Poll: What score do you study for?
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I study just for a pass, no matter what the score...
12 33.33%
I study for a high score...
14 38.89%
I'm in-between...
10 27.78%
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"What score do you study for?"
I study until I feel fairly certain that I'm going to pass. As a result, I have scored pretty high on many of my tests. I do it because there is $100 at stake (with the testing site fee), I want to feel comfortable taking the test, and I want to remember the information I just spent multiple hours studying Smile. Also, I want to do my very best with the opportunities that the Lord has provided for me to take these tests.
[COLOR="#000080"]The one who speaks on his own authority seeks his own glory; but the one who seeks the glory of him who sent him is true, and in him there is no falsehood. John 7:18

[COLOR="#000080"][COLOR="#0033ff"]The journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step. (Chinese proverb)

Currently working on Associate of Science in Business

[COLOR="#660000"]CLEP tests[/COLOR]
American Government - 67
History of the United States I - 72
Analyzing and Interpreting Literature - 73
Introductory Psychology - 72
Human Growth and Development - 62
College Algebra - 73
College Composition - 62
Principles of Macroeconomics - 72
Principles of Microeconomics - 73
Principles of Marketing - 72
Principles of Management - 72

DSST tests
Environment and Humanity - 69
Principles of Public Speaking - 71/PASS on speech
Principles of Supervision - 450
Intro to Business - 436
Intro to Computing - 471
I do not aim for a particular score, and I'm happy just to pass. Prof. Thoma, whose lectures I listened to for Money and Banking, objected to giving multiple choice tests as he'd always had problems with them as a student. (In my opinion, it could be that a good grade on the exam means that you can answer DSST or CLEP questions, not that you necessarily know the material.) In addtion, his class had both undergraduate and graduate students in it. While I'm sure not all professors are as considerate as he was, he was careful to explain each step of his graphs, etc., and didn't seem to expect that everyone in the class could quickly pull microeconomic or macroeconomic information from his or her brain.

My degree is for career progression. I learn many things on my own that have nothing to do with job requirements, but that I learn because they are interesting. Learning is enjoyable for me, not worrying about grades.
TESU BSBA - GM, September 2015

"Never give up on a dream just because of the time it will take to accomplish it. The time will pass anyway." -- Earl Nightingale, radio personality and motivational speaker

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