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Metropolia UAS IT Programme changes after 31.7.2024 - Printable Version

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Metropolia UAS IT Programme changes after 31.7.2024 - cro-magnon - 07-31-2024

Hey guys, I got new info about the Degree Programme in Information Technology at Metropolia University of Applied Sciences available to those of us who are in EU.

The option to enrol in the old 180 ECTS programme expires today 31.7.2024 at 23:59 Finnish time. (catalogue link)
A similar 120 ECTS programme will be offered after that. The price stays the same at 579 € (catalogue link)

I made a little spreadsheet for myself to compare the differences between them. 
Attaching a pdf of it for your convenience. Hope I didn't make too many mistakes.

Quick facts/explanation:
  • 68 ECTS of core courses appear to be completely unchanged from the old programme (green on spreadsheet)
  • 24 ECTS of courses appear to be equivalent between the programmes but are labelled differently (yellow)
  • 55 ECTS of courses are removed from the programme, that are otherwise not separately available in the catalogue at the moment (orange)
  • One 6 ECTS course is removed from the programme, that is also available for a fee of 50 € (purple)
  • The old programme had 27 ECTS of courses that are available separately for free. The new programme has 28 ECTS of courses that are available separately for free. The courses are different between the two programmes. (blue)

The old programme was 2/3 of the entire 240 ECTS BEng degree, while the new one is 1/2.
This may be unfortunate or fortunate, depending on your needs and circumstances.
It's a slightly inferior deal than before in terms of cost per credit if you don't intend to pursue the full degree at Metropolia. Also the 'Advanced Usage of Office Programs' will cost you an extra 50 € if you really need that specific course for whatever reason.
I'm not entirely sure about how the 'Individual study plan' thing works when you enrol as a regular degree student with them, but fewer predetermined compulsory credits may (possibly?) mean more flexibility with the degree's content overall. I hope people who already completed or are continuing their studies at Metropolia can share their experience after the programme and thoughts about the changes.

RE: Metropolia UAS IT Programme changes after 31.7.2024 - homeschoolmom1 - 07-31-2024

Somewhat unrelated, but possibly still of interest: You cannot enroll in XAMK Open University courses without a Finnish Social Security number any more EXCEPT the course "English communication skills in a multicultural work environment". 3 European credits (likely 1.5 US credits), 36 Euros. Instead of social security number you enter your date of birth.

RE: Metropolia UAS IT Programme changes after 31.7.2024 - YoooY - 07-31-2024

Has anyone managed to transfer their credits from Metropolia through ACEI? ACEI are asking for Official Transcript of Records. Do you know if Metropolia provides these documents or are the ones you print from the OMA-Intranet the only option ?

RE: Metropolia UAS IT Programme changes after 31.7.2024 - Pikachu - 07-31-2024

(07-31-2024, 02:33 PM)YoooY Wrote: Has anyone managed to transfer their credits from Metropolia through ACEI? ACEI are asking for Official Transcript of Records. Do you know if Metropolia provides these documents or are the ones you print from the OMA-Intranet the only option ?

Email Student Services:

RE: Metropolia UAS IT Programme changes after 31.7.2024 - Tomas - 08-02-2024

It seems copies of degree and transcripts are available through their store
Including delivery of certificate directly to foreign organization.

RE: Metropolia UAS IT Programme changes after 31.7.2024 - BritStudent - 08-05-2024

This information sounds a bit contradictory, as most EU citizens won't have a Finnish SSN, how would they be able to sign up at all?

RE: Metropolia UAS IT Programme changes after 31.7.2024 - Tomas - 08-05-2024

Not sure which information you are refering to, I don't see SSN mentioned in this thread. If it's about signups in general, I might be wrong but IMHO it's possible SSN is not required anymore. There were some changes in their local laws that led to perhaps a little bit of confusion and succession of changes in the info posted on their website but now on a fast check I don't see any limitations on anymore.

RE: Metropolia UAS IT Programme changes after 31.7.2024 - BritStudent - 08-06-2024

"Somewhat unrelated, but possibly still of interest: You cannot enroll in XAMK Open University courses without a Finnish Social Security number"

This was mentioned by homeschoolmom1 in this thread, has been a frequent theme in recent threads about Finnish studies - I'd love for it to be wrong though and I'll try and investigate further.

RE: Metropolia UAS IT Programme changes after 31.7.2024 - cro-magnon - 08-06-2024

(08-06-2024, 01:52 AM)BritStudent Wrote: "Somewhat unrelated, but possibly still of interest: You cannot enroll in XAMK Open University courses without a Finnish Social Security number"

This was mentioned by homeschoolmom1 in this thread, has been a frequent theme in recent threads about Finnish studies - I'd love for it to be wrong though and I'll try and investigate further.

Xamk and Metropolia are different schools. To my knowledge, Metropolia still allows EU citizens to enrol for Open UAS courses. Though it looks like they don't explicitly mention that anymore on the website.

Metropolia changed their policy last year to only allow students with Finnish personal number to enrol at their Open UAS, but later they revised this policy, exempting European Union citizens from this requirement.

This section of the website lists Finnish social security number as a requirement for enrolment in Open UAS studies:

RE: Metropolia UAS IT Programme changes after 31.7.2024 - sarahmac - 08-06-2024

Part of the reason for the restriction is because of the need to prove your identity. Finnish social numbers have e-verification. But so do a lot of other EU countries, and a lot of Finnish OUAS offer to let you verify with another EU country's e-verification. For example, I can use my German Ausweiß (ID Card) to login at several OUAS.

For those who care to: you can apply for Finnish ID at an embassy if you say you want to move to Finland and apply for a visa. You don't have to go ahead with the application, but you need the number to apply so it's an easy way to get one.