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New: Failed English Comp. Biology next?
I am new to this forum and will be beginning my studies again in January. Like you, I have missed a lot of high school classes. My concern is that you are in too much of a hurry. (You are very young; there is no need to rush as you are getting a school plan developed.) After reading this board, it is easy to get excited about how fast you can get credits, but I have also read several times on this board that we need to progress at our own pace. I am planning to use the first 2 years of college to catch up on what I missed in high school and get exposure to areas that interest me. Maybe I'll find a new passion.

First, figure out if you are good at learning independently/teaching yourself or if you would be more comfortable in a classroom setting with the structure and help of a teacher. This choice may depend on the subject. Be sure to give yourself a chance to really learn each subject. You will want to create a good foundation now for your future graduate school studies, where you will be in classes with students who have been through traditional programs and have put in the time and the work to be well prepared for graduate school. I am going to need to remind myself of all of this often.

I did have Biology in high school, and I am planning to study exclusively for the Biology CLEP for 2 months, since it represents 2 college courses. As I get experience with CLEP tests, I will learn if that is the right amount of studying for me. When you have no prior knowledge of a subject, be sure to plan more time to study. You were so close to passing the English test; I think if you had known what the test covered you'd have been better prepared for it. The book CLEP Official Study Guide 2009 is $16.50 at and has information and practice tests for all of the CLEP subjects.

Be sure to work closely with an adviser at your community college and at your 4 year school. You need to plan the transition from the community college to the 4 year school very carefully. Which CLEP tests does each allow? For instance, my community college wanted me to test out of Freshman English, but I knew that my 4 year college program would not allow that, so I had to fight to get the course at the community college. Will your 4 year college require biology labs?

Make a plan that sets yourself up for success. Give yourself the time to really learn and enjoy school. You are worth it!
AS in 2010 and BS in 2013 at Excelsior College - Transcripts and Costs
MS Biostatistics in 2019 at Texas A&M University - Graduate School

Sharing Credit-by-Exam* and Help for Veterans
Resources Used - 20+ Exams Passed & General GRE
Practice Tests - Available for CLEP and DSST

* Link posted with permission from forum admin; thank you!
Hi Smile
Don't worry about not passing, I think most of us on here have failed some kind of test...but you don't let that stop you, you just keep going! There are schools that will accept that score, maybe you could have CLEP transcribe them at a different school, then send them to the school you want to get your associates at?

BTW, I just failed an English essay. I was really po'd about it because I think the instructor was crazy. Now I have to do a make-up, and I won't be able to score as high. I wish I hadn't failed it, but all I can say is "oh well," retake it, and move on.
It's all good, really!
BA in Social Sciences from TESC complete!! Looking into online grad schools :coolgleam:


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