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What happens when Guardian Scholarship ends?
Hey, guys!  My account says, "You can take another exam in 4 days."  However, that is the day that my three-month/ Guardian Scholarship ends.  So, I'm curious to know what happens after that last day.  Do I simply lose access to my account?  

Thanks for clearing this up for me!
Yeah, mine just prompts me to buy a membership to do more.

Gymfan and I have this question also. My subscription ends on Aug. 30. The site says that I can take another exam in 4 days. I have completed extra classes and I am going to try to take more exams before the subscription runs out. I am not sure if this is possible, but I am going to try it out. If not, I will pay for another month and take the exams. I will report back.
(08-22-2017, 03:32 PM)eriehiker Wrote: Gymfan and I have this question also.  My subscription ends on Aug. 30.  The site says that I can take another exam in 4 days.  I have completed extra classes and I am going to try to take more exams before the subscription runs out.  I am not sure if this is possible, but I am going to try it out.  If not, I will pay for another month and take the exams.  I will report back.

Out of curiosity, when did your subscription start?  Mine started on May 26, so I'm just assuming it will end on August 26.  I was never actually given an end date, so I'm assuming it's when those new tests become available.
I click on the profile link from the pull down menu at the top right. From that page, I click on the membership and billing page and it lists my access end date. My access end date is Aug. 30. My dashboard says that I will have more exams in four days, so there MAY be a gap. I am interested in seeing what happens there. It probably will amount to nothing, but I am going to see.
I've got till the 30th for when my access ends, so I'm going to try and complete a class this week and take the exam...I'm pretty sure I'll be prompted to pay for the exam but I'll letcha know. The website *says* I have 2 exams available (even though I've taken the 6 already) so it's a little confusing.
My journey to TESU BSBA-GM
The Institutes (2cr): Business Ethics
Liberty University (27cr): INFT, International Business, Apologetics, Microeconomics, Biology, Non-Profit Management, Financial Acct., Computer Apps, Managerial Acct.
Liberty University MOOC (3cr): US Hist (39cr): American Government, Environmental Science, Sociology, Psychology, Labor Relations, Marketing with Electronic Media, Principles of Finance, Business Communications, HR Management, Civil War/Reconstruction, History of Vietnam War, Personal Finance, Introduction to Marketing
Straighterline (39cr): Western Civ II, Financial Accounting, Cultural Anthropology, AmHist I, AmHist II, Intro to Religion, Business Statistics, Principles of Management, English II, Business Law, Intro to Comm, Org. Behavior, Macroeconomics
ALEKS (3cr): College Algebra
TEEX (2cr): Cyber Security for Business Professionals
TESU (3cr): Strategic Management TECEP
UExcel (3cr): English 101
Huh... Mine says August 30, too. Wow. Now, I'm super curious to see what happens in four days. I'll be sure to report back!
(08-22-2017, 08:17 PM)eriehiker Wrote: I click on the profile link from the pull down menu at the top right. From that page, I click on the membership and billing page and it lists my access end date. My access end date is Aug. 30. My dashboard says that I will have more exams in four days, so there MAY be a gap. I am interested in seeing what happens there. It probably will amount to nothing, but I am going to see.
Thanks for this! I had not looked there before. I got my email on July 27th but my membership expires on the website Nov 1. So I'm guessing there is a bit of a gap? If my membership actually activated 8/1 that would be awesome because life circumstances have caused the PF course to take longer than expected. Got 'er done (86% whoop!) and am now slogging my way through History of the Vietnam War. Was thinking I wouldn't make it by the 27th but perhaps I can by the 1st!! Fingers crossed. I'm still jammin just in case.
BA in English at TESU - 2022
So I just finished my HRM problems registering for or taking the final exam.

Originalamyj, it may be too late for this, but I found the LL Civil War history course to be FAR easier than the Vietnam War course, but maybe that's because I'm just more familiar with that era. I guess your milage may vary, lol.
My journey to TESU BSBA-GM
The Institutes (2cr): Business Ethics
Liberty University (27cr): INFT, International Business, Apologetics, Microeconomics, Biology, Non-Profit Management, Financial Acct., Computer Apps, Managerial Acct.
Liberty University MOOC (3cr): US Hist (39cr): American Government, Environmental Science, Sociology, Psychology, Labor Relations, Marketing with Electronic Media, Principles of Finance, Business Communications, HR Management, Civil War/Reconstruction, History of Vietnam War, Personal Finance, Introduction to Marketing
Straighterline (39cr): Western Civ II, Financial Accounting, Cultural Anthropology, AmHist I, AmHist II, Intro to Religion, Business Statistics, Principles of Management, English II, Business Law, Intro to Comm, Org. Behavior, Macroeconomics
ALEKS (3cr): College Algebra
TEEX (2cr): Cyber Security for Business Professionals
TESU (3cr): Strategic Management TECEP
UExcel (3cr): English 101
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I had the same experience. I have already taken the six scholarship exams. Today, it refreshed again and I took the Business 312 and Business 315 exams. That makes 8 exams. It also says that I can take two more in four days. That would be Aug. 30, the same day that my scholarship access ends. So, very cool. And thanks to and Guardian for this fantastic program. I will be paying for another month and taking another five exams.

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