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What are your educational goals for 2014?
4.0 is awesome! Unless you are an AP or an honors course student you can't really beat that GPA! WELL DONE Smile I think you will be perfect for this course since (as you mentioned) you have all the experience from distance learning already under your belt. We often have to "teach ourselves" and doing that takes, patience, perseverance, and sometimes just pure luck of being in the right place at the right time. I found this website just doing a search one day. I hear you about the math though, it's something I struggle with too! I actually did okay with ALEK's. It's tedious, but it really does slow down all the steps and show you what to do. If I get stuck I used Khan Academy first or Education Portal to study those weak areas. I am sure once you find your method of choice you will master what you need to in time for your "Master's" thesis! LOL! You are SOOO close, I bet you can see the light at the end of the tunnel!

8 weeks and I can't wait to read your "I did it" post!

I can't wait until you do, because it's proof positive that distance learning works, if YOU work at distance learning.

Well done, I KNOW you can make it!

TMW2010 Wrote:Tara -
Thanks for the encouragement. I'm down to 8 weeks left in my M.Ed. So far, I'm holding a 4.0 in the 8 classes I've completed, but it's been relatively 'easy' for me. The content that the first half of the degree has covered is information that I've had to learn and adapt to in my two years of adjuncting college courses prior to starting the actual degree. I probably wouldn't have lasted this long if I hadn't been able to adapt. The second half has been a specialization in eLearning/Technology which has come somewhat natural in my own experiences as a student in DL learning, so I've been able to put the 'pieces' together pretty well where that's concerned. I've got three more weeks in my Assessments course before I start my final course which is my research project - I didn't enjoy the thought of doing a Master's thesis in 5 weeks :p. I've got the bulk of my research done so it'll mainly be putting everything together in the format they want during the final class.

My biggest concern on the GRE is the math portion, I'm relatively comfortable with my verbal skills and writing at this point. I've re-upped my ALEKS account for giggles to help me work through the math stuff (for which I already got a bunch of credits from them used towards my BS in Psych) as well as a few of the GRE Math workbooks. It should be an interesting endeavor since I'm teaching two Intro to Psychology classes in January while studying for the GRE (and working on my own grad work). Luckily, the classes I'm teaching are blended, so I'm only in the classroom two days a week instead of three.


I'm done!Smile Thanks to InstantCert,, ALEKS, CLEP and a LOT of work on my part and a lot of support from hubby and family. If I can do it, so can you! 

Thomas Edison State College (TESC) - Bachelor of Science Nursing; RN, BSN (Graduated in the top of 1/4 of class with Sigma Theta Tau honors)
+ 3 courses completed towards MSN.
Excelsior College (EC) - Associates in Applied Science (passed NCLEX- RN exam and became a Registered Nurse)

The test's Passed (CLEP'S, DSST's, ALEK's, etc.):
3          Introduction to Sociology
3          Lifespan and Developmental Psychology
3          Humanities (64)
3          History of the United States I (60)
3          History of the United States II (65)
3          American Government (54)
6          Biology (58)
6          Analyzing and Interpreting Literature (67)
3          Principals of Management (72)
3          ALEKS: Intermediate Algebra
3          CLEP Intro to Psych
3          ALEKS: Statistics

YOU CAN DO IT!!![Image: smile.png]
Finish my BSBA (hopefully) by November and then look into sitting the CPA Exam sometime in 2015!
West. Civ I - 65, A&I Lit - 66, Biology - 65, Chemistry - 55, Nat. Sciences - 64, US Hist I - 68, Am. Lit - 61, US Hist II - 62, Am. Gov. - 67, Macroecon. - 63, Microecon. - 75, College Comp. - 66, Prin. of Marketing - 68, Prin. of Mngt - 71

Civil War and Reconst. - 70, Prin. of Supervision - 443, Intro to World Rel - 477, Intro to Bus - 443, HR Mgmt - 64, Intro to Computing - 458, Prin. of Fin. Acct - 80Big Grin, Bus Ethics & Society - 447, Prin. of Finance - 437

Int. Algebra, College Algebra, Precalc, Intro to Stats., Business Stats.

Corp. Comm - 78%, Bus Law and Ethics - 76%

Manag. Acct. - 96, Int. Acct. 1 - 98, Int. Acct. 2 - 87, Cost Acct. - 94, Strategic Bus. Mngt. - 95

Auditing - 89

Adv. Acct. - B

Fed Income Taxation

BSBA Accounting
Even better, I found an 'out' regarding the GRE. The school to which I'm applying for the doctoral program accepts the Millers Analogies Test (MAT) which I'm much more comfortable with, so I'm going to be taking that instead of the GRE. If things don't pan out, I can always go back and take the GRE and go with the multitude of other options I've considered. Tongue
Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Wile E. Coyote, genius. I am not selling anything nor am I working my way through college, so let's get down to basics: you are a rabbit and I am going to eat you for supper. Now don't try to get away, I am more muscular, more cunning, faster and larger than you are, and I am a genius, while you could hardly pass the entrance examinations to kindergarten, so I'll give you the customary two minutes to say your prayers.

Bachelor of Science in PsychoRabbitology degree
Master of Education with a specialty in Rabbit-specific destructive munitions (or eLearning & Technology, I forget which)
Doctor of Philosophy in Wile E. Leadership with an area of specialty in Acme Mind Expansion - 2017 Hopefully
#24's been about 7 months. How are your goals coming along. I just re-"did" my goals for this year and next.

They are:

a. Earn Bachelor of Science in Paralegal Studies. (almost done)
b. Earn Advanced Paralegal Certification in:
  • Contracts Management/Contracts Administration
  • Business Organizations: Incorporated Entities
  • E-Discovery
  • Real Estate Principles

c. Apply for and pass the PACE Exam
d. Apply to Master’s Program (Masters in Administrative Studies: Area of Focus Project Management or individualized study).
e. Apply for and earn Certification in Ethics and Compliance Management (CECM)

a. Begin Master’s Program in Spring 2015
b. Pass NCCP Exam
c. Learn another foreign language
Don't miss out on something great just because it might also be difficult.

Road traveled: AA (2013) > BS (2014) > MS (2016) > Doctorate (2024)

If God hadn't been there for me, I never would have made it. Psalm 94:16-19
Still working on my Masters. Holding a 4.0 so far.
BA Psychology - TESC

CLEP Biology - 56
CLEP Human Growth and Development - 56
CLEP College Mathematics - 54
CLEP Educational Psychology - 58
CLEP Social Sciences and History - 70
CLEP Analyzing and Interpreting Literature - 59
ECE Psychology of Adulthood and Aging -B
ECE Research Methods in Psychology - B
DSST Substance Abuse - 429
DSST Fundamentals of Counseling - 53
DSST Intro to World Religion - 458
Yay! When I saw this string revived, I was dreading it. I thought I'd posted a goal. Didn't. Good thing. I won't be getting a degree this fall from TESC. Someday.
TESU BSBA - GM, September 2015

"Never give up on a dream just because of the time it will take to accomplish it. The time will pass anyway." -- Earl Nightingale, radio personality and motivational speaker
cookderosa Wrote:In a few days I'll be diving in to my thesis! That's my first goal. I'd like to successfully complete it and graduate (whooop whooop) with my master's! That only takes me through March/April.

Other education goals:
pass level 1 WSET wine training in March.

after that?!?! YIKES!! I'm going to have to think of something Smile

Fun to revisit this thread!! Well, I did complete my thesis, and I did graduate, so that's great. I did NOT take my wine training yet. Life was too crazy in March, so I'm waiting until August. I'm considering going through all 3 levels of certification with WSET, which would take about 8 months give or take.
LaterBloomer Wrote:Yay! When I saw this string revived, I was dreading it. I thought I'd posted a goal. Didn't. Good thing. I won't be getting a degree this fall from TESC. Someday.

LOL!! That's funny. That happens to me all the time, when I see that little green reply arrow, I always wonder what I said. <gulp>
Well, slap my face and call me stupid. So THAT'S what that little green arrow means. Had I known, I wouldn't have had my moment of shame. I've learned so much from you, Cookderosa. Hey! How good are you at teaching College Algebra and Stats?
TESU BSBA - GM, September 2015

"Never give up on a dream just because of the time it will take to accomplish it. The time will pass anyway." -- Earl Nightingale, radio personality and motivational speaker
LaterBloomer Wrote:Well, slap my face and call me stupid. So THAT'S what that little green arrow means. Had I known, I wouldn't have had my moment of shame. I've learned so much from you, Cookderosa. Hey! How good are you at teaching College Algebra and Stats?

.... that's a joke right? :puke:

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