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What's the advantage of graduating with a high or close to 4.0 GPA ? ~
Full time worker like me doing an online degree program (Computer Science).

Quote:Option #1 ~

Do 12~15 credits a term, (Fall/Spring), and barely get by with Cs and Bs because I'm sure I won't have alot of time to focus on everything.

I graduate sooner, faster, but lower GPA. (I think somewhere around 2.5 ~ 3.0)

Quote:Option #2 ~

Do 6~8 credits a term (Fall/Spring/Summer), and get A's and some Bs, because 2 classes each term is something I can deal with.

I graduate later, slower, but with a higher GPA. (I hope somewhere around 3.8 ~ 3.9)

Have a stable job now, but I'm hoping a CS degree can get me somewhere better - salary wise. (I've got some IT certs and experience)

I'm hoping to eventually finish a Masters in Computer Science too ~ I know those need a 3.0 GPA or higher. Or I could go back to Harvard Extension for a Software Engineering ALM.

Any thoughts ? Not sure if I should rush, or just keep it slow and steady

All of these are true except for the last one.

If you're going to spend the time and money into going to college, I'm a strong believer in applying yourself instead of merely trying to pass your classes while doing the bare minimum.
Course clear! You got a card.

Analyzing & Interpreting Literature 72|American Government 71|Introductory Sociology 63|Humanities 70|College Composition 60|U.S. History II 67|Principles of Marketing 73|Principles of Macroeconomics 67|Principles of Microeconomics 66|U.S. History I 74|College Mathematics 68|Information Systems & Computer Applications 68|College Algebra 56|Biology 63|Financial Accounting 65

B.A.S. IT Management, Class of 2015
MBA, Class of 2017
Something to note, if you're attempting the amount of classes you say you'd like to attempt, you're obviously going to alternate route of SL, Saylor, etc. these, when transferred in, will not provide you with a GPA. Something to think about.
Introduction To Computer Information Systems
French I

Intermediate Algebra
College Algebra

Art History 1
Environmental Science
Human Biology
Foundations Of English Composition
Conflict Resolution
College Readiness

nyvrem Wrote:Full time worker like me doing an online degree program (Computer Science).

Have a stable job now, but I'm hoping a CS degree can get me somewhere better - salary wise. (I've got some IT certs and experience)

I'm hoping to eventually finish a Masters in Computer Science too ~ I know those need a 3.0 GPA or higher. Or I could go back to Harvard Extension for a Software Engineering ALM.

Any thoughts ? Not sure if I should rush, or just keep it slow and steady

My thoughts are that you missed the entire sweet spot in your question. You list 2.5-3.0 as option A, and then 3.8-3.9 as option B.

IMO, you need >3.0 and in reality a 3.5 already demonstrates excellence, so do whatever you need to do to hit that and you're good to go. HES is open enrollment, killing yourself for 3/10th of a point is silly.
For the Georgia Tech program, so long as you keep that GPA above 3.0, you'll probably be good. However, since you have experience, I kind of doubt your grades should suffer so badly. I'd strive to keep it a good bit above the bare minimum, myself.
NanoDegree: Intro to Self-Driving Cars (2019)
Coursera: Stanford Machine Learning (2019)
TESU: BA in Comp Sci (2016)
TECEP:Env Ethics (2015); TESU PLA:Software Eng, Computer Arch, C++, Advanced C++, Data Struct (2015); TESU Courses:Capstone, Database Mngmnt Sys, Op Sys, Artificial Intel, Discrete Math, Intro to Portfolio Dev, Intro PLA (2014-16); DSST:Anthro, Pers Fin, Astronomy (2014); CLEP:Intro to Soc (2014); to Computers (2014); CC: 69 units (1980-88)

PLA Tips Thread - TESU: What is in a Portfolio?

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