08-08-2013, 12:46 PM
Could someone tell me if these tests/classes that I have already completed will fulfill the new general education requirements at TESC towards a BA in English?
CLEP College Composition (ENC 101/102) -- 6 credits
DSST Introduction to World Religions (REL 405) -- 3 credits
BYU Course: Writing Poetry (ENGL 319R) -- 3 credits
CLEP American Literature (LIT 111/112) -- 6 credits
CLEP Western Civilization I (HIS 101) -- 3 credits
CLEP Western Civilization II (HIS 102) -- 3 credits
CLEP History of the United States I (HIS 113) -- 3 credits
CLEP Introductory Sociology (SOC 101) -- 3 credits
DSST Introduction to Computing (COS 101) -- 3 credits
CLEP College Mathematics (MAT 102/103) -- 6 credits
DSST Environment and Humanity (ENS 201) -- 3 credits
DSST Astronomy (AST 101) -- 3 Credits
Social Justice from a Biblical Perspective (SOS 299) -- 3 credits
CLEP College Algebra (MAT 121) -- 3 credits
Aleks Intermediate Algebra -- 3 credits
Aleks Precalculus -- 3 credits
Aleks Introduction to Statistics (STA 201) -- 3 credits
CLEP Analyzing and Interpreting Literature (LIT 291/292) -- 6 credits
CLEP English Literature (LIT 208/209) -- 6 credits
DSST Technical Writing (ENG 201) -- 3 credits
CLEP Principles of Managing (MAN 301) -- 3 credits
CLEP Principles of Marketing (MAR 301) -- 3 credits
DSST Principles of Supervision (MAN 201) -- 3 credits
DSST Introduction to Business (BUS 101) -- 3 credits
CLEP College Composition (ENC 101/102) -- 6 credits
DSST Introduction to World Religions (REL 405) -- 3 credits
BYU Course: Writing Poetry (ENGL 319R) -- 3 credits
CLEP American Literature (LIT 111/112) -- 6 credits
CLEP Western Civilization I (HIS 101) -- 3 credits
CLEP Western Civilization II (HIS 102) -- 3 credits
CLEP History of the United States I (HIS 113) -- 3 credits
CLEP Introductory Sociology (SOC 101) -- 3 credits
DSST Introduction to Computing (COS 101) -- 3 credits
CLEP College Mathematics (MAT 102/103) -- 6 credits
DSST Environment and Humanity (ENS 201) -- 3 credits
DSST Astronomy (AST 101) -- 3 Credits
Social Justice from a Biblical Perspective (SOS 299) -- 3 credits
CLEP College Algebra (MAT 121) -- 3 credits
Aleks Intermediate Algebra -- 3 credits
Aleks Precalculus -- 3 credits
Aleks Introduction to Statistics (STA 201) -- 3 credits
CLEP Analyzing and Interpreting Literature (LIT 291/292) -- 6 credits
CLEP English Literature (LIT 208/209) -- 6 credits
DSST Technical Writing (ENG 201) -- 3 credits
CLEP Principles of Managing (MAN 301) -- 3 credits
CLEP Principles of Marketing (MAR 301) -- 3 credits
DSST Principles of Supervision (MAN 201) -- 3 credits
DSST Introduction to Business (BUS 101) -- 3 credits