05-04-2013, 12:43 PM
I study until I feel fairly certain that I'm going to pass. As a result, I have scored pretty high on many of my tests. I do it because there is $100 at stake (with the testing site fee), I want to feel comfortable taking the test, and I want to remember the information I just spent multiple hours studying
. Also, I want to do my very best with the opportunities that the Lord has provided for me to take these tests.

[COLOR="#000080"]The one who speaks on his own authority seeks his own glory; but the one who seeks the glory of him who sent him is true, and in him there is no falsehood. John 7:18
[COLOR="#000080"][COLOR="#0033ff"]The journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step. (Chinese proverb)
Currently working on Associate of Science in Business
[COLOR="#660000"]CLEP tests[/COLOR]
American Government - 67
History of the United States I - 72
Analyzing and Interpreting Literature - 73
Introductory Psychology - 72
Human Growth and Development - 62
College Algebra - 73
College Composition - 62
Principles of Macroeconomics - 72
Principles of Microeconomics - 73
Principles of Marketing - 72
Principles of Management - 72
DSST tests
Environment and Humanity - 69
Principles of Public Speaking - 71/PASS on speech
Principles of Supervision - 450
Intro to Business - 436
Intro to Computing - 471
[COLOR="#000080"][COLOR="#0033ff"]The journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step. (Chinese proverb)
Currently working on Associate of Science in Business
[COLOR="#660000"]CLEP tests[/COLOR]
American Government - 67
History of the United States I - 72
Analyzing and Interpreting Literature - 73
Introductory Psychology - 72
Human Growth and Development - 62
College Algebra - 73
College Composition - 62
Principles of Macroeconomics - 72
Principles of Microeconomics - 73
Principles of Marketing - 72
Principles of Management - 72
DSST tests
Environment and Humanity - 69
Principles of Public Speaking - 71/PASS on speech
Principles of Supervision - 450
Intro to Business - 436
Intro to Computing - 471