OfficerA Wrote:The same person who helped me out is running into problems transcribing courses, despite spending the time with me going over my degree plan from TESC.
What I'd like to do now is take the regular classes I have to take, while I still have CLEP/DSST/TECEPs remaining afterward, so I can max out my TA before the next fiscal year starts.
Somehow, this person managed to get 126 credit remaining (despite only 120 being needed for the degree), and for my core courses she made it seem like I still have quite a few to take care of, most of them already done. I'm kind of worried, as the classes I need TA for she didn't list, so I'll be trying to fix this again this week.
To alleviate the miscommunication between you and your education officer what you might do is send an email to TESC Advising through the helpdesk ticket system. Ask them to add the courses you still need to take for TA as Planned Credit. Be sure to include all courses you need approved for this year. The courses will remain on the evaluation until either you've completed the course or you ask for its removal.
You can also request they add any exams you will be taking over the next semester as well. If necessary for a clean degreeplan, you can also add the courses you've already taken that have not yet been processed. Then print out a new academic evaluation and submit for processing.
Hope this helps!
Here are a few examples of what the different courses/exams wlll look like on your academic evaluation.
Courses/exams in progress (IP) or are expected (PL/PR):
2.. SOS-110... Living in the Information (3.00) ___ *IP
2.. PSY-363... Industrial Psychology.... (3.00) ___ *PR
2.. ECO-112 Microeconomics........... (3.00) --- ECO-112 *PL *TE
2.. ECO-111 Macroeconomics........... (3.00) --- ECO-111 *PL *TE
IP = In progress
PR = Preregistered (TESC Courses/TECEPs)
PL TE = Planned Exam/Courses (DSST/CLEP/SL..etc)
Once the courses are completed or transcripts arrive and are evaluated the courses are then updated:
2.. SOS-110... Living in the Information 3.00 A
2.. PSY-363... Industrial Psychology.... 3.00 CR
1.. ECFI202 Principles of Economics M 3.00 B ECO-111 *TE
1.. ECFI201 Principles of Economics M 3.00 A ECO-112 *TE
CR = TECEPs/e-Pack/CBE
Graded Credit = TESC OL/GS Courses / Transfer Credit (Note: GPA, TESC Only)
NE = Testing/ACE Credit
TE = Transfer Credit
CC TE = Community College Transfer Credit
"Setting a goal is not the main thing. It is deciding how you will go about achieving it and staying with that plan." -Tom Landry
AAS, Admin Studies. 2010
BA, Social Sciences. 2010. Arnold Fletcher Award.
AAS, Environmental, Safety & Security Technologies. 2011
BSBA, General Management. 2011. Arnold Fletcher Award.
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