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Sociology and/or Psychology and/or Educational Psychology ??
Hello all,

I have six credits left to obtain my Bachelors Degree.

The area in which I need to take these six credits is: History and Social Sciences

I know I can take the Social Sciences and History CLEP test which is 6 credits, unfortunately I gave that test a shot more than six months ago and I failed. I can take it again now if I want, but I don't want to.

The options I want to go for are:
  • Introductory Sociology (3 credits)
  • Introductory Psychology (3 credits)
  • Introduction to Educational Psychology (3 credits)
  • Human Growth and Development (3 credits)

I was thinking to take Sociology since other people's posts say it is an "easy" CLEP test; and to take Psychology.

I read someone's post suggesting to take Psychology first, then Educational Psychology, and then Human Growth and Development (in this order) because they all share a big overlap.
So, this post made me think. Should I take Psychology AND Educational Psychology since they overlap each other? (this really makes sense to me); or should I take Sociology ("easy test") and Psychology as I thought initially (?)

Again, it makes sense to me to take Psychology first, then Educational Psychology because of the overlap, but I wanted to ask your opinions.

Thank you for your time and advise in advance.

(I should mention that I took the Humanities test (6 credits) and I pasted it Smile )

--Nelson B.
I took Sociology and Psychology, in that order. I scored 62 & 67 respectively. Unless you are already versed in sociology or are an extremely good guesser, I didn't find the test that "Easy." I studied for a week on both using IC, Peterson's and Specific Feedback. Based on what I remember about overlap of information, I took the exams in the right order for what I knew about them; which was absolutely nothing.
Sorry, but I can't help you with regards to the Educational Psychology exam.
Best of luck.
Thanks Storyteller for the quick response.

Well, I'm not versed in Sociology but I think I'm an extremely good guesser based on my Humanities CLEP test experience (

If I understand you correctly, yes, I don't think there is an overlap between Sociology and Psychology. My main concern is, should I forget about Sociology and take Psychology AND Educational Psychology due to their overlap?

Thanks again.

--Nelson B.
• If you want overlap, out of this whole universe there might be the most overlap between Educational Psychology and Human Growth and Development. (I haven't taken these CLEPs, I'm just reasoning from what I know of the subjects.)
• There's still enough overlap between Sociology and Psychology that that's an efficient pair too. I have a sociology textbook open in another window, to the chapter on Socialization, and it's full of Piaget, Erikson, Kohlberg, and Gilligan. You'll want to know their stages of human development for all four tests.
Sorry for the confusion - There is definitely overlap between sociology and psychology, and I'm glad I took sociology first.
Re: Educational Psychology - Hopefully someone will jump in that can help with educational psychology. In the meantime, check out the free-clep-prep website. All three tests are discussed and the info may possibly help you decide which tests to take.
Thank you for your replies.

The following post is the one that made me think twice about what tests to take and in what order:

The user "mlwilliamsiv" said the following:
"... ***Side Note*** I don't know if you're gonna wind up needing these exams for your degree requirements but if you are I suggest you take the Educational Psychology CLEP and the Human Growth & Development CLEP right after the Introductory Psychology CLEP-- and in that order. There is alot of overlap between these 3 exams. Just thought I'd give you a heads up! ..."

I have also read the following posts:

I just want to get more input about this.

Any other opinions are very welcome.

Thank you!!
Storyteller Wrote:NelsonB.
Sorry for the confusion - There is definitely overlap between sociology and psychology, and I'm glad I took sociology first.
Re: Educational Psychology - Hopefully someone will jump in that can help with educational psychology. In the meantime, check out the free-clep-prep website. All three tests are discussed and the info may possibly help you decide which tests to take.

Thanks for the clarification there.

I checked the free-clep-prep website you mentioned and it is surely full of very good information.

I was pleasantly surprised to find out that Sociology, Psychology, and Educational Psychology are all in the Level 2 on the CLEP Difficulty list (out of 5 levels) Smile

This website says Psych is one of the easier CLEPs.

The website also states that Educational Psych tends to worry a lot of people needlessly and that it is more a common sense exam.

So, so far, I tend to go for Psych and Educational Psych. Plus, I find Educational Psych to be an interesting subject so I think that helps a lot. Smile
I did not take Human Growth and Development, but I did take Lifespan Developmental Psychology. It's pretty much the DSST equivalent to HG&D, but it's supposed to be easier. Well, it wasn't easy and I heard that HG&D is the most difficult psychology test out of the CLEPs and DSSTs. Here were my scores.

Lifespan Developmental Psychology - 62
Intro to Sociology - 63
Intro to Psychology - 70
Educational Psychology - 70

I took the Intro to Psychology test and a few psychology courses before the rest of the tests.
NelsonB. Wrote:Thank you for your replies.

The following post is the one that made me think twice about what tests to take and in what order:

The user "mlwilliamsiv" said the following:
"... ***Side Note*** I don't know if you're gonna wind up needing these exams for your degree requirements but if you are I suggest you take the Educational Psychology CLEP and the Human Growth & Development CLEP right after the Introductory Psychology CLEP-- and in that order. There is alot of overlap between these 3 exams. Just thought I'd give you a heads up! ..."

I have also read the following posts:

I just want to get more input about this.

Any other opinions are very welcome.

Thank you!!
...Finally, a newbie who's smart enough to use the search engine :coolgleam:
I think Psych should be first then Educational Psych, like you said.
good luck!
- [SIZE="2"]STG[/SIZE]
[COLOR="Plum"][SIZE="1"]Intro to Sociology 51|Biology 54|Intro to Psychology 61
College Algebra A[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR="DarkOrange"]124 credits: B.A Social Sciences [B]DONE in 14 months; August 2011[/COLOR][/B]
"The pessimist sees difficulty in every opportunity. The optimist sees opportunity in every difficulty"- [COLOR="DarkOrchid"]Winston Churchill[/COLOR]
STG Wrote:...Finally, a newbie who's smart enough to use the search engine :coolgleam:
I think Psych should be first then Educational Psych, like you said.
good luck!

Lol... It does kind of make sense to read through posts first before posting... I'm pretty sure this has been discussed gazillion times here..

Anyway, thanks for your input.

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