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I'm an ordained minister!
This article is a better one on the ruling on Indiana's law.
Indiana marriage law is discriminatory, US court says in ruling for humanists -

Another problem with Indiana's law is that it discriminated against religions without clergy (e.g. Quakers) or those without "an organizational commitment to marriage" (e.g. Buddhism). The judge's ruling is hilarious. She points out that Indiana recognizes marriages carried out by leaders in the Church of Satan (whose priestess believes she derives powers from having sex with Satan) and fake ministers of the ULC who bought their credentials, but not Buddhists.

The solution the judge, humanist plaintiffs, and other states have come up with is to recognize marriages solemnized by notaries.

Another problem with having a judge or some other kind of governmental official solemnize a marriage is that that person is most likely of a different religion or denomination even though he or she is conducting a secular ceremony. Also, a secular ceremony may not be sufficient for certain religious persons.
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sanantone Wrote:By the way, I read that Canada does not recognize ULC ministers in any province.

But if a new religion, liberal religion, or a secular humanist group has substantive existence as a membership organization, and substantive procedures to vet their marriage officiants, their officiants can be licensed to perform marriages on the same basis as ministers of established religions. My friend Suzanne (at – my idea for her brand name, of which I'm proud :) ) has been licensed as a marriage officiant by Ontario for many years, on the basis of her endorsement by the Officiant Program Committee of the Humanist Association of Canada (Humanist Canada).
Jonathan Whatley Wrote:But if a new religion, liberal religion, or a secular humanist group has substantive existence as a membership organization, and substantive procedures to vet their marriage officiants, their officiants can be licensed to perform marriages on the same basis as ministers of established religions. My friend Suzanne (at – my idea for her brand name, of which I'm proud Smile ) has been licensed as a marriage officiant by Ontario for many years, on the basis of her endorsement by the Officiant Program Committee of the Humanist Association of Canada (Humanist Canada).

I guess they just have a problem with ULC ordaining strangers over the Internet.
Graduate of Not VUL or ENEB
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sanantone Wrote:I guess they just have a problem with ULC ordaining strangers over the Internet.

Pretty much!

Alanis Morissette was ordained as a ULC minister circa 2004. She's Canadian! I think she's lived in California for many years though.

ETA: So is the writer Cory Doctorow, also Canadian. Via nndb's list of otherwise famous people ordained by the Universal Life Church.
Jonathan Whatley Wrote:Pretty much!

Alanis Morissette was ordained as a ULC minister circa 2004. She's Canadian! I think she's lived in California for many years though.

ETA: So is the writer Cory Doctorow, also Canadian. Via nndb's list of otherwise famous people ordained by the Universal Life Church.

I was gratified to find Hunter S. Thompson on that list. Didn't really care that Jeff Probst or Nicole Richie were on it. Nicole's dad - talented guy, but as for her - not so much, at least in my book. ULC is a magnificent source of fake degrees. Doctor of the Universe! Wow! Smile

However - a cautionary tale from another forum (2005): "My English Cocker Spaniel was ordained via the ULC about a year ago."

W.C. Fields said it best - don't work in show business with children or animals! Smile

Johann Wrote:However - a cautionary tale from another forum (2005): "My English Cocker Spaniel was ordained via the ULC about a year ago."

I'm sure the pup was ordained. All the cutie needed was a name Spaniel English, email and his adoptive parents home address. I'm sure he went back for the full package and is now affectionately known as Dr Spaniel English. :roflol:

Important information:
  • Please be sure to find out about the legal requirements governing your state prior to performing wedding ceremonies.
  • If you do not get your confirmation email within 10 mins please check your junk / spam filter. (Hmmm, ya think)
  • By submitting this form you agree that you are over the age of 13. (So 13 year olds can perform wedding ceremonies?)
  • Only valid legal names and addresses will be accepted. (Sure, Sure)

Gosh, I am in tears again. This stuff cracks me up.hilarious

"Setting a goal is not the main thing. It is deciding how you will go about achieving it and staying with that plan." -Tom Landry

AAS, Admin Studies. 2010
BA, Social Sciences. 2010. Arnold Fletcher Award.
AAS, Environmental, Safety & Security Technologies. 2011
BSBA, General Management. 2011. Arnold Fletcher Award. Sigma Beta Delta (ΣΒΔWink!
Then again, if neither a faux-doctorate nor the ministry is your style, how about a different ULC qualification? For $9.95 the ULC will dub thee a "Jedi Knight." Now if that isn't the real deal, what is?

Smile Jedi Knight Certificate

Johann - CSN (Certified Space Ninja) DFN (Degree Forum Knight)
One of the strangest offerings of the ULC is the Gospel of the Flying Spaghetti Monster. Adherents are also known as Pastafarians. Does your Heaven include a Stripper Factory and a Beer Volcano? Smile

The Gospel of the Flying Spaghetti Monster

Johann Wrote:One of the strangest offerings of the ULC is the Gospel of the Flying Spaghetti Monster. Adherents are also known as Pastafarians. Does your Heaven include a Stripper Factory and a Beer Volcano? Smile

The Gospel of the Flying Spaghetti Monster


Possibly my favorite religion, simply because it pisses so many people off.

The State of Florida allowed a Christian church to place a nativity scene at the Capitol in Tallahassee, saying they would allow other religions to place their own symbols on the grounds as well. So when the Church of the FSM petitioned to place a Flying Spaghetti Monster on the capitol, they couldn't refuse.....I sh*t you not... Read here

"I thank Thee for the giving of healthful Green Salad, the Yummy Garlic Bread, and the Blessed Cheese for the top of my Spaghetti, and also I am most thankful that If I eat All my Dinner, a Dessert of Extreme Chocolateness will surely follow, preferably Dark Chocolate, for it is Good. Ramen." -Pastafarian prayer

The State of Oklahoma has almost backed itself into the same corner by allowing the Ten Commandments to be placed on their capitol grounds; The Church of Satan is now petitioning to place their own memorial at the capitol.

Satanists Unveil Statue for Oklahoma Capitol
[COLOR="#0000FF"] B.S. - COSC (December, 2013) :hurray:
20-Community College Courses (2004-2006)
80-Semester Hours at Western Governors University (2010-2012)
15-Charter Oak State College (2013)
If I can do it, ANYONE can do it![/COLOR]
publius2k4 Wrote:Possibly my favorite religion, simply because it pisses so many people off.

The State of Florida allowed a Christian church to place a nativity scene at the Capitol in Tallahassee, saying they would allow other religions to place their own symbols on the grounds as well. So when the Church of the FSM petitioned to place a Flying Spaghetti Monster on the capitol, they couldn't refuse.....I sh*t you not... Read here

"I thank Thee for the giving of healthful Green Salad, the Yummy Garlic Bread, and the Blessed Cheese for the top of my Spaghetti, and also I am most thankful that If I eat All my Dinner, a Dessert of Extreme Chocolateness will surely follow, preferably Dark Chocolate, for it is Good. Ramen." -Pastafarian prayer

The State of Oklahoma has almost backed itself into the same corner by allowing the Ten Commandments to be placed on their capitol grounds; The Church of Satan is now petitioning to place their own memorial at the capitol.

Satanists Unveil Statue for Oklahoma Capitol

This is funny, but it turns out the proposal was not submitted by the Church of Satan. It was apparently submitted by a former member.
Church of Satan • Oklahoma Monument Proposal
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