Online Degrees and CLEP and DSST Exam Prep Discussion
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Wish me luck... - Machelle - 08-17-2007

Tomorrow at 6:30 AM sharp I am getting up and going to a testing center that is over an hour away to take Here's to your Health and Fundamentals of Counseling. I studied IC ALL day for these until I scored 100% on every section. I'm pretty apprehensive, as I have never been to this testing center (no DSST's are offered in my immediate area), and I have never taken a DSST exam before. I hope I have studied enough, but I can't turn back now. It's not exactly my cup of tea to not only take vacation time to study, but to get up that early on a Saturday, but I am determined to get this done. After this, I only have two more exams to take (shooting for October) and I will be finished with the testing process.

I guess I wanted to post, because you all know how it is and what a sense of accomplishment you get when you complete these tests. I don't think my friends really "get it."

Wish me luck... - studyhard - 08-17-2007

Good luck! I hope you do really, really well! Don't be nervous!!! We're pulling for you!

Wish me luck... - ShotoJuku - 08-17-2007

[SIZE="6"]Good Luck!!![/SIZE]

Wish me luck... - Blue - 08-17-2007

Good Luck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! =]

Wish me luck... - Machelle - 08-18-2007

Thanks everyone. Well, I just got back, and I honestly don't think I did very well on the Fundamentals of Counseling exam. I had to guess on wayyy too many questions. Perhaps I didn't study enough, but I did not recognize many questions from IC at all. I think I did ok on Here's to your Health though. Now I just have to wait...I hate waiting! I am curious if others felt the way I do about Fundamentals of Counseling after you were done...

As a side note, I found the place just fine, but the proctor was nearly 20 minutes late getting there. Then he put me in a FREEZING cold room to take the exams. I was cold the entire time. I thought it was odd that there were no cameras and the guy just kept coming in and checking on me instead of sitting there. He also told me that if I wanted to, I could take a break since the exams were not timed. I know with the CLEP exams, they don't even want you going to the bathroom during the test.

Anyway, hopefully I passed both exams, but again, I'm not holding my breath.

Wish me luck... - peachygirl - 08-18-2007

GOOD LUCK!!!! I bet you do better than you think!

I was also nervous after Here's to Your Health but ended up doing ok. I am studying now for Fundamentals of Counseling so please do let us know when you get your results back. The waiting is tough but I love the relaxed atmosphere of the Dantes.

Best wishes,

Wish me luck... - Machelle - 08-19-2007

Well, now that I have read back over some things about HTYH, I am nervous as to whether or not I passed this one as well. I know of three questions I definitely answered incorrectly. Waiting for results is not fun at all. Since my next two exams will be my last, I am going to be sure to go to a testing center that offers the computerized DSST's.

As for Fundamentals of sure to study Gestalt. I drew a blank on that one, and there were quite a few questions regarding Gestalt therapy. You might want to supplement IC with some other materials that others have suggested. I really did not see much on the exam that I had studied here on IC, but others have said there were a lot of questions they had to the contrary. I'm sure it was just my version.

I must say that I was a nervous wreck going to the testing center, a nervous wreck wondering if the proctor would show up (they were doing construction on the building and there was a note on the door that the student resource center was closed), I was very tired, and I was freezing cold the entire time. If I passed either exam, I will honestly be very surprised.

Wish me luck... - auminer49r - 08-20-2007

Please keep us posted on your scores. I'm interested to hear how you did on these exams.