08-07-2014, 06:27 AM
Congratulations! Thatâs a very impressive list. Classes start within the next few weeks but youâll need to get your credit evaluations done first. With cosc you will need at least the cornerstone and capstone courses to complete your degree(s). But I not sure if can take the cornerstone course (where you develop your degree plan) before your eval is completed and that may take 4 weeks. If you call the school and tell them you would like to start classes this semester they may put a rush on your eval after they get all of your transcripts.
Natural Sciences -Social Sciences -US History I -Intro Psychology -Human Growth and Development -Humanities -A&I Lit -College Math
Organizational Behavior -Human Resources Management -Ethics in America -Business Ethics and Society -Technical Writing -Substance Abuse
Organizational Behavior -Human Resources Management -Labor Relations -Psychology of Adulthood and Aging -Abnormal Psychology -Social Psychology -Foundations of Gerontology-Research Methods in Psychology-Contemporary Mathematics
Prior Learning Assessment
Natural Sciences -Social Sciences -US History I -Intro Psychology -Human Growth and Development -Humanities -A&I Lit -College Math
Organizational Behavior -Human Resources Management -Ethics in America -Business Ethics and Society -Technical Writing -Substance Abuse
Organizational Behavior -Human Resources Management -Labor Relations -Psychology of Adulthood and Aging -Abnormal Psychology -Social Psychology -Foundations of Gerontology-Research Methods in Psychology-Contemporary Mathematics
Prior Learning Assessment