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Us History 1 Or Anthropology???
Hello, can anyone tell me which of these exams would be easier???? Which requires less study time??? What about college algebra for someone who havent had algebra in over 18years? I need an easy science or history elective...Any help is appreciated!! Please. Thanks.
Hello Tyrell9 and welcome to InstantCert!!!

I can't answer your question personally because I haven't taken the exams you mentioned. However, I could provide future assistance if I knew what college you're attending, your major, and whether you need a Social Science/History Elective or Natural Science/History Elective.

You probably can get some feedback on either exam if you use the SEARCH feature that is available on this forum. Just click on SEARCH and in the SEARCH FORUM box - type in Anthropology and it will pull up posts that include that word. I highly recommend using the SEARCH feature because nine times out of ten, we rarely ask questions that someone else hasn't already asked!!!

Since you said that you haven't had Algebra in a while, I would suggest you look into ALEKS:

ALEKS -- Assessment and Learning, K-12, Higher Education, Automated Tutor, Math

Just make sure that your college will grant credit for ACE recommended courses. I just completed Beginning & Intermediate Algebra with ALEKS and I would highly recommend it. Plus, it's only $19.95 per month and you can take as many classes as you can finish within that time frame for the $19.95. I think that's a great deal. I would suggest that you start there with Beginning Algebra and take the assessment. You only need to assess at 70% to get credit through ACE, who in turn will place it on an ACE transcript.

Also, if you haven't already done so, sign up for InstantCert. Then you will have access to the Specific Exam Feedback section as well as flashcards for CLEPS/DSSTS/and ECE exams. And it's only $20 a month...can't beat that either.

Again, welcome to InstantCert and if you need further assistance, always feel free to ask because that's what this site is all about. We are all here to help, support, and encourage each other on our educational journies.

Peace be with you always.

From a loyal degree seeker,
Thomas Edison State University (TESU)
Enrolled in BA in Liberal Studies - 105/120 Completed

Associate in Science, Excelsior College
Thank you for your response. I have already searched as you suggested previously, but I still needed to know from those who have taken these two courses which would be a quicker preparation... I am an ECE nursing student. I am almost done with all my general education classes, and now preparing to take my CPNE soon. Thanks.
tyrell9 Wrote:Thank you for your response. I have already searched as you suggested previously, but I still needed to know from those who have taken these two courses which would be a quicker preparation... I am an ECE nursing student. I am almost done with all my general education classes, and now preparing to take my CPNE soon. Thanks.

Welcome to the forum. Will the CLEP Social Science & History take care of the credit you need? I found it very broad and it didn't go to much in depth. I thought it was pretty easy to study for rather than US History I & II. Also, its worth 6 SH.
[SIZE="1"][SIZE="3"][SIZE="2"]Excelsior College - DONE[/SIZE][/SIZE]
[SIZE="2"]AAS-[SIZE="1"]2009[/SIZE], BSLS-[SIZE="1"]2010[/SIZE] [/SIZE]

[COLOR="DarkRed"][B][SIZE="2"]Thomas Edison State College - DONE[/SIZE]
[SIZE="2"]BA in History[/SIZE]-[SIZE="1"]2011[/SIZE][/COLOR][/B]

[SIZE="2"]Texas A&M University Central Texas[/SIZE]
Master of Arts in History - 18/36 SH

CLEPs Passed
[SIZE="1"][SIZE="1"]Spanish, Freshman Comp, English Comp w/ Essay, Social Science & Hist, Info Sys & Comp App, Intro Sociology, Prin of Mngmt, American Gov , US History I, US History II, Western Civ I, Western Civ II[/SIZE][/SIZE]
DSSTs Passed
[SIZE="1"][SIZE="1"]Civil War & Reconstruction, Rise & Fall of Soviet Union, History of Vietnam War, Intro Modern Middle East, Western Europe Since 1945, Drug and Alcohol, Here's to Your Hlth, Intro To Comp, Prin of Sup, Technical Writing, Prin of Physical Science I[/SIZE][/SIZE]

Quote: There are no stupid questions, only stupid people. "Mr. Garrison"[/SIZE]
I have not take history I, but I did take Western Civ I and II, and Anthropology.

I would say take Anthropology. I got the Sparkcharts for Anthopology which was 3 pages or so, and read them an hour a day or so for 3 days and got a 58 on the Anthro DSST
College Algebra - 60
Western Civ I - 59
Western Civ II - 58
Macro Econ - 60
Marketing - 76
Managemnt - 72

Anthropology - 58
Civil War & Recon - 67
Vietnam - 71
Rise & Fall of Soviet Union - 64
Anthro might be a bit easier, but I would go with whichever one interests you more.
BS Liberal Arts, focus in Psych, Excelsior, May 2010
Up next, MS Psych thru distance learning, after a bit of a break to gather money for tuition.

122 credits total.
91 through testing in 6 months!

8/7/9 3U: Sub Abuse. 463
8/7/9 3: HTYH 453
10/6/9 3: Soc. 74
10/9/9 6: Interp. Lit 71
10/14/9 3: HG & D 68
10/14/9 3: Fund. Coun 62
11/03/9 6: Humanities 69
11/3/9 3: Astronomy 59
11/10/9 3: World Religions 461
11/10/9 6: Fresh Comp. 70
12/1/9 3: Gov 54
12/1/9 3: Ethics 457
12/3/9 3: Anthro 63/47
12/3/9 3: Org Behavior 66/48
12/10/9 1 PF: Info Lit. A
12/15/9 3U ECE: A & A A
12/18/9 3U ECE: Gerontology B
12/28/09 3U ECE: Cult Div B
12/29/09 3U ECE: Social Psych B
12/31/09 3U ECE: World Pop A
1/07/10 3: US Hist 61
1/14/10 3U: Civil War 61
1/20/10 3U ECE: Ab Psych A
1/10 3 SL: Eng 101 B
2/05/10 3: Ed Psych 71
2/19/10 3U ECE: Research Psych A
3/01/10 3U: Business Ethics 435
3/01/10 6: Social Science & History 66
3/02/10 3: US History II 61 [/COLOR][/SIZE]
Thanks to all who have responded. I just need an elective worth three credits. I have taken all humanities and sociology already. I can't duplicate my previously earned credit. I wish I hadn't already taken all the classes I am really interested in already.Because now at the end, its making it a bit more challenging to finish up... Hence, as a believer in Christ, anthropology goes against everything I believe and have been taught, on the other hand US history is just that history! Don't care for it to much! I know it's good to know ones history so its not repeated. I just want to be done already...And wish there was something a little more up beat to complete..Oh, well, I ordered the essential anthropology book and will study from it as well as from IC, and hope and pray for a pass! Thanks.

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