SL Finals: In 2015, in order to pass the SL class, you needed to have at least a 70% on the final or something like that. It seems like it changed back to having a certain number of points to pass. And if necessary, just clicking randomly on the final.
70% overall. There may be one exception from what I've read (Intro to Psych, just read the syllabus to make sure), but every other course requires a total 70 for credit

Not sure about the rest, but here's what I can offer.
Master of Business Administration, Universidad Isabel I, 2021
Master in Management & Team Management, Universidad Isabel I, 2021
Master in International Trade, Universidad Isabel I, 2021
Master in Supply Chain Management, Universidad Isabel I, 2021
Master in Project Management, Universidad Isabel I, 2023

BS Information Technology, Western Governors University, 2017
AAS Cybersecurity, Community College, 2017
FEMA Emergency Management Certificate, 2017
Fundraising Specialization Certificate, Berkeley/Haas, 2020

Undergraduate Credits: 165 Semester Credits
Graduate Credits: 105 ECTS (52.5 Semester Credits)

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