(09-06-2020, 02:20 PM)rachel83az Wrote: Linear Algebra should be another option instead of that awful TECEP. I'm half considering capstone, cornerstone, calc III, & history of math to be able to get a CS/math degree. But that hinges on being able to pass the TECEP or linear algebra.
I think that would be doable. The cornerstone is pretty much a joke. Only the final paper is more than 2 pages and it is a 6 module course so things are due every other week.
Calc II ended my college career so I am proud of you. Back in the stone age when I was at a real college in the second year of CS my roommate came home very excited that he discovered we could get a math minor with just one more math course. I was already appalled at the amount of math we had to take for CS and couldn't imagine taking any more. I dropped out when I flunked Calc II because I couldn't go any farther in the program without it.