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studying intro to Sociology - which material is best?
I have read a ton of posts here about different study material; REA. Peterson, IC...etc... I know this is a matter of opinion but what was the winning combination? Can anyone share any success stories with me? I am buying my books and would like to know what is best.

Opinions differ on whether IC by itself is sufficient for this or any CLEP. IC + Peterson + your choice of textbook free from library if you can get it will work great. Encyclopedia Brittanica is always good to start with if you need an intro. Cliffs Notes free from might take the place of the text if you find yourself liking the subject. Opinions also differ on whether you should try for anything higher than a passing score. I would recommend doing so if you think you will take more social science exams or if your major benefits from knowledge in these subjects.

I like REAs but didn't find I needed it for this exam. I try not to buy books for exams, but I do buy nice note pads and quality pens that suit my style of working; they make me happy and productive.

CLEP Principles of Management 77
CLEP Intro to Sociology 74
CLEP Principles of Marketing 78
CLEP Information Systems and Computer Applications 75
CLEP Intro to Psychology 80
CLEP Intro Business Law 72
CLEP Principles of Macroeconomics 73
CLEP A & I Lit 75
CLEP Principles of Microeconomics 72
CLEP Financial Accounting 62
DSST Ethics in America 468
CLEP Natural Science 72
DSST Org Behavior 80
DSST Finance 462
I believe I used REA, the flashcards, specific exam feedback, and maybe a couple things from here. That was enough for a 68.
[COLOR="DarkOrchid"]B.A. in Psychology from TESC in 9 months
My degree plan:
Am I missing something here? I have taken 2 Petersons test and still feel as if the info is foreigner. I have listened to an entire podcast on the subject also. I do feel I know the material, yet the wording of the questions is the difficult part on the practice.

Suggestions anyone?
Yes, the wording can be tricky on these tests. They are testing your critical thinking skills as well as the info you have learned. If you have taken the Cleps or Dssts you will see that the question is worded in a way that makes you have to really think what they are asking. The more you take these tests you get use to the way they are worded.
My major was in Sociology so of course one would think it would come naturally to me. WRONG! This exam was the second time for me and I squeezed through with a 52.

My methods: Sociology SparkCharts, a textbook from my Sociological Theory professor, some Cliff's Notes, the Peterson's tests and some faith.

I can remember some stuff from the exam (I took it back in July) that is important to know so it is suggested that you read up on Piaget's in detail for sure.

Associate of Arts Degree: St. Petersburg College, May 2007
Bachelor of Science Degree: Florida State University, August 2010
Master of Public Administration: South University, June 2011 (or sooner)

Intro to Sociology (52)
Intro to Educational Psychology (?)
In my opinion, your goal should be to try to get a higher score than I did. Refer to my signature Wink

[Image: ccoDZ6X.png]

Maniac Craniac Wrote:In my opinion, your goal should be to try to get a higher score than I did. Refer to my signature Wink
At least you're modest . . . Just kidding, that's awesome! Just out of curiosity, what did you use to study?
[COLOR="DarkOrchid"]B.A. in Psychology from TESC in 9 months
My degree plan:
rmroberts Wrote:At least you're modest . . . Just kidding, that's awesome! Just out of curiosity, what did you use to study?
This book from the library and Peterson's tests.

[Image: ccoDZ6X.png]

I used IC, REA and Peterson and that was enough to pass the test. Sociology was my first clep test and I was very nervous but the study material was more that enough for me. Good Luck and keep us updated.

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