Hi guys,
Just an update and a thank you to all for your input.
I spent the better half of my day on the phone with CollegeBoard reps and testing centers within an 85 mile radius of our home.
As of now, the only suggestion the CollegeBoard gave me was to find a testing center that had not switched over to the new system. The old system is computer-based while the new system is internet-based. Basically, they began switching to the new system on September 18th. It is a long process, however, of getting all the testing sites switched over. They said by spring all testing centers are expected to be switched to the new format for registering and testing.
I finally found a testing center that was still on the old system and have my daughter registered for December 27th. It will be an 85 mile drive, but worth it bc she has put waaaay to much time into studying to not be able to test. By spring, however, if nothing changes in their registration process, all testing centers will be on the new system and she will not be able to test again until she is 13.
I did send a lengthy email to the powers that be at the CollegeBoard asking them to please develop an alternate way for those under 13 to test.
Natalie Jenkins
Here is the email I sent. Hopefully others will follow suit and they will make some changes. If you would like to send an email addressing this issue as well, this is the
My daughter began studying for US History 1 at the beginning of September. She is a young, bright seventh-grader and was excited about showing her ability to do college-level work and also earn college-level credit.
Unfortunately, (and unbeknownst to us) on September 18th you began switching to a new centralized online registration that now will not allow anyone under 13 to register. It is my understanding that this is because of federal privacy laws and not being able to collect info over the internet on any person under the age of 13. I understand that you must abide by federal laws and I appreciate my child being protected under such laws. However, I am asking that you please come up with an alternate way for those under 13 to be able to register (phone register possibly??) for the CLEP. I applaud the Collegeboard for recognizing and tangibly rewarding those young students that work hard to prove college-level knowledge. You have rewarded those under 13 for years by allowing them access to test at the college level and obtain college-level credit.
Please continue to reward their achievement by allowing them to CLEP. It would be truly sad to let a new system of registration keep my daughter and countless others from the benefits of CLEP that have been able to be enjoyed by those under 13 years of age up until now.
Thank you so very much and God Bless,
Natalie Jenkins