Online Degrees and CLEP and DSST Exam Prep Discussion
TESU Associate Degree General Studies or Business Administration (Homeschool Senior) - Printable Version

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TESU Associate Degree General Studies or Business Administration (Homeschool Senior) - hoffdeb - 01-22-2016

My daughter is aligning her High School requirements with her TESU Associate degree. She is a homeschool senior and has accumulated the following 36 college credit courses via Straighterline and ALEKS. Could someone please add their words of wisdom as she goes through this next step, completing an Associate degree from TESU? So far, she has earned these credits: SL Biology with lab (4), SL Environmental Science (3), SL Personal Fitness and Wellness (2), SL English Composition I and II (3, 3), SL US History I and II (3, 3), SL Western Civilization I (3), and ALEKS Intermediate Algebra, College Algebra, Pre-Calculus, and Statistics (3, 3, 3, 3). How does she best fit these courses into the degree and what does she need next to finish up the degree? What courses? She enjoys the SL format best. Thanks for your help!

TESU Associate Degree General Studies or Business Administration (Homeschool Senior) - dfrecore - 01-22-2016

Ok, so first and foremost, she will want to take 4 TECEP's in order to get the residency requirements. So those need to be planned in first. Then, using SL courses to get as many of the remaining courses as she can, here's what I would suggest:

Courses needed towards both the ASBA and AA GS:
ORAL COMM - Public Speaking (DSST or
INFO LIT - World Religions (SL) or Technical Writing (TECEP)
DIVERSITY - Sociology (TECEP), others apply by you need a TECEP and this one should be fairly easy
ETHICS - Business Ethics (SL) or Environmental Ethics (TECEP)
CIVIC ENGAGEMENT - American Government (SL)

ASBA only:
Financial Accounting (SL's Acct I)
Mangerial accounting (SL's Acct II or TECEP)
Business Law (SL)
Computers (TECEP)
Prin of Management (SL)
Prin of Marketing (CLEP or JumpCourse or Saylor)
I also suggest that if she's doing SL's accounting courses, that she continue on with the Financial Accounting (TESU considers it Int. Acctg) and Managerial Accounting (TESU considers it Cost Accounting).
Unfortunately, these Business Core courses won't count toward GE Electives.

AA GS only
Any SocSci or HUM course - I suggest the World History TECEP, it's multiple choice, and with the history she's already done, it should be a good fit
Any 8cr in GE Electives - I suggest the free Kaplan PLA course (don't do the PLA, just read through the course and take the 7 quizzes at the end of each module), the free Insurance Ethics course, and any other GE Elective. I would recommend the Applied Math TECEP, it's very easy, especially after taking the math courses she has taken.
Preserve the trust on which insurance transactions are based with an understanding of ethics

With the courses that she's already taken, and the ones she needs, she will have 9cr not counting towards her ASBA and 2cr not count towards her AA GS.