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What's In A Name?
Just found this post. I think by now most know what my name means but here it is again. I am getting this degree because I have to have one to get a decent job. The old adage of a degree in basket weaving seemed to fit because I chose the easiest route in "Liberal Studies"; thus Basket Weaver. Lee

I just read your name's meaning and was surprised to see you study/teach Karate. I lived in Japan for 15 years and was the first American in my dojo. My sensei was the #2 man in the world in our style and we tested in front of the top 5 to get promoted; it was an honor every time. This was in Okinawa and I studied Shurite for years there. My wife is also Japanese and my son, well he's halfSmile . My Sensai really wanted me to teach and even let me use his Dojo's name but I could never find a student who would stick with it, the conditioning can be a bit rough for the first several months. Just thought I'd pass that along. Lee
[SIZE="2"]Associates Degree, Aviation Maintenance Technology, Community College of the Air Force[/SIZE]
[SIZE="2"]Bachelors of Science, Liberal Studies Degree, Excelsior [/SIZE]
[SIZE="2"]MBA Human Resource Management, California Coast University[/SIZE]
When my granddaughters were little, they lived in Chicago. When I talked to my daughter on the phone, she would tell them,"it is Papa in Georgia". They just shortened it to Papa Georgia.
It is a great nickname when you consider what they call their other grandfather. Ever time they saw him, he had his little dog with him. His name is "Papa Dog".Smile
Chartered Life Underwriter-American College 1985
Chartered Financial Consultant-American College 1986
BS Charter Oak State College 2005
BS Psychology-Summa Cum Laude-Excelsior College 2006
Chartered Advisor for Senior Living-American College 2006
Papa Georgia Wrote:When my granddaughters were little, they lived in Chicago. When I talked to my daughter on the phone, she would tell them,"it is Papa in Georgia". They just shortened it to Papa Georgia.
It is a great nickname when you consider what they call their other grandfather. Ever time they saw him, he had his little dog with him. His name is "Papa Dog".Smile
I was wondering about your name. I thought maybe it related to the Vegas Vacation movie. Nick Poppogeorgio is Chevy Chase's son Rusty's alias in the movie. It's a great movie.
Taking the Road Less Traveled
The Journey of A Thousand Miles Starts with The First CLEP

BS-Psychology - Excelsior College
Enrolled in the School of Business, BS in Accounting
After MIS I'll be halfway there!
72 CLEP Credits, 21 DSST Credits, 25 ECE Credits (Including Inf Lit), 6 TESC Credits, 2 FEMA Credits = 126 Total
Withholding 6 Credits for Accounting = 120 for Psychology
12 credits completed toward my accounting degree
ShotoJuku Wrote:[SIZE="3"][COLOR="Navy"]I picked this up from another thread regarding the various nicknames that we use here in the IC Forums so I thought I would elaborate on mine - ShotoJuku.

To begin, I have been studying/teaching Japanese ShotoKan Karatedo since 1971. The founder of Shotokan - Gichin Funakoshi used the pen name of "Shoto" meaning "Pine Waves" and his style was subsequently called Shoto-Kan.

I use a derivative of ShotoKan retaining Shoto but added Juku meaning "special or private school" thus - ShotoJuku.

More on this and other useless knowledge can be found at my website - .

How about some of the other nicknames out there????[/COLOR][/SIZE]

That's very interesting. My name "bongsau" is actually two words in Cantonese "Bong Sau." It means Wing Arm -- it's a movement in Wing Chun Kung Fu, which I have been teaching/studying for over a decade. It would appear that our arts have left a substantial impact on us, as we have choses such names with which to associate ourselves.
Our website is

[SIZE="4"][COLOR="Blue"]Traditional Credits: 95
Test Credits: 33
Time Saved: 1 1/2 years![/COLOR][/SIZE]
CLEP Principles of Management, Introductory Sociology, Introductory Psychology, ECE Human Resource management, ECE Organizational Behavior, Intro to Business, Rise and Fall of the Soviet Union, Criminal Justice, Principles of Supervision, Money and Banking, Business Law II
B.S. Individualized Studies, COSC[/SIZE]
Well, let's name is Matt. I'm 30 yrs old. Growing up, my absolute favorite cartoon/kids show was the Transformers. To this day, it's still my favorite. My favorite character was Optimus day my friend Jen started calling me Matymus Prime....and it stuck. Sometimes it's just Matymus for short.
Big Grin Matymus Primehilarious
Waterloo, NY
Excelsior College
B.S. General Business, Class of 2008

Fall 2011 - currently pursuing Pre-Pharmacy
Matymus Wrote:Well, let's name is Matt. I'm 30 yrs old. Growing up, my absolute favorite cartoon/kids show was the Transformers. To this day, it's still my favorite. My favorite character was Optimus day my friend Jen started calling me Matymus Prime....and it stuck. Sometimes it's just Matymus for short.

I guess it could also be like....Ma-xi-mus!! Ya' the movie Gladiator?! Oh yeah.
Big Grin Matymus Primehilarious
Waterloo, NY
Excelsior College
B.S. General Business, Class of 2008

Fall 2011 - currently pursuing Pre-Pharmacy
Matymus Wrote:I guess it could also be like....Ma-xi-mus!! Ya' the movie Gladiator?! Oh yeah.

Flavius Matymus - Kool!![/COLOR][/SIZE]
ShotoJuku +
A.S., B.S., M.S., MBA
IC Forums Senior Super Moderator  
Passing It On & Paying It Forward To All Just Starting or Completing Their Educational Journey!

Shoto's Passing Your Exam Advice Here --->
God Bless The USA :patriot:
mstcrow as in Mystery Science Theater 3000's Crow T. Robot, and 5429 as a very old e-mail address I had in the 90s that no longer exists had 5421 at the end, and I just incremented it by 8.
Excelsior, BS, pursuing degree

CLEP: Hum. (67), Hist. of U.S. I (74), Hist. of U.S. II (71), Intro. Psych. (69), Intro. Soc. (72), Soc. Sci. and Hist. (74), Western Civ I (72), Western Civ II (70), Am. Lit. (60), Intro. to Educ. Psych. (62), P. of Management (74), P. of Market. (74), Intro. Bus. Law (67), P. of Accounting (60), AmGov (68)
DSST: Ethics in Am. (76), P. of Super.(67), HRM (65), Intro to Bus. (70), MIS (65), P. of Fin (62), M&B (65), P. of Stat. (68)
TECEP:: IntFin, SecAna


Total Credits: 129
et is for my first and maiden name, the number 4 is for effect and tango is for Buenos Aires, where I was born, I had use this on my email is easy.
I chose my user name because I love the Anne of Green Gables series...I have a best friend (or bosom friend for you other Anne fiends!) that has dark hair, I have red hair. We read the books together and viola! I was Anne, she was Diana. 15 years later we are going to PEI together to see Anne's house and island!!

(We always thought it would be fun to take "Fred and Gilbert" along but Gil is still out there searching for me!!hilarious So we are leaving Fred and going ourselves!)

Master of Arts - Emergency and Disaster Management - Estimated Completion 2014
Bachelor of Science Human Services in Emergency Disaster Services - TESC- December 2009
Culinary Arts Certificate - Boise State University 2002

Education teaches a man to spell experience.Big Grin

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