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WGU recruiting practices
I heard about WGU from this forum and was really interested in continuing my education with an MBA. I went to their web site and filled out the form to get more information. Since then it has been non stop recruiting from them. Calling, emailing, and mailing me constantly. It is like a for profit trying to lure me in. I am very disappointed with he whole experience so far. Is this really a legit school or what?

They hounded me until I finally applied like their emails kept egging me to do, then they hounded me to enroll even though they never received any transcripts and I told them I was still working on my BA. So today I get an email saying I am "Not Eligible Status" and send a transcript when I complete my BA. What?! All I did was request a brochure and now I feel like I fell down their rabbit hole or something. Has anybody else had this experience?
Aleks - Intermediate Algebra
ALEKS - College Algebra
CLEP Intro to Sociology - 67
Straighterline - Business Ethics
TECEP-Liberal Arts Math - 89
TECEP-Computer Concepts and Applications - 82
TECEP-Introduction to Business - 72
Currently working on:
TESC AA General - Done!!!
TESC BA Social Science
It takes 6-12 months for them to stop.



Current Degree Plan
Complete:  TECEP Eng Comp I, Marriage and Family, Strategic Management, Networking, Computer Concepts, Liberal Math, Tech Writing, Managerial Accounting DSST MIS, Cybersecurity Macroeconomics
Remaining:  Waiting for credits to process

I noticed the same thing, lol! It's annoying, but hey, it feels good to be "annoyed" by a legit school. Smile
Community College: College Success Skills | Gen. Psychology | Span 1 | Eng. 101 | Accounting 1 | Accounting 2 | Comp Skills Scholarship: Per. Finance | Prin. of Marketing | Digi. Mark. & Advertising | HR Manage. | Prin. of Finance

The Institutes: Ethics

Sophia: Proj. Management

Straighterline:​ Survey of World History | Principles of Management | MacroEco. | MicroEco. | American Gov | US History 1 | US History 2 | Western Civ 1 | Western Civ 2 | Business Law | Intro to Religion | Cultural Anthropology | Intro to Environ. Science | Intro to Soc

ALEKS: Inter. Algebra | College Algebra | Intro to Stats

TEEX: Cyber 101 | Cyber 201 | Cyber 301

NFA: Fire Service Supervision: Self Study

Certified: Six Sigma Yellow Belt [8 PDU]
Same here. Tried to sign up for one program, when they told me I couldn't they tried to sell me on a different program and wouldn't take no for answer.
When I apply for schools or other things like this, I give my old phone number from many years ago (land line that I no longer have), my maiden name, and my old yahoo email address, so I know that almost everything that comes through there is junk. Saves a lot of time and energy on my part.

But really, they should just leave you alone when you say NO! Even if you were interested in the future, they've now left you with a bad taste in your mouth, as well as going onto a forum and complaining about them to a bunch of people. Not the best sales & marketing plan a company can have, I'm sure.
TESU BSBA/HR 2018 - WVNCC BOG AAS 2017 - GGU Cert in Mgmt 2000
EXAMS: TECEP Tech Wrtg, Comp II, LA Math, PR, Computers  DSST Computers, Pers Fin  CLEP Mgmt, Mktg
COURSES: TESU Capstone Pers Fin, Microecon, Stats  Ed4Credit Acct 2  PF Fin Mgmt  ALEKS Int & Coll Alg  Sophia Proj Mgmt The Institutes - Ins Ethics  Kaplan PLA
APU/AMU, CSU Global, and even well-respected UC Berkeley Masters in Data Science all do the same thing too to varying extent.

Even if you enroll in WGU, they will still call you every week or two to check up on you with the student mentor. This is mandatory. I think a lot of people fail to complete degrees there.
TESU BA CS and Math (graduated December 2016)
Should I be offended (albeit relieved) that WGU never tried to stalk me? Hmmm.
Associate in Arts - Thomas Edison State University
Bachelor of Arts in Humanities - Thomas Edison State University
pursuing Master's degree, Applied Linguistics - Universidad Antonio de Nebrija

*credit sources: Patten University, Straighterline, Learning Counts, The Institutes, Torah College Credits, Kaplan Open College, UMUC, Thomas Edison State University (guided study liberal arts capstone)
I agree their recruiting procedures are a bit aggressive for my test. I think they're a great school, but I have a strong distaste for these aggressive recruiting tactics. I know other non-profits are taking this approach lately, and I'm sure it's effective, but it's just plain tacky.

I would suggest giving them a firm, I'm not interested at this time please don't contact me again. I'd be surprised if they continue to follow up.
Currently studying for: Still deciding.

2020 - Harvard Extension School - ALM IT Management 
2019 - Harvard Extension School - Graduate Certificate Data Science
2018 - Harvard Extension School - Graduate Certificate Cyber Security
2016 - WGU - MBA Mgmt & Strategy
2015 - Thomas Edison State College - BSBA Marketing & CIS
dfrecore Wrote:But really, they should just leave you alone when you say NO! Even if you were interested in the future, they've now left you with a bad taste in your mouth, as well as going onto a forum and complaining about them to a bunch of people. Not the best sales & marketing plan a company can have, I'm sure.

Exactly, with all the news about for profit schools and their underhanded practices to lure in unsuspecting students, this just looks and feels foul. It just seems like they need to fill seats and they don't care who fills them as long as they can pay. It just makes it very clear that education is nothing but a business and students are seen as dollar signs.
Aleks - Intermediate Algebra
ALEKS - College Algebra
CLEP Intro to Sociology - 67
Straighterline - Business Ethics
TECEP-Liberal Arts Math - 89
TECEP-Computer Concepts and Applications - 82
TECEP-Introduction to Business - 72
Currently working on:
TESC AA General - Done!!!
TESC BA Social Science
Well, look on the bright side that they are reaffirming your interest. I think it is a good school but if you are not for these calls then you may have to find your MBA elsewhere because once you enroll, you will be assigned a personal student mentor who will call you every week and email you numerous time to keep you on track and check up on your progress. I personally like it simply because that places an accountability on you and help you not to procrastinate that you would otherwise. They are quick to response and easy to work with.

in your case, you may have to OPT OUT of their marketing list until you finish your Bachelors. But...don't be offended. WGU is good not-for profit school.
TESU - BSBA General Management (Completed !!)

WGU MBA - Journey Started for 2016 -2017 .
C200 Managing Organizations and Leading People (Complete 11/7/16)
C202 Managing Human Capital
C211 Global Economics for Managers

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