01-30-2007, 07:07 PM
I took sociology today and I can't believe I passed. I was so nervous but that feeling was unbelievable. I feel like I am on my way and I have to give it all to this forum. You guys are so inspiring. Thank You!!!
Woohoo!!! I Passed my first CLEP!!
01-30-2007, 07:07 PM
I took sociology today and I can't believe I passed. I was so nervous but that feeling was unbelievable. I feel like I am on my way and I have to give it all to this forum. You guys are so inspiring. Thank You!!!
01-30-2007, 07:19 PM
Congrats on passing your first exam.
01-30-2007, 08:05 PM
[SIZE="3"]I told you that would pass - CONGRATS!![/SIZE]
ShotoJuku +
A.S., B.S., M.S., MBA IC Forums Senior Super Moderator Passing It On & Paying It Forward To All Just Starting or Completing Their Educational Journey! Shoto's Passing Your Exam Advice Here ---> http://www.degreeforum.net/general-educa...#post59179 God Bless The USA :patriot:
01-30-2007, 09:11 PM
Yes you did!! Thanks for the encouragement and support. Now I have to figure out what to do next.......I guess I will do my research and see what the consensus is on the next easiest clep exam
01-30-2007, 09:49 PM
You should take Human Growth and Development and then Educational Psychology. You will find that sociology is good prep for these exams and one exam naturally leads into the other. This is your best bet to take the knowledge you know have in sociology and appy it for more credit!!
01-30-2007, 09:51 PM
David Hammond
http://mydadandme.net DONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Passed: Microecon 61 Princ of Fin 60 Hum Resource Mgt 53 Org Behavior 55 Ethics in Am 66 Human Growth & Dvlpmnt 63 Intro to Ed Psych 62 Fund of Counseling 52 Analyzing & Inter Lit 56 Crim Justice 49 Intro to Law Enforce 48 Prin of Supervision 55 Intro to World Religions 64 Humanities 59 Env't & Humanity 56 Info Sys & Comp Apps 55 Drug & Alcohol Abuse 53 Intro to Comp 55 Mgt Info Sys 55 Found of Ed 64
01-31-2007, 07:31 PM
Thanks for the pointers! I was going to do Princ of Mgt, but I guess I will do Educational Psych and HG & D next since they piggyback Sociology. This forum is such a strong support system for me. I never thought I would have this much confidence about finally being able to finish school.
01-31-2007, 09:29 PM
[SIZE="3"][COLOR="navy"]Soc - Psych - Ed Psych - HG&D
12 easy credits if you follow this[/COLOR] blue print - Good Luck!![/SIZE]
ShotoJuku +
A.S., B.S., M.S., MBA IC Forums Senior Super Moderator Passing It On & Paying It Forward To All Just Starting or Completing Their Educational Journey! Shoto's Passing Your Exam Advice Here ---> http://www.degreeforum.net/general-educa...#post59179 God Bless The USA :patriot:
02-01-2007, 07:18 PM
Thanks for the advice. I already have Psych credits so I am studying for HG & D now and will take on Educ Psych next!!! I will let you guys know how it goes....
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