02-08-2011, 03:56 AM
burbuja0512 Wrote:I think that for the most part, high school counselors don't do a good job of presenting all the options. Back when I was in H.S., the counselors and the teachers made you feel like a loser if you did anything other than go straight into a four year school.
Yep, that was my experience too. So of course I enrolled! If I had to do it over, I probably would have joined the military right out of high school and taken classes part time instead of working right away and taking night classes and constantly worrying about keeping a roof over my head and feeding myself. Ah, well. It all worked out!

[COLOR="Navy"]BS Liberal Arts
Excelsior College
MS Psychology
California Coast University[/color]
Excelsior College
MS Psychology
California Coast University[/color]